属类:文学表达-外国名著-Crime and Punishment
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 华为起诉美国政府 美国取消印度普惠待遇 Ly
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-众包强手棋 梅菲尔洗牌
1 | 已满十四周岁不满十八周岁的人犯罪,应当从轻或者减轻处罚。 | A person who has reached the age of fourteen but not the age of eighteen who commits a crime shall be given a lesser punishment or a mitigated punishment. | |
2 | 应当依法从轻处以海事行政处罚或减轻海事行政处罚。 | The maritime administrative punishment to be imposed shall be lightened or mitigated according to law. | |
3 | 有重大立功表现的,可以减轻或者免除处罚。 | Those who performed major meritorious service may be given a mitigated punishment or may be exempted from punishment. | |
4 | 又聋又哑的人或者盲人犯罪,可以从轻、减轻或者免除处罚。 | A deaf-mute or a blind person who commits a crime may be given a lesser punishment or a mitigated punishment or be exempted from punishment. | |
5 | 这时,波尔菲里对拉斯柯尔尼科夫点明杀人犯就是他。他同时答应拉斯柯尔尼科夫说,如果他招认,就可以为他提出神经一时失常的理由而取得减刑。 | Then Porfiry told Raskolnikov outright that he was the murderer, at the same time promising Raskolnikov that a plea of temporary insanity would be placed in his behalf and his sentence would be mitigated if he confessed. | |
6 | 这些措施,有效化解了金融风险,保护了存款人利益,维护了金融和社会稳定。 | These measures have effectively mitigated financial risks, safeguarded the interests of depositors and maintained financial and social stability | |
7 | 正当防卫明显超过必要限度造成重大损害的,应当负刑事责任,但是应当减轻或者免除处罚。 | Criminal responsibility shall be borne where legitimate defense noticeably exceeds the necessary limits and causes great harm. However, consideration shall be given to imposing a mitigated punishment or to granting exemption from punishment. | |
8 | ||1:马克·卡尼(Mark Carney)表示,“建设性进展”降低了英国央行对无序脱欧可能造成的经济损害的评估。||2:此前,该行估计英国GDP将萎缩8%左右。||3:卡尼表示,这一数字下降了约3.5个百分点,但他继续警告称,可能会迎来“实质性”的冲击。||4:该行还报告称,英国已经减轻了对跨境金融服务的潜在干扰,但它指责欧盟方面缺乏行动。||5:在与英国央行谈话的数千家企业中,约一半没有为“无协议脱欧”做好准备。||6:而已经做好准备的企业中,有50%声称“已经尽力而为”。 | ||1:Mark Carney said that “constructive developments” had reduced the Bank of England’s estimate of the economic damage that would result from a disorderly Brexit.||2:The bank had previously put the cost to the economy at around 8% of GDP.||3:Mr Carney said that had fallen by about 3.||4:5 percentage points but continued to warn of a “material” shock.||5:The bank also reported that the potential disruption to cross-border financial services had been mitigated in Britain, but it criticised the EU for a lack of action on its part.||6:Of the thousands of businesses that have spoken to the bank, half are unprepared for a no-deal Brexit. | |
9 | ||1:私有化存在腐败的风险。||2:国有资产可以廉价而不透明地转移给非国大的权贵们,并声称要促进“黑人经济赋权”,正如过去的私有财产。||3:然而,如果通过透明拍卖出售资产,并对由此创建的市场进行适当监管,可以缓解这种风险。||4:此外,消费者将不得不开始支付电费,而很多人早就习惯了不交电费。||5:如果拉马福萨希望人民记住他作为总统为大家打开了灯,那么将需要利用市场的力量。 | ||1:There is a risk that privatisation could be corrupted.||2:State assets could be transferred cheaply and opaquely to ANC bigwigs claiming to promote “black economic empowerment”, just as private assets have been in the past.||3:However, this risk can be mitigated if assets are sold via transparent auctions and the markets thus created are regulated properly.||4:Also, consumers will have to start paying their electricity bills, something many have grown used to avoiding.||5:If Mr Ramaphosa wants to be remembered as the president who turned the lights back on, he will need to harness the power of the market. | |
