1 | 评级机构承认利益冲突的存在,但它们声称,通过披露模型和评级,它们缓和了这些冲突。 | The ratings agencies accept that conflicts of interest exist, but claim they have mitigated them through a disclosure of models and ratings. | |
2 | 然而,美欧消费者也正出现铜库存短缺的事实,可能会缩小价格回调的幅度。 | Any correction in prices, though, could be mitigated by the fact that consumers in Europe and the US are also short of copper inventory. | |
3 | 如果雇员感到公司在缩小规模时仍然重视他们,那么他们对这种情况的恐惧和流言就会变少。 | If employees feel they are valued even in a situation such as downsizing, fear and gossip is often mitigated . | |
4 | 如果名声能减轻罪行,特别是强奸罪,那正义将无法伸张。 | Justice would be ill-served if fame mitigated any crime, especially one like rape. | |
5 | 如果评估显示风险太高,则需要重构项目,以便风险能减少到可接受的级别。 | If your assessment shows risks are high, you will need to restructure your project, so risks can be mitigated to more acceptable levels. | |
6 | 所以,如何才能达到这种缓和的欢乐的状态,这样我们就可以最好的享受生活中的每一刻? | So, how does one reach this state of mitigated euphoria in such a way that every moment in life can be savored to the fullest? | |
7 | 通过将每个页面层次的管理权限授权给不同的用户组可以稍微缓解该局限。 | This limitation can be somewhat mitigated by delegating administrative authority to each page hierarchy to a different group of users. | |
8 | 通过以这种方式使用缓存,可以减轻云服务停机造成的影响。 | By using a cache in this way, the effects of a cloud service outage can be mitigated . | |
9 | 为“不对称”战争而形成的“风险”将通过北约的保护而减轻。 | The "risk" it would take in high-end warfare would be mitigated by NATO’s protection. | |
10 | 未来活动指数表明,新屋开工申请增长2.1%抵消了这一降幅。 | The decline was mitigated by a 2. 1 percent rise in building permit applications, an indicator of future activity. | |
11 | 我们向他们解释说至少系统演示应该展示一些已经降低了我们已识别的主要风险的体系架构的深层次的部分。 | We explained that at the very least the demo would exhibit some deep slices of the architecture that mitigated major risks we identified. | |
12 | 一旦了解了自动的构建系统,风险就减少了,而且整个开发团队收益了。 | Once knowledge is captured in the automated build system, risk is mitigated and the whole development team benefits. | |
13 | 因此,大多数的防止差异上的分裂问题可以完全地减轻或是甚至避免。 | Therefore, many of the fragmentation problems stemming from diversity can be mitigated or even avoided altogether. | |
14 | 因此,汇款收入的增加难以减轻人才流失所带来的负面影响。 | The negative impact of the brain drain, therefore, is not mitigated by any increase in remittance income. | |
15 | 因此你能够看到缓和的方法? | So were you able to see any ways that could be mitigated ? | |
16 | 应该在服务器端上降低风险,而不是在客户端上。 | The risk should be mitigated on the server side rather than on the client side. | |
17 | 应用程序设计者可以减轻其中的一些问题,但需付出大量的工作。 | Some of these issues can be mitigated by application designers, but only with significant work. | |
18 | 有几个途径或许可以缓解火山喷发所造成的损失。 | There are several ways that the damage wrought by Icelands’ volcano might be mitigated . | |
19 | 于是我们就让兽医开宠物博客,说明98%的宠物食品都是安全的,这就降低了消费者的顾虑。 | So we got vets to go on pet blogs and post information that 98 percent of pet food was safe, which mitigated consumer anxiety. | |
20 | 在美国,至少对大公司而言,信贷短缺的后果正在被缓和,因为它们有利用债券市场的能力。 | In America the consequences of this credit crunch are being mitigated , at least for large firms, by the ability to tap the bond market. | |
21 | 这些救助可能减轻了经济不景气的情况,但并非我们能够和我们应该具备的那种可以创造就业机会的计划。 | This aid may have mitigated the slump, but it wasn’t the kind of job-creation program we could and should have had. | |
22 | 这种影响是巨大的,但分成三部分、总额2000亿美元的注资将减轻这种影响。 | That is too much but would be mitigated by this three-part, $200bn infusion. | |
23 | 珍特尔说荧屏时代对学习工作的影响可以通过他所谓的“保护性因素”来减轻。 | Gentile said the impact of screen time on school work can be mitigated by what he calls "protective factors. " | |
24 | 只是这些市场力量作用的周期特别长,而且在一定时间内,专利减弱了市场力量的影响。 | These forces simply operate over ultra-long cycles and are mitigated for periods of time by the existence of patents. | |
25 | 至于地震危险,在石油和燃气这些常规能源开采中早已被提及。通过有效监控,危险性已经降低到可以接受的范围内。 | And the risk of earthquakes, which has long been present in conventional oil-and-gas extraction, is modest and mitigated by monitoring. | |
26 | 中国的消费量推升全球粮食价格,但专家乐观认为供应增加将会减轻相关冲击。 | As Chinese consumption pushes up global food costs, experts are optimistic that the impact will be mitigated by increased supply. | |
27 | 中国火力发电行业减排污染物的环境价值标准估算 | Evaluating the Environmental Value Schedule of Pollutants Mitigated in China Thermal Power Industry | |
28 | 自我救助成为当今的口号,缓和了她的特质以及以旁观者的姿态看待自己的倾向。 | Self-help slogans became the order of the day, mitigated by her idiosyncrasies and a tendency to refer to herself in the third person. | |
29 | 最后,我们还是抱有一线希望,希望我们有勇气保证能够预防或者减轻这样的大灾难。 | Finally, we hope against hope that we have the courage to ensure that this type of catastrophe can be prevented or mitigated . |