属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-普京高调反腐 新闻曝光各部长赃款及其情妇(2)
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-丰田因隐瞒安全问题被罚款12亿美元
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-啤酒的饮用 形状改变一切
1 | 他的谎言骗了我。 | His lies misled me. | |
2 | 他是个好孩子,但坏伙伴把他带坏了。 | He is a good Boy, But Bad companions misled him. | |
3 | 他是个好孩子,但曾被坏人引入歧途。 | He is a good boy, but had companions misled him. | |
4 | 太久,你使我的灵魂迷途, | Too long ye have my Soul misled | |
5 | 顽固说:我可要回家去;我不打算做这种想入非非、误入迷途的人的伴侣。 | And I will go back to my place, said Obstinate: I will be no companion of such misled fantastical fellows. | |
6 | 我们的向导带错了路。 | Our guide misled us. | |
7 | 我们有的同志容易被假象所迷惑。 | Some of our comrades are easily misled by them | |
8 | 向导给我们引错了路。 | We were misled by the guide | |
9 | 向导领我们迷了路。 | The guide misled us and we got lost. | |
10 | 星期二游行的五十万市民中大都是被误导,很少真的反对立法。 | Many of the 500,000 who took part in Tuesday’s protest had been misled and were not opposed to the bill. | |
11 | 再谈氨碱法盐水精制的误区 | Discussion of Misled Aspects in the Refinement of Salt Water in Ammonium-soda Process | |
12 | 曾经有一家全美举足轻重的媒体杂志刊登一项完全错误的谣言,另外一家出版业者则将一桩短期的套利投资误当做是一项长期的投资 | One dead-wrong rumor was given considerable prominence by a major national magazine, and another leading publication misled its readers by writing about an arbitrage position as if it were a long-term investment commitment. | |
13 | ||1:最令人担忧的是普京现在的孤立状况。||2:他曾经向德国的安吉拉默克尔宣称,Pussy Riot乐队的成员曾于2008年绞杀一个犹太人的雕像,这个宣称既古怪又不准确(实际上这个乐队抗议的正是反犹太主义);要么就是普京在误导默克尔,要么就是他自己也被误导了。||3:普京执政已经超过十年,对此,新时代杂志的编辑同时也是无党派人士耶维格尼亚阿尔巴特表示,这是“年老的总统的典型症状”。 | ||1:The biggest concern is Mr Putin’s isolation.||2:His claim to Germany’s Angela Merkel that Pussy Riot members had hanged the effigy of a Jew in 2008 was bizarre and inaccurate (in fact, the band was protesting against anti-Semitism); either he was misleading her or he had himself been misled .||3:Mr Putin has spent over a decade in power and Yevgenia Albats, editor of the liberal New Times, talks of the “typical syndrome of an ageing general secretary”. | |
14 | 11月29日美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)声明已和该社交网巨头关于公众对它欺骗用户、滥用用户个人信息的控诉初步达成解决方案。 | On November 29th America’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that it had reached a draft settlement with the giant social network over allegations that it had misled people about its use of their personal data. | |
15 | 霍尔德说,“今天我们可以肯定地说,丰田在召回事件背后的安全问题上故意隐瞒信息并误导公众。” | "Today, we can say for certain that Toyota intentionally concealed information and misled the public about the safety issues behind these recalls," said Holder. | |
16 | 虽然和做这类研究所惯用的手法一样,实验过程掩盖了本质,对参与者进行了误导,之后他们被带去看电影,做语言测试;而进行这种误导是因为,阿特伍德教授和她的团队真正感兴趣的是不同杯子里的饮品被喝光的速度。 | Though, as is common practice in studies of this sort, participants were misled about its true nature, and were shown films and asked to do a language test afterwards, to support this misdirection, what Dr Attwood and her team were really interested in was how quickly the various drinks would be drunk. | |
17 | 一位法官接受了一起涉案金额50亿的案件,原告是司法部,指控标准普尔蓄意误导投资者。该案件正在接受审理。政府控诉标准普尔在2004年到2007年期间为了取悦其金融业的客户,在评级中作假。 | A judge allowed a $5 billion lawsuit, brought by the Justice Department and claiming that Standard & Poor’s intentionally misled investors, to proceed. The government alleges that S&P produced inflated ratings between 2004 and 2007 to please its clients in the financial industry. | |
18 | “你们到这里来,可以带着批判眼光,但是首先要相信大多数人,不然的话,你会被误导。” | "You want to be critical, " he told journalists, "but you have to believe the majority of the people, otherwise you are quite misled . " | |
19 | SamuelIsraelIII(塞缪尔.以色列三世)欺骗了他的投资者、向他的律师撒谎也误导了警察。 | Samuel Israel III tricked his investors, lied to his lawyers and misled the police. | |
20 | 别被他阴郁的外表欺骗了。 | Do not be misled by his saturnine contenance. | |
21 | 不要误以为你受到的诱惑就不危险,你小小的恶不会侵扰别人的生活。 | Don’t be misled into thinking that your temptations aren’t dangerous. That your little sins aren’t giving anyone any problems. | |
22 | 但是,对于高盛和图尔在交易中积极误导了IKB(而非只是没有披露所有情况),证据并不完整。 | But the evidence that Goldman and Mr Tourre actively misled IKB about the transaction, as opposed to not disclosing everything, is patchy. | |
23 | 但是,他误导英国公众参与了一场灾难性的战争,这种印象很难消除。 | But the impression that he misled the British public into a disastrous war will not go away. | |
24 | 但是除了被告知该食用油“100%天然”,消费者再也无从知情做出决定,因为他们已被误导。 | But by being told the oils are "100% natural, " consumers can no longer make an informed decision as they are being misled . | |
25 | 但是法官们驳回了他们的争论,因为当他们签署了协议时,他们对于Facebook的真实价值已经被误导了。 | But the judges rejected their argument that they had been misled about the true value of Facebook when the deal was signed. | |
26 | 但是即便世界粮食计划署被误导,对危险性估计过高,“食品援助应得到保证。” | But even if the WFP has been misled into giving an inflated estimate of the dangers, "food aid may nonetheless be warranted. " | |
27 | 当前中小学心理辅导发展的误区与对策 | Misled Psychological Consultation in Secondary Schools and Some Possible Countermeasures | |
28 | 方舟子则说他的质疑是为了避免中国的青年被“一个虚伪的偶像带入歧途”。 | Fang said his criticism was aimed at avoiding having Chinese youths being "misled by a false idol. " | |
29 | 该机构补充说,它将力图确定自己是否“在调查这些事件的任何阶段中曾受误导”。 | It added it would seek to establish whether it had "been misled at any stage of its inquiries into these matters" . | |
30 | 更糟糕的是,同意让我加入后备役军官训练计划的尤金.霍尔姆斯上校现在却说,我对他进行误导而逃避服兵役。 | Even worse, Colonel Eugene Holmes, who had agreed to let me join the program, now claimed that I had misled him to get out of the draft. |