属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-老人的故事 Old man’s tales
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-"可可"债券 大规模转变
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-企业管治 毒丸防御重出江湖
1 | 隐喻能力对外语教学的启示 | Implications of Metaphorical Competence for Foreign Language Teaching | |
2 | 隐喻性成语的语义映射 | Semantic Mapping in Chinese Metaphorical Idioms | |
3 | 隐喻性科学理论的构成模式 | The Metaphorical Model of Scientific Theory-Constitution | |
4 | 英汉隐喻性词汇对比研究 | A Contrastive Study of Metaphorical Words in English and Chinese | |
5 | 英汉有关时间概念隐喻的差异及其民族文化根源探究 | The Differences between Time Conceptual Metaphors and the Relevant Metaphorical Representations in Chinese and English and Their Cultural Origins | |
6 | 英语人体成语的隐喻性 | The Metaphorical Nature of English Body-part Idioms | |
7 | 英语隐喻词汇的婚俗文化解读 | Decoding the Marriage Customs Encoded in English Metaphorical Vocabulary | |
8 | 英语植物词汇的比喻意义 | The Metaphorical Meaning of English Plant Words | |
9 | 有时他的文章富有隐喻,这是梭罗得力于托马斯?布朗之类的作家的地方。 | Sometimes his writing has a metaphorical richness that reminds us of the debt Thoreau owes to such authors as Sir Thomas Brown | |
10 | 自然与女性之隐喻的生态女性主义批评 | An Eco-feminist Approach to the Metaphorical Relation between Nature and Women | |
11 | ||1:艾哈迈德先生出生于1933年,他大部分的工作时间都用在作为该地区的巴基斯坦的邮政公务员。||2: 《流浪的猎鹰》是在1974年完成的,并且直到他的朋友和家人希望他将这本书给Meru Gokhale看前,这本书40年都没出版。 ||3: Meru Gokhale是企鹅印度出版公司的年轻编辑。艾哈迈德先生用知情人的知识,细心的细节描述和让人敬佩的语言上的克制来写出这本书。 ||4:隐喻的华丽辞藻很少出现在文中,他大多数时候从来都不做出个人的判断。||5:这就是他所说的部落生活如何既不传奇化他们的生活也不批判他们的生活方式的方法。 | ||1: Born in 1933, Mr Ahmad spent his working life as a Pakistani civil servant in postings up and down the region. ||2: “The Wandering Falcon” was completed in 1974 and sat unpublished for four decades until friends and family persuaded him to show it to Meru Gokhale, a young editor at Penguin India. ||3: Mr Ahmad writes with an insider’s knowledge, a careful attention to detail and an admirable restraint in his language. ||4: Metaphorical flourishes are rare and he is almost never judgmental. ||5: This is how the tribes live, he says, neither romanticising nor criticising their way of life. | |
12 | ||1:从民意调查来看,这种努力是成功的,即使一些隐喻性的华丽辞藻不合时宜。||2:有些人似乎搞不清到底是谁在进行政治迫害:在万圣节前夕,共和党人出售将民主党领导人描绘成女巫的t恤。||3:与此同时,真正的政变是用坦克占领总统府,而不是在冗长的国会听证会上提供专家证词。||4:私刑是一个令人不快的类比,也是一个不恰当的类比;对美国黑人的谋杀,通常是出于想象中的越轨行为,与试图通过宪法批准的方式罢免世界上最有权势的人几乎没有什么共同之处。 | ||1: To judge from opinion polls, this effort is succeeding, even if some of the metaphorical flourishes are in poor taste.||2:Some people seem to be confused about who does the chasing in a witch-hunt: at Halloween Republicans sold t-shirts depicting Democratic leaders as witches.||3:Actual coups, meanwhile, involve the telegenic seizure of the presidential palace with tanks, not expert testimony in plodding congressional hearings.||4:Lynching is an offensive analogy as well as an inapposite one; the murder of black Americans, often for imaginary transgressions, has little in common with the attempted removal of the world’s most powerful man by constitutionally sanctioned means. | |
