1 | (本笃会修士创始酿造的)甜露酒. | Liqueur originally made by monks of this order | |
2 | (指教士)不属修道院的 | (of priests)not belonging to a community of monks | |
3 | 5月8日戒烟运动者们在全民戒烟运动中得到了来自泰国、柬埔寨和斯里兰卡等国的僧侣们的大力支持,然而殊不知他们面临的主要挑战之一却是如何劝诫僧侣们自己戒烟。 | Anti-smoking activists enlisted Buddhist monks from Thailand, Cambodia and Sri Lanka Wednesday to help fight the tobacco habit, but said one of their main challenges was persuading monks themselves to quit | |
4 | 宝莲寺法师反对政府更改巴士站的位置并在寺院门口增设市集吸引旅客,准备周五起采取封山行动,政府遂呼吁(他们停止封山)。 | The appeal came as the monks prepared to seal off access to the tourist attraction for a week from Friday in protest at the government’s plan to relocate bus stations and open a tourist bazaar on land in front of the monastery. | |
5 | 北宋初,于阗使臣、僧人向宋朝进贡不断。 | In the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, envoys and monks from Yutian brought tribute to the Song Dynasty court from time to time | |
6 | 参加网上讨论者有本地大学讲师,有中国的中学生,也有印尼僧人。 | The online activists range from local university lecturers to secondary students in China to monks in Indonesia. | |
7 | 藏传佛教和僧人在元代政治中的地位 | Buddhism Disseminated in Tibet and Buddhist Monks as Well as Their Political Positions during the Yuan Dynasty | |
8 | 茶由中国宋朝的禅宗高僧荣西(1141~1215)传入日本后,主要是禅宗和尚们喝茶以保持清醒。 | When tea was introduced from Song-dynasty China by the Zen monk Eisai (1141-1215), it was drunk by Zen monks to help them stay awake during meditation. | |
9 | 此次研讨会的组织者称,在柬埔寨5.9万名僧侣中有36%的人都是"瘾君子"。 | About 36 percent of cambodia’s 59,000 Buddhist monks smoke cigarettes, workshop organizers said | |
10 | 方丈和众僧都聚集在大厅里,瞧一位新来乍到的魔术家表演魔术,那么纳罕称奇,那么容易受骗,简直就跟小孩子一样。 | The abbot and his monks were assembled in the great hall, observing with childish wonder and faith the performances of a new magician, a fresh arrival | |
11 | 方丈莞尔一笑,拿出寒山寺中张继《枫桥夜泊》诗的碑刻拓片,虽不言语,日本僧人却已顿开茅塞。 | With a smile, the abbot took out a tablet rubbing of Zhang Ji’s Poem Mooring by Feng’Qiao at Night.Although nothing more was said, the Japanese monks felt enlightened | |
12 | 佛家道德学与孟子思想类似,由中国僧侣与印度社会的对话而生。 | Buddhist morality, which shares insights with Mencius, was born out of a dialogue between Chinese monks and the Indian society. | |
13 | 佛教鼎盛时期,在塔里木盆地周缘各绿洲,佛寺林立,僧尼众多,还形成了于阗、疏勒、龟兹(音:秋词)、高昌等著名的佛教中心。 | At its peak, Buddhist temples mushroomed in the oases around the Tarim Basin with large numbers of monks and nuns. Yutian, Shule, Qiuci and Gaochang were all centers of Buddhism | |
14 | 拂菻僧:关于唐代景教之外的基督教派别入华的一个推测 | Fulin (the East Roman Empire)Monks -A Supposition about the Coming to China of Other Christian Sects beyond Nestorians during the Tang Dynasty | |
15 | 过着清苦生活的僧侣. | Monks leading simple, austere lives | |
16 | 和尚都剃头. | Monks shave their heads. | |
17 | 和尚们的脸色很难看。 | The monks looked black | |
18 | 和尚们正在念经。 | The monks are chanting the sacred texts. | |
19 | 慧皎高僧传及其神异性格 | Hui-chiao’s Lives of Eminent Monks and Its Supernatural Characters | |
20 | 监督长老和皇帝的是僧侣,难以计数的修道院不像西方那样按教团来组织。 | Watching over both patriarch and emperor were the monks , whose countless monasteries were not organized in Orders, as in the West | |
21 | 她检视这个时期起始的文献,道教宫观的建筑布置、日常的戒律、男女修道者人际间的礼仪、他们身上的配件与法衣,以及宫观生活中崇拜的面向(规律的宗教仪式、年度的庆典以及诸如葬礼的特殊仪式)。 | She examines texts from this period along with the architectural layout of Daoist monasteries, the daily discipline and interpersonal etiquette of monks and nuns, their implements and vestments, as well as the liturgical dimension (regular services, annual festivals, and special rites such as funerals)of monastic life. | |
22 | 尽管如此,到十四世纪中叶,欧洲的绘画中已经出现了戴眼镜的僧侣的形象。 | Even so, by the mid-thirteen hundreds, European paintings were depicting monks wearing eyeglasses | |
23 | 净土僧侣自我观之叙事研究 | Narrative Research of Self-View of Pure Land Monks | |
24 | 据法显记述:"当此日,境内道俗皆集,作倡伎乐,华香供养 | Fa Xian wrote, "On this day, all monks and laymen of the country gather to perform music and dance, present incense and flowers | |
25 | 据说,石梁方广寺的和尚一直用一种天台自产的华顶云雾茶来供养五百罗汉,从而演变出一种大名鼎鼎的茶艺:石梁罗汉茶。 | It’s said that the monks in Fangguang Temple always feed the five hundred Arhats with a local tea which has developed to be a well-known variety over the years: Shiliang Arhat Tea. | |
26 | 来自泰国的寺院主持素察·奇诺拉索说,他所在寺院的僧侣中大约四分之一的人都有吸烟的恶习。 | Dr. Suchat Chinoraso, a Buddhist abbot from Thailand, said about 25 percent of his fellow monks smoke | |
27 | 略论十世纪前来华梵僧 | A Trial Discussion on Buddhist Monks Coming to China before the 10th Century | |
28 | 论明代中后期的鬻牒度僧 | On the System of Yudiedu Monks in the Middle and Late Ming Period | |
29 | 论中古高僧的外学与身分建构的关联-以《高僧传》为依据 | On the Connection between the Secular Studies and the Identity Construction of Medieval Chinese Eminent Monks -According to Gaoseng Zhuan | |
30 | 免戒室修道院中供那些享受特免的僧侣使用的屋子 | The room in a monastery used by monks who have been granted such a dispensation. |