属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-衍生品清算 迫在眉睫的危机
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-互联网及文件共享 网站大搜捕
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-细胞生物学 各就各位
1 | 这里面的主要问题是,单是有构造圈闭是不足以构成石油聚集的,还必须有足够的石油碳氢化合物运移到圈闭中去。 | The main problem is that the structures alone are not enough, the petroleum hydrocarbons have to be available to migrate into them. | |
2 | 这群鹦鹉通常把苏渥公园当作自己的家,目前已知它们每年有一段时间会往北迁移5英里,迁往西雅图的另一个公园。 | The flock usually call Seward Park home but have been known to migrate 5 miles north to another park in Seattle for part of the year. | |
3 | 这位爱尔兰人是什么时候移居美国的? | When did the irish migrate to the United States? | |
4 | 这些鸟春天向北迁徙,秋天向南迁徙。 | These birds migrate northwards in spring and southwards in fall. | |
5 | 这些鸟冬天迁徙到北非。 | These birds migrate to north africa in winter. | |
6 | 这些鸟在春天移栖北方,秋天移栖南方。 | These birds migrate northwards in spring and southwards in fall | |
7 | 只要可能,许多个体即洄游入海,像其它种的海洋型一样,被称为海鳟,亦可能几年内不返回淡水中。 | Many cutthroat trout that live in rivers migrate to sea. Like oceanic forms of other trout species, these fish are called sea trout and may not reenter freshwater for several years. | |
8 | 组氨酸在pH8和12时的净电荷是多少?在这两种pH下,组氨酸当放在电场中时向正极还是向负极移动? | What is the net charge of histidine at pH 8, and 12? For each pH, will histidine migrate toward the anode (+)or cathode (-)when placed in an electric filed? | |
9 | ||1:但是这无疑将招致意外的后果。||2:实用的产品交易量会减少。||3:风险产品的交易可能转移至不受监管的实体。||4:银行可能会被交易账户和银行账户之间变换的资产诱惑,进入一套新的监管套利模式。||5:最坏的情况可能是由于额外的复杂性造成的后台拙劣的工作风险增加 。 | ||1:But unintended consequences will doubtless follow.||2:Useful products may become less tradable.||3:Trading of riskier products could migrate to unregulated entities.||4:Banks may be tempted into new forms of regulatory arbitrage, by juggling assets between their trading book and their banking book.||5:Worst of all, perhaps, is the increased risk of back-office bungling because of the extra complexity. | |
10 | ||1:其他交易所亦前仆后继。||2:纽约泛欧交易所集团与德国证券交易所的合并本可与欧洲期交所清算公司( Eurex Clearing)拉上关系,欧洲期交所清算公司是德国证券交易所的CCP。||3:目前纽约泛欧交易所集团将致力于打造泛欧交易所清算所(NYSE Liffe Clearing),该清算所清算伦敦国际期货金融交易所(Liffe)的期货交易,完全是一个CCP。||4:3月28日LSE宣布计划在2014年初将其衍生品清算业务扩张至欧洲大陆,而这取决于监管当局的许可(其欧洲大陆股票现货交易将继续在LCH.Clearnet进行清算)。 | ||1:Others are also crowding round.||2:NYSE Euronext’s merger with Deutsche Borse would have plugged it into Eurex Clearing, the German exchange’s CCP.||3:Now it will work on making NYSE Liffe Clearing, which clears the trades on London’s Liffe futures exchange, a full CCP.||4:On March 28th it announced plans for its continental derivatives-clearing activity to migrate there by early 2014, subject to regulatory approval (its continental cash equities will continue to be cleared by LCH. | |
11 | 对Megaupload进行的法律诉讼将很可能导致一些文件共享服务提供商将业务转移到像俄罗斯这样对知识产权保护较弱的国家。 | The legal assault on Megaupload will probably cause at least some traffic to migrate to cyberlockers in Russia and other countries where property rights are weak. | |
12 | 许多基因可以通过观察癌细胞找到。转移性肿瘤细胞---那些已从原发部位扩散开的细胞---比别的细胞移动得要快。 | Metastatic tumour cells—those which have spread from the site of the original tumour—migrate faster than other cells. | |
