属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-赫尔穆特施密特 烟与火
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国政治 为了更短的枪炮和额外的睡眠
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-刀口余生 变性人应该被如何对待(上)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 巴基斯坦火车爆炸 泰王妃因不忠被废 IS头目
1 | ||1:他的死敌是基督教民主党领导人赫尔穆特·科尔。||2:施密特小看了这位“重量级”的对手,曾经对他混糊不清的地方口音大加嘲笑。||3:他本人是一个颇有成就的音乐和艺术评论家,说起话来,用词文雅。||4:科尔在政治之外的主要兴趣是美食。||5:但是,这位保守派领导人的倾听和合作意愿却让施密特看上去傲慢无礼和不可接近。||6:当他的联合政府解体时,这位自1969年以来就一直是政府总理的人,突然发现自己成了孤家寡人。||7:他的政党(就像当时许多被里根毫不畏惧的反共产主义所吓倒的欧洲政党一样)倒向了左派。 | ||1:His nemesis was Helmut Kohl, the beefy Christian Democrat leader.||2:Mr Schmidt underestimated his rival, mocking his mumbled provincial diction.||3:He himself was an accomplished music and art critic, as elegant a wordsmith in prose as in speech.||4:Mr Kohl’s main interest outside politics was food.||5:But the conservative leader’s willingness to listen and do deals made Mr Schmidt look arrogant and out of touch.||6:As his coalition disintegrated, the chancellor, in government since 1969, suddenly found himself in the political wilderness.||7:His party (like many in Europe spooked by Ronald Reagan’s unabashed anti-communism) veered leftwards. | |
2 | ||1:在美国,索恩伊博的同道中人就是斯蒂芬·科尔伯特,他是某个喜剧频道的一个讽刺新闻节目——“科尔伯特报告”的主持人。||2:两者都假定自己是一个政治家但却极少真正涉足政治。||3:不同于索恩伊博的中立主义,科尔伯特在荧幕上表现的是一个可爱的,滑稽的右翼分子。如果他用自己的讽刺行为去换取观众的热心,他就能和福克斯新闻的真实观众们极好地相处。||4:索恩伊博表示,“讽刺并不只有哗众取宠的成分,它同时也富有一定的攻击性。”||5:在美国那只是意味着党派性偏见和讽刺。||6:而在德国,它目标则放在了被误认为是党派政治行为的一些平淡无奇琐事上。 | ||1:Mr Sonneborn’s American equivalent is Stephen Colbert of “The Colbert Report”, a mock-news show on a comedy channel.||2:Both assume a political persona and rarely step out of it.||3:Unlike Mr Sonneborn’s turbo-centrist, Mr Colbert’s on-screen character is a lovably deranged right-winger who would do well with the real-life audience of Fox News if he traded his irony for earnestness.||4:“Satire is not comedy,” says Mr Sonneborn. “It has aggressive momentum.”||5:In America, that means mocking partisanship.||6:In Germany, the target is the featureless blob that passes for party politics. | |
3 | Mallika说,现在街坊都不敢再奚落她了,而她也终于可以“昂首挺胸”地上街了。 | Now, Mallika says, her street has stopped mocking her, and she can go about “full of attitude”. | |
4 | 缅甸一个讽刺戏剧团体的五名成员被一家法院判处一年劳教,罪名是他们嘲笑军队在政治中的角色。 | A court in Myanmar sentenced five members of a satirical troupe to a year’s hard labour for mocking the army’s role in politics. | |
5 | 他们批评唐纳德·特朗普总统嘲笑指控法官性侵犯的妇女。 | criticized President Donald Trump for mocking a woman who has accused the judge of sexual assault. | |
6 | “百舌鸟行动”是中央情报局特别项目办公室在1950年代早期发起建立的。 | "Operation Mocking Bird" was an initiative of the CIA’s Office of Special Projects (OSP), established in the early 1950s. | |
7 | “佩林对奥巴马的嘲弄强调拿捏得很到位,”新罕布尔州共和党主席卡伦(FergusCullen)表示。 | "Sarah Palin’s mocking tone of Obama was very appropriate, " said Fergus Cullen, chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party. | |
8 | Anonymous寄了张账单给博斯艾伦,不无嘲讽地要求它支付310美元的“安全审查”费。 | Anonymous sent Booz Allen a mocking invoice for a "security audit" in the amount of $310. | |
