1 | 科学展示的引起动机设计对观众参观行为之影响 | Visitor Behavior in Dinosaur Gallery: What Do the Motivated Factors Effect on Visitors? | |
2 | 狂热的:充满狂热或受不理智的热情所支配的;不理智的热诚的. | fanatical:Possessed with or motivated by excessive, irrational zeal. | |
3 | 来自父亲的压力也是我的动力之一。 | I was also motivated by the pressure from my father | |
4 | 里根在决策时还有几种政治和外交上的考虑。 | In choosing his course, Mr. Reagan was motivated instead by several other political and diplomatic considerations | |
5 | 另一方面,外国公司政治上也面临被没收,国有化或其它营运方面的限制;特别是在初期投资协议到期后会发生上述现象。 | On the other hand, the foreign company may face politically motivated risks of confiscation, expropriation, nationalization, or other restrictions on its operations, especially after the initial investment agreement expires. | |
6 | 曼德维尔,约翰1670?-1733某一真名不详作家的笔名,著有约翰·曼德维尔爵士航海及旅行记(1371年),描写在东方的种种奇异的旅程 | Dutch-born British physician,philosopher,and satirist whose major work,The Fable of the Bees(1714,depicts all activity as being motivated by self-interest. | |
7 | 没有人确知他那样做的动机是什么。 | No one really knows what motivated him to do so. | |
8 | 内在动机与情意学习方案之小团体辅导效果 | A Study of the Productivity of the Intrinsically-Motivated & Affective Learning Program by Small Group Counseling | |
9 | 然而,即使排除掉那些草率和错误地被标定为种族动机的犯罪,确实也有许多黑人对白人进行攻击就是因为他们是白人。 | Yet even after discounting crimes that are hastily and erroneously tagged as racially motivated , many blacks do attack whites because they are white | |
10 | 热情的充满热情的或为热情所动的;热烈的 | Filled with or motivated by zeal;fervent. | |
11 | 如果教师热心教学,并知道如何有效利用学校的设备,学生便可借助新技术使读写能力和计算能力突飞猛进。 | But new technology can only put pupils on the fast track in literacy and numeracy if they have highly motivated teachers who know how to make the best use of school equipment | |
12 | 上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。 | Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality. | |
13 | 收费越高,任何公司减少污染物百分比就越大,控制污染投入成本低的公司会比投入成本高的公司减少污染的百分比更大。 | The larger the charge, the greater the percentage of pollutants any firm would be motivated to remove, though firms with low costs of control would remove larger percentages than would firms with high abatement costs | |
14 | 受赏与罚的双重因素所促使的. | Motivated by the twin goads of punishment and reward | |
15 | 思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。 | Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills. | |
16 | 他的动机只是想帮我,并不图回报。 | He was motivated only by his wish to help me, and expected nothing in return. | |
17 | 他们受赏与罚的双重因素所激励。 | They are motivated by the twin goads of punishment and reward | |
18 | 他认为这些谈话是受了僵化观念的鼓动,而不是对自然界变化的理性估价。 | He thinks the talk is motivated by blinkered ideology, not a rational assessment of natural change | |
19 | 他说,这部影片的主旨是反对暴力。片中各个人物都期望以自己的行动结束战争。 | He said the goal of the film is the opposite of violence, and the characters are motivated by their desire to end the war. | |
20 | 它注入了一种自豪感,激励人们同心协力,并以最积极的方式鼓励改善基础设施。 | They instilled a sense of pride, motivated people to work together, and encouraged development of infrastructure improvements in ways that were most positive | |
21 | 特首对香港法轮功活动的口诛升级:他在立法会答问大会中表示法轮功组织严密及有政治目的。 | The Chief Executive escalated the rhetoric over Falun Gong’s activities in Hong Kong by telling lawmakers that the meditation sect is a well-organised and politically motivated cult. | |
22 | 为保证现有的投资报酬率,中心经理可能有意拒绝使企业整体受益的其他盈利性的投资机会,只追求有见效快、投资报酬率高的项目。 | In order to protect the current ROI, a manager may be motivated to reject otherwise profitable investment opportunities that might have benefited the organization as a whole and take only projects that have immediate, very high rates of return. ROI | |
23 | 为此,应积极考虑最不发达国家在有关的理事会和委员会中提出的特定和有根据的关注。 | To this effect, sympathetic consideration shall be given to specific and motivated concerns raised by the least-developed countries in the appropriate Councils and Committees | |
24 | 为求官职而负债累累,其目的真仅想为民服务吗 | For candidates who borrow money to run for office, are they truly motivated by the desire to serve the people? | |
25 | 维吾尔语词理据的再探讨 | Re-discuss the Motivated of Uighur Words | |
26 | 我的同学们出于“挽救”我的目的,一直缠着我,都快要闹翻了。 | My classmates, motivated by a desire to "save" me, pestered me until I all but reached the breaking point | |
27 | 我公司在(前)苏联,包括俄罗斯和哈萨克的小企业组建支持业务不断发展,兹诚聘事业心强、素质较高的顾问人员前往协助。 | To assist our growing work in support of small business formation in the former Soviet Union, including Russia and Kazakstan, we are looking for motivated and highly competent consultants. | |
28 | 我们都被一种对赞美的强烈的渴求激励着。一个人越优秀,他越是被光荣所激励。就算哲人们自己在他们表示的不屑的书里也要表上自己的名字。 | We are all motivated by a keen desire for praise,and the better a man is,the more he is inspired by glory. The very philosophers themselves, even in those books which they write on contempt of glory,inscribe their names. | |
29 | 我们通过全面的企业内部变革,激发了同事们无限的创新意欲和奋发向上精神 | Through a series of internal reforms, we have successfully motivated our staff to become increasingly enthusiastic about exploring new ideas and pursuing excellence. | |
30 | 我们以市场需求为导向,科技开发为动力,本着优良的技术及诚信的理念,不断地引进新技术、新观念。 | Oriented by market demands and motivated by technical development, we still constantly bring in new technologies and new concepts in addition to our state-of-the-art technologies and integrity-oriented philosophy. |