13 | 转移性肿瘤细胞—那些已从原发部位扩散开的细胞—比别的细胞移动得要快。 | Metastatic tumour cells—those which have spread from the site of the original tumour—migrate faster than other cells. | |
14 | “如果在家就能过好,谁想出去打工,”她说,“我们这儿的年轻人现在都在外打工。” | "If people livedwell at home, who would want to migrate , " she said. "All of our youngpeople are working elsewhere. " | |
15 | 1999年一研究发现,一些沙丘会在旱季风吹的作用下每年迁移约17.5米(57.5英尺)。 | A 1999 study found that some dunes migrate about 17. 5 meters (57. 5 feet) a year, pushed by relentless dry-season winds. | |
16 | ADMT迁移用户帐户、计算机帐户和安全组时可以带也可以不带安全标识符(SID)历史记录。 | ADMT can migrate user accounts, computer accounts and security groups with or without the security identifier (SID) history. | |
17 | SaaS在推广IT的“空心化”:公司有迁移系统的需求却不需要相应的专家。 | SaaS promotes the "hollowing out" of IT: a firm that needs to migrate to another system will no longer have the required expertise. | |
18 | TeamFoundation包括帮助将数据迁移到TeamFoundation的转换器。 | Team Foundation includes converters to help you migrate the data into Team Foundation. | |
19 | VisualStudio2005提供了一个批处理文件,可用于将现有的.tdl文件迁移到.vspolicy和.vspolicydef文件。 | Visual Studio 2005 provides a batch file that can be used to migrate existing. Tdl files to. Vspolicy and. Vspolicydef files. | |
20 | 本地性市场供给的增加之下,性工作者也可能迁移到价格高的地方。 | Sex workers may also migrate to places where prices are high, increasing the local supply of market sex. | |
21 | 比如,我们迄今还不清楚,食品包装上使用的纳米颗粒是否会渗入食品或饮料中。 | For example, it remains unclear whether nanoparticles used in food packaging might migrate or leach into food or beverages. | |
22 | 比如在金融衍生领域,投资银行有着共识:由于交易向中央结算及中央交换转移,大宗交易商将受到影响。 | In derivatives, for instance, the common wisdom is that big dealers will be hurt as trades migrate to central clearing and exchanges. | |
23 | 不过,究竟这些资金中有多少能穿越340英里的距离,进入像奥奇古这样平常百姓的腰包里,还是一个问题。 | How much of that will migrate 340 miles north and into the pockets of ordinary people such as Ochkhuu is an open question. | |
24 | 不建议使用外部迁移路径从Exchange5.5迁移,但在某些情况下此方法可能是必要的。 | Using an external migration path is not the recommended way to migrate from Exchange 5. 5, but it may be necessary in some situations. | |
25 | 尝试从相同应用程序的早期版本迁移以前的用户范围设置。 | Attempts to migrate previous user-scoped settings from a previous version of the same application. | |
26 | 成千上万的人将被迫从沿海地区迁移到正越来越贫穷及拥挤的内陆城市地区。 | Thousands of people would be forced to migrate from the coast to increasingly impoverished and crowded urban areas inland. | |
27 | 城市居民因户籍制度而受益,但那些从这个城市搬到那个城市的人们仍旧充满怨言。 | Urban citizens benefit from the hukou system, but those who migrate between cities are also irked by it. | |
28 | 从7月至11月,座头鲸从南极出发,途经巴西海岸向北迁徙并进行交配。 | The whales migrate north from Antarctica to mate from July to November off the coast of Brazil. | |
29 | 单击“升级”可以将表迁移到新的数据库架构。 | Click Upgrade to migrate the tables to the new database schema. | |
30 | 当客户选择不迁移到新排序规则时,SQLServer2000中的排序规则在SQLServer2005中将受到支持。 | Collations from SQL Server 2000 will be supported in SQL Server 2005 in cases where customers choose not to migrate to new collations. |