1 | 溪谷之王(指雄鹿). | the monarch of the glen | |
2 | 杨将军在一两年以前,在陕西那些未被红军控制的地区,还是个唯我独尊的皇帝。 | Until a couple of years before, General Young had been undisputed monarch of those parts of Shansi not controlled by the Reds | |
3 | 一位著名君主的骑马像 | an equestrian statue of a famous monarch . | |
4 | 议会所通过的新法案已获国王批准. | The new bill passed by Parliament has received the royal assent,ie been approved by the monarch . | |
5 | 英国皇家卫队的卫士 | A yeoman of the British monarch ’s royal guard. | |
6 | 赢得君王的好感;赞同这个计划 | Won the favor of the monarch ;looked with favor on the plan. | |
7 | 御宝:指献祭典礼上帝王使用的饰物以及国家大典中君王佩戴的正式地位的标志 | Crown jewels: Ornaments used at the coronation of a monarch and the formal ensigns of monarchy worn or carried on state occasions, | |
8 | 在自己的家中,你就是一个南面王,不逊于任何宝座上的帝王。--塞万提斯 | You are a king by your own fireside, as much as any Monarch in his throne.-- Miguel De Cervantes | |
9 | 宅邸中世纪王公、贵族的城堡或房宇 | The castle or house of a medieval monarch or noble. | |
10 | 这场革命推翻了君主。 | The revolution overthrew the monarch . | |
11 | 这昏君荒淫无道,加速了这个国家的灭亡。 | The licentious monarch helped bring about his country’s downfall. | |
12 | 这群德隆道高的人的确想知道,就在目前这一刹那,那位皇帝正在做什么事情。 | This reverend crowd would like to know what monarch was at, just at this moment | |
13 | 中国皇帝既没有象赫拉克利乌斯那样对那封信置之不理,也没有照弑亲者卡瓦德那样侮辱送信的人。 | The Chinese monarch neither neglected the message as Heraclius did, nor insulted the envoys after the fashion of the parricide Kavadh | |
14 | 竹简《缁衣》与先秦君臣、君民关系索隐 | A Research of Relations between Monarch and Subject Ministers and Commons in Pro-Qin Times from Bamboo slips "Zi Yi" (Black Clothes) | |
15 | 专制君主. | an absolute monarch | |
16 | 《伊丽莎白女王:一位现代君主的一生》莎莉·贝德尔·史密斯著。 | Elizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch . By Sally Bedell Smith. | |
17 | ||1:美国的社会传记作家莎莉·贝德尔·史密斯向读者描述了女王作为朋友的一面。||2:贝德尔·史密斯女士生动地记叙了她在华盛顿一个花园派对和在伦敦的一次招待会上同女王简短的谈话,也写到了一些遇见女王的人的轻率之举动。||3:老布什总统透露,伊丽莎白二世“非常遵守礼节”但又不“冷淡”。||4:一个目击者描述,在女王去肯塔基州一户养马人家时,一只小狗当着女王的大便,这打破了沉默的气氛。||5:南希·里根回忆:有一次和女王,菲利普亲王以及查尔斯王子在温莎城堡里共进早餐,当她看到在座的每个人都自己从一个大盒子里倒出吃的食物,她很惊讶。||6:据报道,女王喜欢在膝盖上裹一条毯子,在看她的种马和母马交配时喜欢戴一顶安全帽(出于卫生和安全考虑,现在她站在一个观景平台上观看)。||7:这些无足轻重的事情一点都不有趣,仅仅因为它们和女王有关。||8:但不幸的是,这些家庭生活的细节和作为女王的伊丽莎白二世是否有趣一点关系都没有。 | ||1: Sally Bedell Smith, an American society biographer, offers her readers the illusion of knowing the queen as a friend. ||2: Ms Bedell Smith brightly describes her own brief chats with the monarch at a Washington garden party and a London reception, before sprinkling her account with minute indiscretions from other people who have met her. ||3: The elder President Bush reveals that Elizabeth II is “rather formal” but not “standoffish”. ||4: A witness describes how a puppy defecated in front of the queen during a visit to a Kentucky horse-breeder, breaking the ice. ||5: Nancy Reagan recalls a breakfast with the queen, Prince Philip and Prince Charles at Windsor Castle; she was surprised that everyone poured their own cereal from the box. ||6: It is reported that the queen likes a travel rug round her knees and used to wear a hard hat when watching stallions cover her mares (now she stands on a viewing platform, after health and safety advice). ||7: This footling stuff is only of any interest because it is about the queen. ||8: But—fatally—those same domestic details have nothing to do with why Elizabeth II, as queen, is interesting. | |
18 | ||1:上面图片中和查尔斯王子的合照拍摄于女王加冕后不久。然而,对于八十五岁的女王来说,信仰也是需要距离的。||2:皇室里年轻的一代受到宠爱,都被如此教育着。||3:但是女王自己从来都不接受任何采访。||4:英国的十二任首相都认为自己是民众和女王之间的特殊纽带,女王对政治的看法仍不为大众所知。 | ||1: Yet for the 85-year-old monarch , pictured above with Prince Charles shortly before her coronation, belief requires distance, too. ||2: Younger generations of royals have kissed and told. ||3: But the queen has never given an interview. ||4: Though some of her 12 British prime ministers were convinced they forged a special bond during weekly audiences with their sovereign, her personal politics remain unknown. | |
