属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 英欧谈判"战火"升级 白俄反
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国幽默 闻所未闻的幽默培训
1 | 他带着嘲笑的声调回答 | He replied with a note of mockery in his voice | |
2 | 他的失败使老师帮助他的一番心血都白费了。 | His failure made a mockery of the teacher’s great efforts to help him. | |
3 | 他老是被人嘲笑。 | He was always held up to mockery . | |
4 | 他们把他嘲弄了一番。 | They made a mockery of him. | |
5 | 他们对我同伴的嘲弄. | their mockery of my companions | |
6 | 他们对约翰的嘲弄伤害了他的感情。 | Their mockery of John hurt his feeling. | |
7 | 他们受了不公正的审判. | They received (went through) the mockery of a trial. | |
8 | 他们遭受了不公正的审判。 | They went through the mockery of a trial | |
9 | 他那么和蔼自满的态度,许多人都认为是一种辱骂和嘲弄。 | His genial sufficiency was a taunt and a mockery to many | |
10 | 他受到他们嘲笑恼羞成怒,说了一些过头的话. | He was provoked by their mockery to say more than he had intended. | |
11 | 他受到他们的嘲笑恼羞成怒,说了一些过头的话。 | He was provoked by their mockery to say more than he had intended. | |
12 | 他所受的审判徒具形式。 | His trial was a mere mockery . | |
13 | 他所受的审判徒具形式[只是装个样子而已]。 | His trial was a mere mockery . | |
14 | 他因愚昧成了村里的笑柄。 | Through his foolishness he became a mockery in the village. | |
15 | 为生命而歌―袁枚自嘲、自赠类诗作简论 | Sing for Life-A Brief Review of Yuan Mei’s Poems of Self-mockery and Self-present | |
16 | 我如果把自己衰老破败的躯体穿红披锦地打扮起来--如果我硬要让自己干瘪的嘴角露出心如死灰的微笑--那才真是笑话。 | Had I bedizened my aged and broken frame with scarlet and embroidery-had I forced my withered lips to smile at my dead heart-that might have been mockery . | |
17 | 鲜花在石棺材里开放得格外繁茂,蓬乱错综,仿佛嘲笑它们从中冒出的坟茔。 | The flowers grew in the sarcophagi with a wild exuberance, wantoning, it seemed, in mockery of the tomb whence they sprang | |
18 | 一场光荣的真刀真枪的较量,变成了一场嘲弄的事情。 | An honorable contest of arms becomes a mockery | |
19 | 因其愚钝,他成为全村的笑柄. | Through his foolishness, he became a mockery in the village. | |
20 | 有些人已经在奥斯威辛给毒气熏死了,他们的美国国籍全成了无济于事的笑柄。 | Some have already been gassed in auschwitz, their American citizenship has become a useless mockery | |
21 | 雨使得我们的郊游泡汤了。 | Rain made a mockery of our picnic. | |
22 | 这次审判是一次假充公允 | The trial was a mockery of justice. | |
23 | 这健康检查是骗人的,医生几乎没看过小孩一眼。 | The medical examination was a mockery ; the doctor hardly looked at the child. | |
24 | 这是对国际裁军努力的嘲弄,有悖于裁军的根本宗旨和目标。 | They are a mockery of international disarmament efforts and run counter to the fundamental purposes and objectives of disarmament. | |
25 | 这一审判是对正义的歪曲 | The trial was a mockery of justice | |
26 | 自嘲有时隐藏很大的自负。 | Self-mockery may sometimes mask great conceit. | |
27 | ||1:到目前为止,约翰逊在道义上的懒惰使他无法充分利用这些天分。||2:例如,约翰逊用自己的亲信填满了上议院,以此来嘲弄他关于改革国家的谈话。||3:读一读杰克逊的书,也许能让他想起来在政治事务中,庄严和高度严肃的重要性。||4:并不是说他应该完全效仿戴高乐,这可能会引发荒谬的效果,而是说约翰逊会受益于将严肃性融入到戴高乐身上,戴高乐是一个几十年前精心塑造的人物,但现在可能过时了。||5:这也可能给他提供一些想法。||6:戴高乐将军在1945年做的第一件事就是批准成立法国国立行政学院,旨在培养高级文官掌握现代政府的技术。||7:而一家英国式的法国国立行政学院这样的学校会发出一个强有力的信息,即英国希望学校的精英们为国家服务,而不是为麦肯锡或高盛。 | ||1:So far Mr Johnson’s moral laziness has prevented him from making the best of these instincts.||2:He has made a mockery of his talk of reforming the state by dumping a collection of cronies on the House of Lords, for example.||3:A reading of Mr Jackson’s book might remind him of the importance of both dignity and high seriousness in political affairs.||4:Not that he should go the whole de Gaulle—that would produce an absurdity—but he would benefit from mixing some gravity into a persona that was crafted decades ago and is in danger of outliving its usefulness.||5:It might also provide him with some ideas.||6:One of the first things the general did in 1945 was to give the green light to the creation of the Ecole Nationale d’Administration,in order to train hauts fonctionnaires in the arts of modern government.||7:A British ENA would send a powerful message that Britain wants its crème de la crème to serve the state rather than McKinsey or Goldman Sachs. | |
28 | ||1:沙特一家法院对五名男子的死刑判决减刑。这五名男子被控于2018年在沙特驻伊斯坦布尔领事馆内谋杀异见记者贾马尔·卡舒吉(Jamal Khashoggi)。||2:检察官说,卡舒吉的家人同意赦免杀人凶手,但判处他们20年的监禁。||3:但他住在国外的未婚妻表示,这项裁决“完全是对正义的嘲弄”。 | ||1:A court in Saudi Arabia commuted the death sentences of five men convicted of murdering Jamal Khashoggi, a dissident journalist, inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in 2018.||2:Prosecutors said Khashoggi’s family agreed to pardon the killers, who were instead given 20-year jail terms.||3:But his fiancée, who lives abroad, said the ruling made “a complete mockery of justice”. | |
29 | ||1:这个议题并非是个喜剧,德国的此类例子很丰富。||2:已故的 Vicco von Bülow, 别名Loriot,曾就以讽刺德国人的自负和固执娱乐精英。||3:莱茵河人,斯瓦比亚人和其他地区的精英们层出不穷——Gerhard Polt是个巴伐利亚人,脾气很怪,现年72岁,就是其中的一个莎士比亚。||4:也有一些比较肤浅的人物,比如弗里斯兰小丑Otto Waalkes。||5:然而大多数情况下,外国人的怀疑:往往是尴尬大于有趣。 | ||1:The issue is not comedy, of which Germany has plenty.||2:The late Vicco von Bülow, alias Loriot, delighted the elite with his mockery of German pretension and stiffness.||3:Rhenish, Swabian and other regional flavours thrive—Gerhard Polt, a Bavarian curmudgeon, now 72, is a Shakespeare among them.||4:There is lowbrow talent too, including Otto Waalkes, a Frisian buffoon.||5:Most of this, however, is as foreigners always suspected: more embarrassing than funny. | |
30 | 特朗普随后表示我们的制度是对良好的移民政策、法律秩序的嘲弄。 | Trump then called the system a mockery to good immigration policy and Law and Order. |