1 | 欧洲和北美洲主管科技政策的部长会议 | Conference of Ministers Responsible for Science and Technology Policy in the European and North American Region | |
2 | 欧洲联盟主管发展和人道主义援助部长关于大湖区局势的特别会议 | special meeting of European Union Development and Humanitarian Aid Ministers on the situation in the Great Lakes region | |
3 | 欧洲区域内负责社会事务的部长会议 | Conference of Ministers responsible for Social Affairs within the European Region | |
4 | 其结果是自第一次世界大战以来内阁大臣们的权力不断扩大的情况已有80年了。 | The result has been 80 years since the first world war of a steady accretion of power to ministers | |
5 | 区域科技合作部长会议〔亚太区经济合作组织〕 | Ministers ’ Conference on Regional Science and Technology Co-operation [Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation] | |
6 | 人们称牧师为上帝的奴仆。 | Ministers are called the servants of God. | |
7 | 如果内阁部长和外交家对国际法也受普遍流行的怀疑主义的影响,那么今后违犯国际法的事件与现在相比就会更加频繁。 | If cabinet ministers and diplomats shared the popular scepticism about international law, then international law would be broken far more often than it is | |
8 | 上周,共同体外长们透露,要是华沙同意进行改革的话,他们正考虑对波兰提供一笔为数好几十亿美元的援助。 | The Common Market foreign ministers leaked word last week that they were considering a multibillion-dollar aid plan for Poland--if warsaw agreed to reforms | |
9 | 圣餐礼开始时唱的赞美诗牧师开始宗教仪式时,特别是在英国圣公会教堂中唱的圣歌或赞美诗 | A hymn or psalm sung when the ministers enter at the opening of a service,especially in the Anglican Church. | |
10 | 世界卫生组织欧洲区域成员国环境与卫生部长会 | Conference of Ministers of the Environment and of Health of the Member States of the European Region of the World of Health Organization | |
11 | 谁有权动用这支混杂军队?是法国总统?还是英国首相?或许是北约国防部长委员会。如果有谁曾坚持坐下来看完多国部队的喜歌剧的演出,他们会马上认识到这是重返旧途。 | Who would have the power to fire this hybrid armament?The French President?The British Prim Minister?Possibly a committee of NATO Defence Ministers .Those who sat through the comic opera of the Multilateral Force will realise at once that this is where we came in. | |
12 | 他救济穷人。 | He ministers to the wants of the poor. | |
13 | 他们都是本朝大臣。 | They are ministers of this court. | |
14 | 他为赢得其他大臣的支持而竭尽全力,却因失算而彻底受挫 | He was completely outmanoeuvred in his campaign to win the support of other ministers | |
15 | 我希望明天就能完成几位主要大臣的任命。 | I hope to complete the appointment of principal Ministers during tomorrow | |
16 | 我希望在明天之内能完成主要的内阁大臣的任命。 | I hope to complete the appointment of the principal Ministers during tomorrow | |
17 | 我向国会表明,一如我向入阁的大臣们所表明的,我所能奉献的唯有热血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水我们所面临的将是一场极其严酷的考验,将是旷日持久的斗争和苦难。 | I say to the House as I said to Ministers who have joined this government, I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat, we have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering | |
18 | 我已告诉过组成新政府的各位大臣,在此我再敬告诸位议员:我所能奉献的没有其他,只有热血、辛劳、汗水与眼泪。 | I say to the House as I said to Ministers who have joined this government, I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat | |
19 | 我作为一个牧师新取得了特权,这是不是就授予我适合担任一个传道师的出色工作的资格呢? | Has my newly acquired privilege as one of God’s ministers imparted to me as yet any fitness for the wonderful work of a preacher? | |
20 | 乌龟丞相、虾兵蟹将们都急得团团转,但谁也想不出办法来阻止秦始皇赶山填海。 | His retinue of crustacean ministers and generals were as alarmed as he but none could come up with any plan to stop the First Emperor from moving the mountains into the seas | |
21 | 新华社哥本哈根7月5日电(记者吴平)第四届亚欧财政部长会议5日在欧盟轮值主席国丹麦首都哥本哈根开幕。 | Xinhua News Agency, copenhagen, July 5 (Reporter Wu Ping) The 4th Asia-Europe Finance Ministers ’ Meeting opened on the 5th in copenhagen, capital of Denmark, the EU rotating president | |
22 | 亚洲大洋洲教育和主管经济规划部长会议 | Conference of Ministers of Education and Those Responsible for Economic Planning in Asia and Oceania | |
23 | 亚洲及太平洋区域发展中国家工业部长预备会议 | Preliminary Meeting of the Ministers of Industry of the Developing Countries of the Asia and Pacific Region | |
24 | 伊斯兰会议组织外交部长年度协调会议 | Annual Coordination Meeting of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Organization of the Islamic Conference | |
25 | 伊斯兰外交部长会议主席团部长级特别会议 | Special Ministerial Meeting of the Bureau of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers | |
26 | 意大利政府表示,他们打算对世界各地6万家左右打着意大利招牌的餐馆进行彻底清理。 | Ministers said they wanted to clean up the red-white-and-green credentials of the estimated 60,000 restaurants around the world passing them off as Italian | |
27 | 由此不难理解,当尼古拉的大臣们在1917年初竭力说服他退位时,他们为什么不让亚利桑得拉接近他。 | It is easy to see why Nicholas’s ministers kept him away from Alexandra when they were desperately persuading him to abdicate, early in 1517 | |
28 | 有些牧师可以成为十足的殉教者--他们是那么干燥(枯燥),准会烧得好。 | Some ministers would make good martyrs: they are so dry they would burn well. | |
29 | 于是,马上作了调整,部长、议员相继用方言向过去可能被忽略的部分老百姓解释怎么把防备沙斯的工作做好来,大家出一份力量,共同战胜沙斯。 | Ministers and MPs began switching to dialects to explain to this group of people, who might have been overlooked in the past, the precautionary measures they should adopt | |
30 | 在31日结束的丹麦埃尔西诺欧盟外长会议上,欧盟国家呼吁联合国出面调解伊拉克危机,并要求伊拉克允许联合国武器核查人员重返伊拉克。 | On the Helsingoer European Union foreign ministers meeting closed today in Denmark, EU called for the UN to mediate the crisis facing Iraq and asked Iraq to allow UN arms inspectors to return to Iraq |