1 | "玩游戏对这个年龄段的人来说非常普遍,几乎是他们的习性。琼斯说:""它可能就像许多年前垄断一样那么流行。" | "Playing games is so common for this age group, it’s almost second nature, Jones says. “It’s common maybe in a way Monopoly was years ago ”,Jones said." | |
2 | ( 九)企业之间或者行业组织商定垄断价格的; | (ix)creating monopoly pricing by reaching an agreement between enterprises or industries; | |
3 | 2001年的整顿和规范市场经济秩序的重点任务中,还有打破地区封锁和部门、行业垄断尚未部署,将在适当时间安排。 | The key tasks for 2001 also called for breaching regional blockade and departmental and trade monopoly | |
4 | 20世纪初该公司实际垄断了美国远距通信工业,到了1970年已是全球最大的公司。 | In the early 20th century it gained a virtual monopoly over the U.S. telecommunications industry, and by 1970 it was the world’s largest corporation. | |
5 | 傲慢地宣称唯有其知晓真理 | Arrogantly claims to have a monopoly on the truth. | |
6 | 白人的政治权力垄断必须结束,我国的政治制度和经济制度,必须从根本上加以改革,以确保种族隔离的种种不平等现象得到处理,我国社会彻底实现民主化。 | There must be an end to white monopoly on political power, and a fundamental restructuring of our political and economic systems to ensure that the inequalities of apartheid are addressed and our society thoroughly democratized | |
7 | 版权作为一种特殊的产权和垄断权形式,实质上是资产权,并带有强烈的个人因素,作品著作是一种个人的创造性过程,与一般劳动或投资有很大区别。 | Copyrights, considered as unique forms of property and monopoly , are essentially pecuniary rights, but underlying them is a strong personal element. Authorship is a individual creative process, something quite different from ordinary labour or investment. | |
8 | 必须经国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门或者省级烟草专卖行政主管部门批准, | shall be subject to the approval of the department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council or the department of tobacco monopoly administration at the provincial level | |
9 | 承运人明知是烟草专卖品而为无准运证的单位、个人运输的,由烟草专卖行政主管部门没收违法所得,并处罚款。 | A consignee who, knowing that the goods to be transported are tobacco monopoly commodities, undertakes the transportation thereof for units or individuals that do not hold transportation permits, shall be confiscated of the illegal income derived therefrom by the department of tobacco monopoly administration, with the concurrent punishment of a fine. | |
10 | 持有特种烟草专卖经营企业许可证的企业,必须按照国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门的规定,向国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门报送进货、销售、库存的计划和报表。 | Any enterprise with a special license for the tobacco monopoly operation enterprise must, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council, submit to the department the plans and statements about its purchases, sales and stock. | |
11 | 除了税收、关税和土地租金外,政府(理论上是托勒密国王)还通过垄断某些项目和服务业来获取可观的收入。 | Apart from taxes, duties and land rents, the state(theoretically ptolemy, the king)received a large income by operating monopoly control of certain projects and services | |
12 | 打破地方保护和行业垄断,为外商投资企业创造统一开放、公平竞争的市场环境。 | Regional protection and industrial monopoly are being broken down, so as to create a uniform and open market environment for fair competition of foreign funded enterprises. | |
13 | 大学教育不应是少数富家子弟的专利。 | A university education shouldn’t be the monopoly of the minority whose parents are rich. | |
14 | 代表品的价格由国务院物价主管部门会同国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门制定。 | The prices of such indicators shall be set by the pricing authorities under the State Council together with the department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council. | |
15 | 但是因为没有谁跟我说过"大富翁"只有孩子才能玩,所以成年后我仍然爱玩这个游戏。 | Nobody told me Monopoly was only for kids, so I just kept playing the game as an adult. | |
16 | 到1914年,美国工业的垄断时代已经结束,一种新的经济结构正在出现。 | By 1914 the era of monopoly in American industry had passed, and a new economic structure was emerging. | |
17 | 帝国主义是资本主义的垄断阶段。 | Imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism. | |
