属类:文学表达-外国名著-Tess of the D’Urbervilles
1 | "宝钗见问,悄悄的咂嘴点头笑道:"亏你今夜不过如此,将来金殿对策,你大约连’赵钱孙李’都忘了呢!"" | "With a mocking smile and a smack of the lips she nodded. ""If you’re in such a state tonight, by file time you sit for the Palace Examination I dare say you’ll even forget the first primer you ever read." | |
2 | “汤姆生·弗伦奇银行是信誉最高的银行,”腾格拉尔带着一个近乎嘲弄的微笑答道,“我并不是说他们履行债务的信用或能力如何,而是说‘无限’这两个字,这两个字从财务的角度上说太空泛了。” | "Thomson & French are perfectly solvent," replied Danglars, with an almost mocking smile: "but the word unlimited, in financial affairs, is so extremely vague." | |
3 | “也许从我们厂里爆出来那一点火星会弄成了上海全埠丝厂工人的总同盟罢 | "It may be," replied Tu Wei-yueh with a mocking smile, "that a single spark of trouble in our factory would set off a general strike involving every silk filature in Shanghai!" | |
4 | “用群众的力量严重监视她就好了!”蔡真举重若轻地说,冷冷地微笑。 | "I think we can quite safely leave it to the masses to keep an eye on her," said Tsai Chen with casual confidence and a mocking smile | |
5 | 阿威罗伊和摩西·迈蒙尼德[34]也都离开了人世,这些在音容和举止上都诡秘莫测的人,用他们那嘲讽的镜子[35]照着朦朦胧胧的世界之灵[36]。黑暗在光中照耀,而光却不能理解它[37]。 | Gone too from the world, Averroes and Moses Maimonides, dark men in mien and movement, flashing in their mocking mirrors the obscure soul of the world, a darkness shining in brightness which brightness could not comprehend | |
6 | 嘲鸫在模仿他说话。 | The mocking -bird was mocking him. | |
7 | 她更象是-个飘忽的精灵,在茅屋的地面上作过一阵奇思异想的游戏之后,使要面带嘲笑地飞走了。 | She seemed rather an airy sprite, which, after playing its fantastic sports for a little while upon the cottage-floor, would flit away with a mocking smile. | |
8 | 就星期三的一场NBA比赛中,丹尼期·罗德曼脚踢摄影师一事,外界反应不一,有温和的评论也有激烈的嘲讽。 | Reactions ranged from mild to mocking to the incident when Dennis Rodman kicked a cameraman during an NBA match on Wednesday. | |
9 | 两幅凶光毕露的肖像那嘲弄人的神色扼杀了她与他言归于好的机会。她不再是思想纯洁、天真无邪的农家少女,而是堕落家族的残渣余孽。 | And her one chance for reinstatement is blighted by the mocking witness of the vindictive portraits. No chaste-minded, unsophisticated peasant maid she, but the last dregs of a decadent stock! | |
10 | 另外,如今只意味着某种令人冷嘲热讽的惩罚,在当时却可能被赋予同死刑一样严厉的色彩。 | On the other hand, a penalty which, in our days, would infer a degree of mocking infamy and ridicule, might then be invested with almost as stern a dignity as the punishment of death itself. | |
11 | 梅尔维尔并不以逗乐为满足,不管它有多可笑。 | Meliville was not content with mere comedy, even of the most mocking sort | |
12 | 母亲责备我们嘲笑那个跛脚女孩。 | Mother scolded us far our mocking at the crippled girl | |
13 | 那黑瘦黑瘦的面孔灼灼有神,眼睛也不再满带嘲讽,几乎有了种梦幻的迷离。 | His thin dark face had become animated, his eyes had lost their mocking expression and grown almost dreamy | |
14 | 那人的眼睛,接心地探望着他的猎犬望着他,微微地摇着尾巴,一种轻轻的微笑,嘲讽的或戏弄的但是和蔼的微笑,显现在那人的眼里,一会儿便消失了,他的脸上也毫无了表情了。 | The man glanced round for his dog...a thoughtful glance. The spaniel looked at him and faintly moved its tail. A little smile, mocking or teasing her, yet gentle, came into his eyes for a moment, then faded away, and his face was expressionless. | |
15 | 瞧一瞧撒切尔夫人把肖特先生搞得晕头转向并嘲笑他智力上的贫乏,是一种使人振奋的滋补剂。 | It was a tonic to watch Mrs. Thatcher making rings round Mr. Short and mocking the intellectual inanity of this case | |
16 | 他画的大部分作品是他以一个艺术家的愉快而略带讥讽性的眼光来看待的风景、室内场景和小街景。 | For the most part he painted landscapes, interiors and small street scenes which he saw with an artist’s jovial and slightly mocking eye. | |
17 | 他模仿老师说话的样子,把男孩子们逗笑了。 | He made the boys laugh by mocking the way the teacher spoke. | |
18 | 他模仿老师说话和走路的样子,使其他同学都笑起来。 | He made all the other boys laugh by mocking the way the teacher spoke and walked. | |
19 | 他那嘲弄的目光,在温斯顿脸上转来转去。 | His mocking eyes roved over Winston’s face | |
20 | 他那油嘴滑舌和冷嘲热讽的机智掩盖着他的浅薄、轻率和优柔寡断。 | Beneath his glibness and mocking with he was shallow, flippant, and indecisive | |
21 | 他微笑着,朝她那神色调皮的眼睛斜瞟了一眼。 | He smiled, glancing askance at her mocking eye | |
22 | 他习惯对母亲采取的略带嘲弄的彬彬有礼的态度(b路易斯·奥金克洛斯) | the air of faintly mocking gallantry with which he habitually treated mother(bLouis Auchincloss) | |
23 | 他习惯对母亲采取的略带嘲弄的彬彬有礼的态度(路易斯·奥金克洛斯) | the air of faintly mocking gallantry with which he habitually treated mother(Louis Auchincloss) | |
24 | 他在一排织机过道里穿进穿出,一面大声喊她,奚落她,疯狂地与她作对。 | He weaves in and out among the looms, calling, mocking her with a crazy challenge | |
25 | 笑傲九年的物质财富,然后是整整三年的灾难! | Nine mocking years with the golden calf and three long years of the scourge! | |
26 | 一个微弱的反抗而嘲弄的美国声音始终没从她心头完全消逝。 | A small resistant mocking American voice has never quite died in her | |
27 | 用反语表达幽默的;揶揄的 | Ironically humorous;slightly mocking | |
28 | 有一次,一个人送给我一个室内玩的棒球,我知道他在嘲笑我,感觉受到了伤害。 | Once a man gave me an indoor baseball. I thought he was mocking me and I was hurt. | |
29 | 这本书充满了一连串讽刺性的模仿 | The text is a tissue of mocking echoes | |
30 | 自从帝国时代开始,英国人就一直认为自己是含蓄缄默的典范,他们傲慢地嘲笑那些毫不控制情绪的“易兴奋的外国人”。 | From the days of Empire, the British have always considered themselves models of reserve, haughtily mocking "excitable foreigners" who show no restraint. |