1 | "那僧笑道:""你且莫问,日后自然明白的." | "Don’t ask."" The monk smiled. ""You’ll find out all in good time." | |
2 | "深山藏古寺"的题目,只画一个小和尚在溪边担水足矣。 | In another examination, for the line "an ancient temple hides in the deep mountain", a painter drew a young monk fetching water from a stream. | |
3 | "因使人过去请时,那家人去了回来说:""和尚说,贾爷今日五鼓已进京去了"" | "But the servant sent to ask his friend over bought back word, ""The monk says that Mr. Jia left for the capital at the fifth watch this morning."" | |
4 | (多明我会的)修道士. | Black Friar( Dominican monk ) | |
5 | [谚]穿上袈裟不一定就是和尚,人不可貌相。 | The cowl does not make the monk . | |
6 | “你怎么知道我可以结婚?结婚也许不宜于我的精神结构。结婚也许要把我的精神变成荒谬”我是不适于结婚的……那么我便应该象和尚似的关在狗笼里么 | `How do you know I can? It may not suit the process of my mind. Marriage might...and would...stultify my mental processes. I’m not properly pivoted that way...and so must I be chained in a kennel like a monk ? | |
7 | 本笃会修士,本笃会修女属于努尔西亚的圣·本笃创建的修道会的修士或修女 | A monk or nun belonging to the order founded by Saint Benedict of Nursia. | |
8 | 摒弃世间的浮华而出家. | Forsaking worldly pomp for the life of a monk | |
9 | 不可以相貌取人。 | The hooddoes not make the monk . | |
10 | 不想这日三月十五,葫芦庙中炸供,那些和尚不加小心,致使油锅火逸,便烧着窗纸. | Then, on the fifteenth day of the third month, a fire broke out in Gourd Temple--the monk preparing the sacrifice carelessly let a pan of oil catch fire and soon the window paper was alight. | |
11 | 橙黄色的僧袍 | A Buddhist monk ’s saffron robes | |
12 | 此后,高丽国僧人义天为求法也跋涉而来,回国后,建高丽国清寺。 | Afterwards, a Korean monk also trudged to Tiantai for studying of Buddhism and built Korean Guoqing Temple after his returning | |
13 | 从此空空道人因空见色,由色生情,传情入色,自色悟空,遂易名为情僧 | Since all manifestations are born of nothingness and in turn give rise to passion, by describing passion for what is manifest we comprehend nothingness. So the Taoist changed his name to the Passionate Monk | |
14 | 大雁塔是为保存唐玄奘从印度带回的经书及佛象而修建的。 | The Dayan Pagoda has been used for the safe keeping of the scriptures and buddha’s statues brought back by Monk Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty from India. | |
15 | 到复辟时代,她变得很虔诚,由于她信仰上帝的心非常热烈,神甫们也就不再追究她那修士而原谅了她。 | At the Restoration she had turned bigot, and that with so much energy that the priests had forgiven her her monk | |
16 | 对不会使心眼的人,吴语称为“憨”,这泉是这位很“憨”的小和尚凿出来的,“憨憨泉” | In the Wu dialect, a guileless, simple-hearted man is described as han. As the spring was found by such a han young monk , it was given the name Hanhan | |
17 | 敦煌莫高窟的第一位开拓者是乐樽和尚。 | The first painter of the Dunhuang Murals was a monk named Lezun. | |
18 | 方欲进来时,只见从那边来了一僧一道:那僧则癞头跣脚,那道则跛足蓬头,疯疯癫癫,挥霍谈笑而至. | He was just about to go in again when a monk and a Taoist priest drew near, laughing and gibbering like two maniacs. The monk was barefooted, his head scabby; the priest, lame with tangled, tousled hair. | |
19 | 佛陀在树下整整呆了五个星期,见证了自己所有的前世。后来大风暴袭来了 | For five weeks Buddha remained under the tree, while all his previous lives were revealed to him, and then the mighty tempest occurred, but Muchalinda, king of the Nagas, protected the monk by wrapping his serpentine body around the youth | |
20 | 夫妇俩大喜过望,觉得这个孩子与佛有缘,于是给孩子取名为“李修缘”。这个李修缘就是后世大名鼎鼎的济公和尚。 | The joyful couple named their son Li Xiuyuan. This Li Xiuyuan was the very legendary monk Jigong. | |
21 | 负责免罪罚的多明我会修士台彻尔鼓动那种信念,他似乎利用过这样的钱币声:“保险箱内的钱币一发出声音,炼狱中的亡灵便获新生。” | The dominican monk , Tetzel, who was in charge of the proclamation, encouraged that belief. He seems to have used the jingle "as soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs" | |
22 | 公元575年的一天,一条小船将被皇帝奉为国师的高僧智者带到了天台山。 | In the Autumn of 575, a boat carried an eminent monk Zhizhe regarded as the Mentor of State by the Emperor to Tiantai Mountains. | |
23 | 和尚戴着一串念珠。 | The monk wears a string of beads. | |
24 | 和尚在香炉里焚上一柱香。 | The monk burned a stick of incense in the incense burner. | |
25 | 后来还亏了一个秃头和尚,说专治无名之症 | In the end, luckily, there came a tonsured monk who claimed to specialize in mysterious diseases. | |
26 | 及至到了他门前,看见士隐抱着英莲,那僧便大哭起来 | When they reached Shiyin’s gate and saw the child in his arms, the monk burst into lamentations. | |
27 | 几年来,Catherine Monk一直克制自己对甜食的渴望,压制不了时,就无节制地吃半品脱冰淇淋。 | For years, Catherine Monk would ignore her sweet tooth, then splurge on half a pint of ice cream | |
28 | 继"四僧画家"之后,又崛起一个革新画派--"扬州八怪"。 | After the Four Monk Painters, the Qing Dynasty saw the rise of another revolutionary painting school in the Eight Eccentric Painters of Yangzhou. | |
29 | 竟好,自他说了去后,一二年间可巧都得了,好容易配成一料. | Well, we were lucky enough to collect all the ingredients and have them carefully made up within two years of the monk ’s telling us. | |
30 | 据史料记载:336年(前秦建元二年),有乐尊和尚受佛祖指引,来到丝绸之路上的要冲敦煌,行至三危山中,时已黄昏,这位云游和尚还没有找到住宿的地方。 | According to historical literature, in A.D. 336, Monk Le Zun, inspired and guided by sakyamuni, came to Mount Sanwei in today’s Dunhuang, at that time a strategic outpost. It was already dusk but he had no idea where he could spend the night |