18 | 第二十八条 国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门根据国务院规定,管理烟草行业的进出口贸易和对外经济技术合作。 | Article 28 The department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council shall, in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council, exercise control over tobacco industry’s import and export trade and its foreign economic and technological co-operation. | |
19 | 第二十二条 托运或者自运烟草专卖品必须持有烟草专卖行政主管部门或者烟草专卖行政主管部门授权的机构签发的准运证;无准运证的,承运人不得承运。 | Article 22 Whoever consigns the transportation of tobacco monopoly commodities to others or undertakes the transportation thereof by himself must hold a transportation permit signed and issued by the department of tobacco monopoly administration or its authorized agency; consignees may not undertake the transportation for any consignor who does not hold a transportation permit. | |
20 | 第二十六条 生产卷烟纸、滤 嘴棒、烟用丝束、烟草专用机械的企业,应当按照国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门的计划以及与烟草制品生产企业签订的订货合同组织生产。 | Article 26 Any enterprise engaged in the production of cigarette paper, filter rods, cigarette tow or cigarette manufacturing equipment shall organize production in accordance with the plans assigned by the department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council and the order contracts concluded with the enterprises producing tobacco products. | |
21 | 第二十三条 制定关系群众切身利益的公用事业价格、公益性服务价格、自然垄断经营的商品价格等政府指导价、政府定价,应当建立听证会制度,由政府价格主管部门主持,征求消费者、经营者和有关方面的意见,论证其必要性、可行性。 | Article 23 In fixing government-set and guided prices for public utitities services of public welfare in nature and the prices for merchandises of monopoly in nature that are important to immediate interest of people public hearings presided over by government price department should be conveyed to solicit views from consumers, business operators and other quarters to explore the necessity and feasibility. | |
22 | 第二十五条 生产卷烟纸、滤嘴棒、烟用丝束、烟草专用机械的企业,必须报国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门批准,取得烟草专卖生产企业许可证。 | Article 25 Any enterprise which is to engage in the production of cigarette paper, filter rods, cigarette tow or cigarette manufacturing equipment must apply to the department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council for approval and obtain a license for the tobacco monopoly production enterprise. | |
23 | 第三十条 违反本规定擅自收购烟叶的,由烟草专卖行政主管部门处以罚款,并按照国家规定的价格收购违法收购的烟叶; | Article 30 Whoever, in violation of this Law, purchases leaf tobacco without authorization shall be fined by the department of tobacco monopoly administration, and the leaf tobacco illegally purchased shall be repurchased by the said department at the price set by the State; | |
24 | 第三条国家对金银实行统一管理、统购统配的政策。 | Article 3 The State pursues a policy of unified control and monopoly purchase and allocation with regard to gold and silver. | |
25 | 第十七条 国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门会同国务院物价主管部门按卷 烟等级选定部分牌号的卷烟作为代表品。 | Article 17 The department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council shall, together with the pricing authorities under the State Council, select on a grading basis cigarettes of certain brands as indicators. | |
26 | 第四条 在广告经营活动中,禁止垄断和不正当竞争行为。 | ARticle 4. Monopoly and unfair competition shall be prohibited in advertising operations. | |
27 | 对凭借行业垄断和某些特殊条件获得个人额外收入的必须纠正。 | We must correct the malpractice of individuals obtaining extra incomes by taking advantage of sectoral monopoly and some special privileges. | |
28 | 对他们来说,股票只不过是赌博交易的筹码,就像是大富翁里的棋子一样。 | For them, stocks are merely tokens in a game, like the thimble and flatiron in Monopoly . | |
29 | 对外贸易国家垄断,对外贸易国家专营制 | foreign trade state monopoly system;exclusive control of foreign trade by the state;foreign trade under state monopoly | |
30 | 对于基本医疗保险用药以及预防用药、必要的儿科用药、垄断经营的特殊药品实行政府定价或政府指导价。 | Set prices or government-guiding prices will be introduced for pharmaceuticals covered by the basic medical insurance system, as well as drugs for preventive use, essential drugs for children and special monopoly drugs. |