1 | “…一条条白帆船在行驶;上船…挂着各国的旗号,不是在耀武扬威,只是表明它们从遥远的地带来到这个大市场,装运它们的日用品或奢侈品”。 | …white-sailed ships were gliding with the ensigns of all nations not“braving the battle”,but telling of the distant Lands, …that sent to that mighty mart for their comforts or their luxuries | |
2 | 采石矶是一块巨石,突露水面,江涛撞击,白浪卷天,惊心动魄。 | Being a huge one-piece rock rising out of the mighty Yangtse, it is being incessantly pounded by the river’s currents which swell thus into huge waves, creating a sight that can only strike awe in the beholder | |
3 | 曹操见了,丢魂丧胆,只得央求关羽说:"我今天无路可走了,望将军看在我们往日的情份上,给我留一条活路!" | At the sight of Guan Yu’s mighty force, the hopeless and disappointed Cao Cao had to beg Guan Yu for a way out. "Now I am pressed in the corner. Please take mercy on me for our past friendship and let me go." | |
4 | 除非你能通过拉丁语对使罗马变得既辉煌又可耻的那些大规模活动的盛衰,获得更好的理解和更全面的感受,否则研究拉丁语又有什么用处? | What is the use of studying Latin unless you can get through it a better understanding, a more complete feeling of the mighty activities in their heights and depths that made Rome both glorious and ignoble? | |
5 | 此时,大风暴正以雷霆万钧之势在奔驰,闪电一次次划过夜空,象一条浑身带火的赤炼蛇,照亮了那浑沌汹涌的浪潮卷滚着的云层。 | The tempest was let loose nd beating the atmosphere with its mighty wings; from time to time a flash of lightning stretched across the heavens like a fiery serpent, lighting up the clouds that rolled on in vast chaotic waves | |
6 | 从初级入门的286到强大联线的486机型,Dell公司应有尽有。 | Dell has systems and everything that goes with them, from entry-level 286s to mighty networking 486 models. | |
7 | 从这些情况看来,市场先生实在是一位非常大方的好朋友。 | In cases such as these, Mr. Market has proven to be a mighty good friend. | |
8 | 当今世界上,只有巴西亚马逊河口的涌潮可与之媲美。 | It is said that in the world today only the tidal bore at the mouth of the mighty amazon in Brazil can be a rival to that at the mouth of Qiantang | |
9 | 当我细细咀嚼那些英雄的盛名和伟大的将军们的胜利时,我并不羡慕那些将军(沃特·惠特曼)。 | When I peruse the conquered fame of Heros and the victories of mighty generals,I do not envy the generals(Walt Whitman. | |
10 | 登上碣石仙台,方圆百余里景物尽收眼底,渤海清波帆影,历历在目。 | Standing on Fairy Summit and casting one’s eyes all around, one commands an unobstructed view of the mighty sea below extending for tens of miles with gleaming, rippling waves and an occasional sail or two | |
11 | 都市的整个中心区域带着一种高不可攀的神气,仿佛故意要叫一前来找职业的人感到惶恐不安,故意要使贫富之间的鸿沟加宽加深。 | The entire metropolitan center possessed a high and mighty air calculated to overawe and abash the common applicant and to make the gulf between poverty and success seem both wide and deep. | |
12 | 队伍翻过了雄伟的高山峭壁的顶峰。 | The army had passed the summit of the mighty mountain wall. | |
13 | 呃,无能为力,无能为力喽,不过,“盖世雄杰,何竟死亡!”你也只好想着这句话,宽宽自己的心了。 | Oh-nothing, nothing; except chasten yourself with the thought of“how are the mighty fallen” | |
14 | 而那一个用一双强有力的手使劲地把欧罗巴往她那边拽,而欧罗巴竟也有些不能自持,那女人还说欧罗巴命里注定是她的战利品,这是身穿胸铠的朱庇特的意旨。 | But that other with mighty hands, and forcefully, kept haling the maiden, nothing loth; declaring that, by the will of aegis-bearing Jupiter, Europa was destined to be her prize | |
15 | 佛陀在树下整整呆了五个星期,见证了自己所有的前世。后来大风暴袭来了 | For five weeks Buddha remained under the tree, while all his previous lives were revealed to him, and then the mighty tempest occurred, but Muchalinda, king of the Nagas, protected the monk by wrapping his serpentine body around the youth | |
16 | 工人进行的强大的抗议游行示威 | A mighty demonstration of protest by the workers | |
17 | 海是死亡之母并且她确实是女性化的 | The sea is mother-death and she is a mighty female | |
18 | 河岸附近有一道肉眼看不见、却如石砌般坚固的堡垒,横亘在岸与岸之间,环绕着城堡。 | Close to the shore of the river arose a mighty bastion as of stone, invisible to mortal eyes, which surrounded the castle from shore to shore | |
19 | 极具说服力的演说家;猛击 | A mighty orator;a mighty blow. | |
20 | 竭尽全力地以强有力的姿态;强大地 | In a mighty manner;powerfully. | |
21 | 今天我要向诸位谈的这件事是十分重大的,我想到自己德薄才浅,心里的确很惶恐… | The cause which I am to mention to you this day is of such mighty importance, that when I consider my own small abilities, I tremble with an apprehension…… | |
22 | 尽管如此,其他王公和国家并不这样看待哈布斯堡政权的大规模兼并。 | Nonetheless, that was not how the other princes and states viewed this mighty agglomeration of Habsburg power | |
23 | 就是从她们这些强壮的肚皮里,有一天总会生产出一种有自觉的人类。 | Out of those mighty loins a race of conscious beings must one day come | |
24 | 巨大的冰山出现在眼前。 | The mighty iceberg came into view. | |
25 | 巨大的石筑城堡 | A mighty stone fortress. | |
26 | 巨大的震动及随后的轻微震荡. | A mighty tremor followed by minor concussions | |
27 | 巨灵神逞强好胜,被大圣打得丢盔弃甲。 | The Mighty Magic Spirit was too headstrong to flaunt his superiority but he was bitterly defeated by Monkey. | |
28 | 据记录,肌肉运动最快的动物应属有体力的蠓虫了。 | The fastest muscle movement ever recorded belongs to the mighty midge | |
29 | 涓滴之水汇成洋 | Little drops of water make the mighty ocean. | |
30 | 涓滴之水汇成洋。 | Little drops of water make the mighty ocean |