1 | 民族地区在国家的扶持和其他地区的支援下,通过自己的艰苦奋斗,经济增长加快。 | Assisted by the State and supported by other regions, ethnic minority areas witnessed acceleration in economic growth through their own efforts and hard work. | |
2 | 民族舞也好,随便什么舞她都喜欢看。 | She enjoys watching dancing, whether ballet, or national minority dancing or any other sort of dancing | |
3 | 那个系用10来种少数民族语言开课。 | That department offers courses in a dozen minority languages. | |
4 | 那些历史上处于强烈被诋毁和被压迫的少数民族对我们宪章所保证的自由不可能无动于衷(费里克斯·弗兰福特)。 | One who belongs to the most vilified and persecuted minority in history is not likely to be insensible to the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution(Felix Frankfurter.To asperse is to spread unfavorable charges or insinuations against | |
5 | 那些历史上处于强烈被诋毁和被压迫的少数民族对我们宪章所保证的自由不可能无动于衷(费里克斯·弗兰福特)。Asperse是散布对某人不利的攻击或散布影射某人的话 | One who belongs to the most vilified and persecuted minority in history is not likely to be insensible to the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution(Felix Frankfurter.To asperse is to spread unfavorable charges or insinuations against | |
6 | 农奴制,奴隶制一种制度,在这种制度中,名义自由的社会阶级、少数宗教派、少数民族或少数种族受到永恒的压迫和羞辱 | A system under which a nominally free social class or a religious,national,or racial minority is permanently oppressed and degraded. | |
7 | 怒吼的编辑突然间自己也疑惑了,他怀疑或者已经知道报社资深编辑们--也就是高高在上的老板,会对少数民族雇员表现出特别的仁慈,他以前就经历过这种事。 | Suddenly the barking editor is unsure of himself, suspecting or perhaps knowing as he does that the senior edi-tors, his distant overlords, do show a special leniency with minority staff | |
8 | 全国348个少数民族自治县中有257个被列为国家重点扶持贫困县。 | Among the 348 ethnic minority autonomous counties across the country, 257 were poverty-stricken counties given priority in aid | |
9 | 然而,来自当年被奴役受歧视的黑人的音乐如今却进入到了美国文化的主流地位,原因何在呢? | So how has something that was created by a once downtrodden and despised minority acquired a central place in today’s American culture? | |
10 | 然而,全美有3600所大学都在以下四方面获得了认证(只有极少数大学未能获得认证) | Some 3600 institutions of higher education have been accredited (only a small minority fail to gain accreditation)on the basis of four factors | |
11 | 少数服从多数,下级服从上级,局部服从整体,全党服从中央 | The minority is subordinate to majority, the lower level to the higher level, the part to the whole and the entire membership of the Party to the Central Committee | |
12 | 少数服从多数、下级服从上级、局部服从全体、全党服从中央 | the minority is subordinate to the majority, the lower level to the higher level, the part to the whole and the entire membership of the Party to the Central Committee | |
13 | 少数民族团体指控市政会在分配房子问题上有种族主义。 | The minority group have accused the council of racism in their allocation of council house. | |
14 | 少数民族语地名汉语拼音字母音译转写法 | Methods for Converting Minority -language Geographical Names to Pinyin Romanization | |
15 | 少数民族在政治、经济、文化上都有自己的特点。 | The minority nationalities have characteristics of their own politically, economically and culturally | |
16 | 少数民族占人口的6%。 | The minority nationalities account for six percent of the population. | |
17 | 少数派投票;少数派的政治利益 | The minority vote;minority political concerns. | |
18 | 少数人常常必须做多数人决定要做的事。 | The minority must often do what the majority decides to do. | |
19 | 少数人在毫不理智的激进主义里寻找安慰(他们历来如此)。 | A small minority takes refuge (as it always has)in mindless radicalism | |
20 | 所以我们无论对干部和人民群众,都要广泛地持久地进行无产阶级的民族政策教育,并且要对汉族和少数民族的关系经常注意检查。 | So we have to make extensive and sustained efforts to educate both the cadres and the masses in our proletarian nationality policy and make a point of frequently reviewing the relationship between the Han nationality and the minority nationalities | |
21 | 他达到法定年龄时即可继承这笔钱 | He will inherit the money when he has passed his minority . | |
22 | 他们是少数派。 | They are in the minority . | |
23 | 他们忘记了少数服从多数,下级服从上级,局部服从全体,全党服从中央的民主集中制。 | They forget the system of democratic centralism in which the minority is subordinate to the majority, the lower level to the higher level, the part to the whole and the entire membership to the Central Committee | |
24 | 同化少数人群体逐渐接受盛行的文化的风俗和态度的过程 | The process whereby a minority group gradually adopts the customs and attitudes of the prevailing culture. | |
25 | 图书、报纸、杂志出版的种类和数量成倍增长,报纸由1952年的4种发展至2001年的98种,其中少数民族文字报纸有43种。 | The genres and number of titles of books, newspapers and magazines have doubled or redoubled. The number of newspapers increased from 4 in 1952 to 98 in 2001, of which 43 were published in local ethnic-minority languages | |
26 | 土地改革,除一部分少数民族住居的地区以外,即将于一九五二年全部完成。 | agrarian reform will be completed in 1952, except in some areas inhabited by minority nationalities | |
27 | 我们是少数派 | We’ re in the minority , ie More people are against us than with us | |
28 | 我是唯一的少数派 | I’m in a minority of one, ie No one agrees with me | |
29 | 我正代表少数股东写信 | I am writing on behalf of the minority shareholder | |
30 | 吸收少数民族学生的大学 | Colleges recruiting minority students. |