1 | 套购统购统销物资 | Illegally buy up goods for which there is a state monopoly of purchase and marketing | |
2 | 通过购买所有的或大部分的可获得的供应品以期提高其价格,而对股票或商品的一种投机的控制. | A speculative monopoly of a stock or commodity created by purchasing all or most of the available supply in order to raise its price. | |
3 | 统一收购、统一调拨 | state purchase and allocation on a monopoly basis | |
4 | 推进垄断行业改革,积极引入竞争机制。 | Monopoly industries should carry out reforms to introduce competition mechanisms. | |
5 | 托拉斯单纯是一种超法律的安排,通过它,互相竞争的制造家实行联营,以便垄断。 | The trust was simply an extralegal arrangement by which competing manufacturers pooled properties to achieve monopoly | |
6 | 未经许可经营法律、行政法规规定的专营、专卖物品或者其他限制买卖的物品的 | Engage in the monopoly business or monopolized commodities stipulated in laws and administrative regulations, or other commodities whose purchase and sale are controlled, without permission | |
7 | 我思忖:年轻人对爱懂得多么少呀;认为爱只是年轻人的专利又是多么无知。老人深知爱的真谛,年轻人只能猜测而已。 | How little the young know of loving,I’d think. How foolish to think they have a monopoly on such a precious commodity.The old know what loving truly means; the young can only guess. | |
8 | 我在前章所考察的各原则,发源于私人利害关系和独占精神。 | The principles which I have been examining in the foregoing chapter took their origin from private interest and the spirit of monopoly | |
9 | 显示科学上的成就不是男人的专利 | Showed that scientific achievement is not a male monopoly . | |
10 | 现在国际垄断资本控制着全世界的经济,市场被他们占了,要奋斗出来很不容易。 | At present, the entire world economy is under the control of international monopoly capital, and the world market is dominated by it. | |
11 | 宪法限制作者对其作品的独占权的原因在于贯穿于整个宪法的单一而统一的主题,分权。 | The reason the Constitution limits the recipient of the monopoly power to authors resides in the single, unifying theme of the entire constitutional enterprise, the decentralization of power. | |
12 | 烟叶收购价格由国务院物价主管部门会同国务院烟草专卖主管部门按照公等定价的原则制定。 | The purchasing prices of leaf tobacco shall be set, on a grading basis, by the pricing authorities under the State Council in conjunction with the department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council. | |
13 | 一个庞大的垄断公司真正伸出触手来,就象章鱼似的,要把它紧紧地搂住。 | A giant monopoly is really reaching out to enfold it with an octopus-like grip | |
14 | 以国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门的领导为主。 | with the leadership of the department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council as the main leading authority. | |
15 | 因此我还是欣赏美国政府在反垄断方面对微软所采取的行动。 | It is for this reason that I appreciate the anti-monopoly measures taken by the United States government against Microsoft. | |
16 | 英国安妮法案是美国著作权条款的先驱,它的通过也是为了减少出版业的独占权达到此目的。 | The British Statute of Anne, the precursor to the American Copyright Clause, was adopted for the purpose of reducing the monopoly power of the publishing industry | |
17 | 拥有…的独占权 | Have a monopoly of [in, on]... | |
18 | 由于当代报纸依赖广告收入,以及技术发展带来的巨大成本,使报纸的垄断倾向几乎是必然的。 | The trend toward monopoly ’ owing to the dependence of the modern newspaper on advertising and the high cost of keeping pace with technical development, seems irreversible. | |
19 | 有人则认为问题在于垄断,而不在于规模大。 | Others say that the problem is monopoly , not bigness | |
20 | 在艾森豪威尔执政时期,美国主要因为拥有优越的发射系统,即仍在服役的B一52型轰炸机,而实际上垄断了核武器。 | Under eisenhower, the United States enjoyed a virtual monopoly on nuclear weapons largely because of its superior delivery system, the B-52 bomber still in use | |
21 | 在传统的工业社会,其行业、产品市场具有较长时间的稳定性,出现垄断、寡头、或较强市场进入限制的可能性很大。 | In a traditional industrial society where its industries and market enjoy a relatively long period of stability, there is a great possibility of monopoly , oligarchy and strong market access restriction | |
22 | 在勾结的情况下制定的价格,接近于垄断价格。 | Pricing decisions made in a collusive atmosphere come close to monopoly pricing | |
23 | 在国际垄断资本对我国实行制裁时,你们带了这么大一个代表团来我国访问 | Just as international monopoly capitalists are imposing sanctions on China, you come to visit us with a large delegation. | |
24 | 在那个国家,政府独占石油开采权。 | The government has a monopoly of oil production in that country. | |
25 | 在索马里,在玉米、高梁以及进口粮食交易方面半国营垄断机构已被取消。 | In Somalia the monopoly of parastatals in maize, sorghum, and imported foods has been eliminated | |
26 | 在许多国家,烟草是政府的专卖商品。 | In many countries tobacco is a government monopoly . | |
27 | 在许多国家,烟草是政府的专卖事业。 | In many countries, tobacco is a government monopoly . | |
28 | 在有些国家烟草是政府的专卖品 | In some countries tobacco is a government monopoly | |
29 | 在中美商约的基础上,美国的独占资本和蒋介石的官僚买办资本紧紧地结合在一起,控制着全国的经济生活。 | On the basis of this treaty, U.S. monopoly capital and Chiang Kai-shek’s bureaucrat-comprador capital have become tightly intertwined and control the economic life of the whole country | |
30 | 这个垄断资本主义,同外国帝国主义、本国地主阶级和旧式富农密切地结合着,成为买办的封建的国家垄断资本主义。 | This monopoly capitalism, closely tied up with foreign imperialism, the domestic landlord class and the old-type rich peasants, has become comprador, feudal, state-monopoly capitalism |