10 | 然而,即便是用于排涝的人工河得以疏浚,也只是稍微减小此次洪水的危害。 | Yet dredging would at best have mitigated the flooding only a bit. | |
11 | 针对那些特别的建筑,有数条建议……。这些差距会被一些类似于“Art School”、“Finding Myself”这样给其他玩家时间追赶的卡片减小。 | Building in inequality featured in several suggestions, the best being that some pieces begin far ahead of the others, with more money: these effects could be mitigated with cards such as “Art School” and “Finding Myself” that let other players catch up. | |
12 | 子孙后代将被迫出售房产和公司的风险可能因为允许他们从现金流中而不是通过折价甩卖逐渐地纳税而得到缓解。 | The risks that heirs will be forced to sell homes and firms can be mitigated by allowing them to pay the duties gradually, from cash-flow rather than by fire-sales. | |
13 | 70年代中期的英国,迅速上涨的物价缓解了房地产繁荣的后遗症。 | Soaring inflation mitigated the aftermath of the UK housing boom in the mid-1970s. | |
14 | ABS要求每个经理人每月提交标的资产报告,这样可以减少整个ABS基金的资产相关性。 | ABS asks every manager for a monthly report on its underlying assets so correlation across the ABS fund can be mitigated . | |
16 | 不管是通过发行债券还是股票,资金获取减轻了市场对具有警示作用的违约事件的担忧——违约可能会延长经济低迷的时间。 | Access to capital, whether debt or equity, has mitigated fears of apocalyptic defaults that threatened to extend the economic downturn. | |
17 | 不过,这种复杂性被Jython自身所减轻了:Jython经过很好测试并得到很好的支持,并且是开放源代码的。 | The complexity, however, is mitigated by Jython itself: Jython is well tested and supported, and is open source. | |
18 | 诚然,企业有其它融资来源(包括强劲的资产负债状况)这一事实,减轻了对投资的影响。 | Sure, the impact on investment is mitigated by the fact companies have other sources of funding, including strong balance sheets. | |
19 | 传输Dumpster不能减少数据丢失的情况包括 | Situations in which data loss is not mitigated by the transport dumpster include | |
20 | 但对一些人来说,恐慌已经得到缓解,因为美联储主席本·伯南克本人就是一位研究大萧条的学者。 | But such fears have been mitigated , for some, because Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is himself a student of the Great Depression. | |
21 | 但是由于欧元下跌促进了出口,消逝的信心将会得到缓和。 | But waning confidence will be mitigated by the boost that exports receive from the euro’s plunge. | |
22 | 但是这项计划已减轻经济衰退带来的影响,社会住房计划目前约雇用270,000名建筑工人,较一年前145,000名大幅增加。 | But it has mitigated its effects. Some 270, 000 building workers are now employed on social-housing schemes, up from 145, 000 a year ago. | |
23 | 当然,许多问题都会通过市场力量得以缓解。 | Of course, many of the problems will be mitigated by market forces. | |
24 | 风险管理目标是度量并控制风险,使风险减小到指定的可接受的级别。 | The risk management goal is to measure and control risks so that risks can be mitigated to a specified acceptable level. | |
25 | 国际旅游人数的下降可能会对印度游客的出游有所缓和。 | The decline in the number of foreign visitors may have been mitigated somewhat by Indian tourists. | |
26 | 尽管如此,厌倦了节俭生活和经济改善的观感可能会减弱这方面的影响。 | Nonetheless, that impact may be mitigated to a degree by frugality fatigue and the general sense that the economy is improving. | |
27 | 尽管这种转换的影响已经减轻,但不平等的现象依然在欧洲滋生。 | Inequality has grown there, as well, though transfers have mitigated the impacts. | |
28 | 可以通过定义和部署一个解决方案隔离策略来减小这种风险。 | This risk can be mitigated by defining and deploying a solution isolation strategy. | |
29 | 廉价进口导致商品价格低廉,加之家庭借贷利率较低,减轻了不利的工资压力。 | Adverse wage pressures have been mitigated by low prices resulting from cheap imports and by household borrowing at low interest rates. | |
30 | 另外多亏了技术投入,显著的气候影响得到减轻。 | and thanks to investments in technology, significant climate impact has been mitigated . |