19 | ||1:这其中的两个作者,沙拉·布拉德福德和罗伯特·拉西都是经验丰富的皇家历史学家,他们在2012年出版的作品援引了之前已经出版著作的内容。||2:布拉德福德女士坦白她是支持皇室的,她曾经将几种关注皇室的不同行为进行了分类。||3:有一种是“女王的工作”派别,是由1969年电视节目“皇室家族”开启,展现女王伏案工作的场景,桌上堆满了国务文件,准备国事访问以及和家人休闲娱乐。||4:啊,她解释道,一旦公众看到了皇家的画室,他们会好奇卧室是什么样子。||5:因此出现了“皇室肥皂剧”流派。||6:布拉德福德女士引入一部分历史事实,以轻松的笔调带领读者信步于这两派熟知的情节之间。||7:拉西曾用了将近40年的时间来写女王,他将自己单薄的一本书定义为“午后休闲阅读”,但事实上并非如此。||8:拉西博学多才,对女王怀有偏见,他似乎有些反感这些皇室成员,在他书中一些没有提及姓名的官员和圈内人也此表示了同感。 | ||1:Two of the authors, Sarah Bradford and Robert Lacey, are veteran royal historians, whose 2012 biographies draw on previously published work.||2:With the frankness of an old pro, at one point Ms Bradford names different schools of royal-watching.||3:There is the “work of the Queen” genre, as pioneered by the 1969 television film “Royal Family”, which showed the monarch working through boxes of state papers, preparing state visits or relaxing with her family.||4:Alas, she explains, once the public had seen inside royal drawing rooms, they soon wanted to peer into the bedroom.||5:Thus arose the “royal soap opera” genre.||6:Ms Bradford takes readers on a brisk, assured canter through the familiar landmarks of both genres, adding a dose of history as she goes.||7:Mr Lacey, who has been writing about the queen for nearly 40 years, advertises his slim volume as a “pleasant afternoon’s reading”, which it is not.||8:At once knowledgeable and jaundiced, Mr Lacey seems slightly sick of his royal subjects, as do the unnamed courtiers and insiders whom he quotes. | |
20 | ||1:作为一名立宪制君主,女王和大众保持着一致。她不仅仅要为自己在公众面前必要的露面负责,也要不失谨慎小心。||2:因为公众也有发言权。||3:在一些事情上,女王对灾祸的处理还缺乏透明度,最为深痛的是在1997年,当戴安娜--威尔士王妃去世时,女王仍留在苏格兰和皇室成员们在一起。||4:在当时新上任的年轻的首相托尼·布莱尔的恳请下,女王才回到了伦敦。(一些愤怒的群众在小报上叫嚣“拿出你关心的证据”) | ||1: Yet as a constitutional monarch , ruling with the tacit consent of the majority, she is not the only judge of the trade-off between necessary display and indispensable discretion. ||2: The public have a say as well. ||3: Some of the queen’s closest brushes with disaster have involved a lack of visibility, most painfully in 1997 when she remained in Scotland with the royal family after the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. ||4: She only returned to London after pleas from her new, young prime minister, Tony Blair (and lynch-mob demands to “Show Us You Care” from the tabloids). | |
21 | (从议会大厦)往西是皇室在伦敦的永久性住所,白金汉宫。 | Farther west is the monarch ’s permanent residence in London, Buckingham Palace. | |
22 | (研究发现)50%的帝王蝶死亡,而剩下的也只是长到了正常大小的一半。 | Half the monarch butterflies died and the rest grew to only 50% normal size. | |
23 | “走进一个停满大花蝶的冷杉树丛,就仿佛走进了一个硕大的万花筒一般。”休斯如是说。 | "Stepping into a grove of monarch -laden fir trees is like stepping into a kaleidoscope, " Hughes says. | |
24 | 100多万人立在街道两旁,悲恸地大声叫喊着,向他们辞世的国王表示敬意。 | Well over one million people lined the streets, ululating and shouting in grief and respect to their fallen monarch . | |
25 | 1171年,亨利二世成了第一个给爱尔兰制造麻烦的英国君主。 | IN 1171 Henry II was the first English monarch to cause trouble in Ireland. | |
26 | 1947年11月20日,当时已经成为英格兰执政君主的伊丽莎白二世与希腊和丹麦王子菲利普在威斯敏斯特教堂结为夫妻。 | he reigning monarch of England, Queen Elizabeth II, married Prince Phillip of Greece and Denmark at Westminster Abbey on Nov. | |
27 | 1979年,其最后的君主,沙阿礼萨巴拉维被推翻,但取代他的却是另外一个独裁者,阿亚图拉霍梅尼。 | Its last monarch , Shah Reza Pahlavi, was overthrown in 1979, but he was replaced by yet another autocrat, the Ayatollah Khomeini. | |
28 | 2、将印有英国国王头像的邮票倒贴在信封上是一种叛国行为。(7%) | 2. It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside-down (seven percent) | |
29 | 2009年,87岁高龄的菲利普亲王成为了英国保持君主配偶身份时间最长的人。 | In 2009, at the age of 87, Phillip became the oldest serving partner of a reigning British monarch . | |
30 | 64%的人认为君主应该退休,只有31%的人表示反对。 | While 64% think the monarch should retire, only 31% do not. |