13 | ||1:拥护者将cocos形容为“先行投资的权利股发行”,是其他易燃资本结构的一个隐喻性的灭火器。||2:但是类似的“混血”产物在过去的经济危机中并未奏效;同时新生代的cocos从未接受过考验。||3:有些人苦恼coco的债券持有人将会在发行者无视资本主义规律继续回报股东之时蒙受损失。 | ||1:Fans describe cocos as “pre-funded rights issues”, a metaphorical fire extinguisher in an otherwise tinder-like capital structure.||2:But similar “hybrid” instruments misfired in the last crisis; none of the new generation of cocos has ever been tested.||3:Some fret that coco bondholders could incur losses even as the issuer continues to reward shareholders, in defiance of fundamental laws of capitalism. | |
14 | ||1:在束手无策的鼠患下,美国公司再次祭出了“毒丸”这项的杀招。||2:在上世纪80年代,“老鼠”仅表示资本市场上的恶意收购者,而这也是毒丸防御系统最初的针对目标。但在如今的某些情况下,“毒丸”所对付的对象也转向了一些试图改变公司营运方针的股东。 | ||1:POISON pills are again being dispensed by corporate America with all the enthusiasm of an exterminator in a rat-infested basement.||2:The metaphorical rodents nowadays are not just hostile bidders—the pests that the poison-pill defence was designed to exterminate, back in the 1980s—but in some cases shareholders simply trying to change the way companies are run. | |
15 | 让他们投入到深渊中(不论是现实中真实存在的还是隐喻性的),他们假设,这么做就能 | to throw themselves into both the literal and metaphorical deep end, on the presumption that, having done so, | |
16 | “话语”的隐喻认知模式 | On the Metaphorical Cognition Mode of "Discourse" | |
17 | 《药物科学杂志》把他们的方案描述成一个隐身的安全套。 | Their solution, described in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, is more than a metaphorical analogy to the condom. | |
18 | 边界条件将等待未测试的、范围之外数据,允许它们将您的应用程序带到其管辖范围之内。 | The boundary conditions wait, untested, for out-of-domain data that will permit them to bring your application to its metaphorical knees. | |
19 | 茶党的海港又多了一个受害者 | Tea-partiers dump another victim in the metaphorical harbour | |
20 | 词汇、理据和文化内涵相似,喻义相同; | that with the same metaphorical meaning and similar words, motivations, and cultural connotations; | |
21 | 词汇隐喻和语法隐喻构成了科技语篇隐喻的主要内容。 | Both lexical metaphor and grammatical metaphor constitute the major components of metaphorical discourse of Scientific English. | |
22 | 从本义到其隐喻义,可以看作是一种此类事物语义映射到彼类事物的认知活动。 | The progression from conceptual meaning to metaphorical meaning is a cognitive activity of mapping from one thing to another. | |
23 | 从高级英语看隐喻词汇的认知意义 | Advanced English Course and the Cognitive Meaning of Metaphorical Words | |
24 | 从认知语言学角度看阅读过程中的隐喻思维 | On Metaphorical Thinking of Reading: A Recognitive Linguistic Perspective | |
25 | 从文化语境看汉英隐喻意义及其取象 | Metaphorical Meaning in Chinese and English Seen from Context of Culture | |
26 | 从隐喻思维看转化法的构词理据 | Analysis of the Motivation of Conversion From the Metaphorical thinking | |
27 | 从英汉习语看动物名称的隐喻观 | Metaphorical Significance in English and Chinese Idioms with Animal Terms | |
28 | 从喻体和喻义看英汉比喻的文化差异 | Vehicle and metaphorical meaning in cultural context of Chinese and English trope | |
29 | 打个比方,如果美国国际集团一枪打在了自己的脚上,以此要求政府出手援救,那么反对救市的理由将令人信服。 | If AIG had shot off its own metaphorical foot to claim a government bail-out, the argument against the bail-out would be compelling. | |
30 | 大约500年前,英语吸纳了这个单词,并以隐喻的方式——我一直都在本文中讨论这个意思——来使用它。 | English drew this word into the language in a metaphorical way about 500 years ago and applied it just as I’ve been discussing here. |