9 | 鲍尔曼对年轻设计师的设计原型态度严苛,大幅度减小设计制造的尺寸和重量。 | Bowerman was famous for brutalizing young designers bearing prototypes, whipping out a scale and mocking the weight or construction. | |
10 | 不要用那样嘲笑的眼神瞅着我。 | and don’t look at me with your mocking smile. | |
11 | 嘲讽说总统忙会谈,离心机照样转 | mocking him for talking while the centrifuges spin | |
12 | 嘲讽斯通是《南方公园》留言板上讨论者们茶馀饭后的消遣; | Mocking Stone is a regular pastime among people who discuss South Park on message boards; | |
13 | 此时在巴黎法国体育场(StadedeFrance)内,角旗区附近的法国球迷起身吹起了口哨,嘲笑这位英格兰杰出的球员。 | The French fans sitting near the corner flag in Stade de France in Paris rose and whistled, mocking England’s illustrious player. | |
14 | 此外,我还会讲解基础的开箱即用的测试技术以及它们与新的mock框架相比孰优孰劣。 | I’ll walk you through the basic out-of-the-box testing techniques, and how those compare with the newer mocking frameworks. | |
15 | 从某种程度上讲,卡扎菲比以前出镜更多了,尽管是以被讽刺嘲弄的方式。 | In a way, he is even more present than before even though they are mocking him. | |
16 | 但是,在他的专栏里他忽略了一种正确的可能。 | Moore just writes in such a mocking way, though, that he misses the one correct possibility in his column. | |
17 | 对加州商业环境落井下石的内华达为吸引前者的企业家进行了铺天盖地的宣传。 | Nevada aired ads mocking California’s business climate to lure its entrepreneurs. | |
18 | 更糟的是,他们在我们处理中美全球贸易竞争的情况下,嘲笑我们的领导人。 | S. and China, for them to be mocking the leader of the free world, I find it even more appalling. | |
19 | 公司用一个自嘲的新闻发布会来庆祝这次融资,“Groupon像10亿美金一样雄起。” | The company celebrated with a self-mocking press release: "Groupon raises, like, a billion dollars. " | |
20 | 既然假毛儿在反校霸倡议中已经达到了捉弄人的级别,他肯定不止一次听说过这个话题。 | Since Jamal’s already reached the mocking phase of the anti-bullying initiatives, it’s clear he’s heard about the subject more than once. | |
21 | 她坐在那里,用她那双冷冷的眼睛嘲弄我。 | heartless She sat there, mocking me with her heartless eyes. | |
22 | 科琳的妹妹是亨利喜欢的那个类型:她喜欢嘲讽,但她的嘲讽并不苦涩。 | Colleen’s sister was the kind of woman that Henry liked, wry without any of the mocking bitterness. | |
23 | 每回看到汇率,都觉得它在嘲笑我,嘲笑我为上学支付的这一切。 | Every time I looked at the exchange rate, it seemed to be mocking me, laughing at how much more my tuition would cost. | |
24 | 噢对了,这两个黑人喜剧演员可都是在嘲笑厌恶女人的说唱文化,而汪达先生则是自娱自乐。 | Ah yes, but those black comedians are mocking misogynistic rap culture, and Mr Wonder was mocking himself. | |
25 | 起初,我把它当做某种嘲弄般的声音,低沉得自己都听不到。 | I began to sense in it something mocking , an undertone I had not heard at first. | |
26 | 仍旧是那张圆圆的脸庞,脸上依然挂着嘲弄人的窃笑。她对着相机竖起中指,好像再也摆不出什么新颖的姿势。 | She still has the same chubby face and mocking smile, flipping off the camera as if she couldn’t come up with anything original. | |
27 | 如JamelDebbouze这样的少数族裔的漫画,嘲笑法国移民。 | Ethnic-minority comics, such as Jamel Debbouze, are mocking immigrant France. | |
28 | 上周在密歇根州的一个集会上,部分售出的海报上嘲讽了麦凯恩的七处房产。上面写道:“麦凯恩,请你也买下我的房子吧!” | At his rally last week in Michigan, some sold posters mocking Mr McCain’s seven homes: "McCain, please buy my house too! " | |
29 | 他们两人之间仍然存在着明显的紧张关系:例如,理查兹执意以嘲笑米克爵士“短小的阴茎”为乐事。 | There are clearly still tensions between the two: Mr Richards takes a perverse delight in mocking Sir Mick’s "tiny todger" , for example. | |
30 | 它无礼地上窜下跳,戏弄士兵们,还朝他们扔果核。 | It jumped up and down disrespectfully, mocking the hunting soldiers. It threw a nut at them. |