属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-人权和欧洲 为权利上演的宫心计
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-知识产权 悬而未决的专利
1 | ||1:所有这一切使得新政府陷入了一个与其前任相似的困境中。||2:对银行风险资产的快速清理会导致公众资金的严重短缺。||3:然而,如果放任银行业稀里糊涂地进行自救,也有各种各样的成本。||4:尽管欧洲央行的三年期贷款项目已经缓解了西班牙银行的资金压力,但是信贷紧缩已经不可避免。||5:根据法国巴黎银行的的估计,在2011年,西班牙上市银行的贷款发放收缩了3.7%。这家投行还预计,贷款紧缩趋势在今明两年仍会持续。||6:信贷紧缩风险会进一步恶化经济环境,加剧银行的损失。||7:要求银行提高准备金对于改革来说是关键一步,但是西班牙政府可能到了需要一个新的改革计划的时候了。 | ||1: All of which leaves the new government in a similar bind to the old one. ||2: Forcing a rapid clean-up of the sector risks soaking up scarce public money. ||3: But leaving the banks to muddle their way through has costs, too. ||4: Although the European Central Bank’s three-year loan programme has eased funding pressures on Spanish banks, a credit crunch is under way. ||5: Listed Spanish banks shrank their loan books by 3.7% in 2011, according to estimates by Exane BNP Paribas, an investment firm which expects the trend to continue this year and next. ||6: That risks worsening the economic situation, and the losses that lenders face. ||7: Tightening the screws on provisions is an important step, but the government may yet need another reform plan. | |
2 | 保守党针对人权法案的改革计划如今还是一团糟 | The Conservatives’plans to reform human-rights laws are a muddle | |
3 | 加大了PTO工作量的同时,有没有给予更多资金保障,致使局面混乱,失去最佳调节机会。 | giving the office more work to do without a guarantee of more money. The result is a muddle as well as a missed opportunity. | |
4 | ||那么,干预究竟是否有用呢?随便哪个波斯尼亚的农民都会这样告诉你,“可能有用吧,也可能没用。”它取决于现实情况,并且人们的目标也要合理。有目标地混日子,Knaus如是说道。||你想做就做,能做就做,没别的了,Stewart以此表示赞成。从政策的角度来看,这似乎是在对利比亚称好,对叙利亚摇头之类的。 | ||So, does intervention work? As any Bosnian peasant may tell you, “maybe yes, maybe no.” It depends on the circumstances and requires modest ambitions. Muddle through with a sense of purpose, says Mr Knaus.|| Do what you can, where you can and no more, agrees Mr Stewart. In policy terms that sounds a bit like “yes” to Libya, “no” to Syria and so on. | |
5 | 走出泥塘的路只有一条。 | There is a way through this muddle . | |
6 | (until这句不太理解)如果西方能够在军队和民生两方面做好,那么现在起码政府能够联合组建起来。 | If the West can commit enough in military and civilian assistance, the present government should muddle through, at least in the cities. | |
7 | “我们试图在《新月》中看出对青年一致性和渴望的隐喻,但是我们发现这部电影一塌糊涂,”好莱坞的一位记者嗤之以鼻道。 | "We struggled to see in New Moon a metaphor of teen conformity and longing but found only a muddle , " sniffs the Hollywood Reporter. | |
8 | “这可能是一个恰好管用的蒙混过关策略,”一位银行高管表示。 | "It’s a muddle -through strategy that may just work, " says one senior bank executive. | |
9 | “中国基本上只需要两个增长引擎来实现增长”,他说。 | "China basically needs two engines of growth to muddle along, " he said. | |
10 | 奥巴马也很快的承认,伊拉克的政治如一滩烂泥,且“极端主义者仍会继续引爆炸弹”。 | As Mr Obama was quick to concede, Iraqi politics are a muddle and "extremists will continue to set off bombs" . | |
11 | 本杂志认为里斯本条约内容混乱且毫无价值可言。 | This newspaper thinks the Lisbon treaty is a useless muddle and should be binned. | |
12 | 不光是欧佩克代表们有点茫然,银行家们对明年油价的预测也不一致,从低于50美元到高于100美元的都有。 | OPEC’s delegates are not the only ones in a muddle . Bankers’ predictions of next year’s oil price range from less than $50 to over $100. | |
13 | 不过,如果欧盟选择凭直觉行事,毫无章法,它将冒付出高昂经济和政治代价的风险。 | But if the EU chooses instead to follow its instincts and muddle through, it risks paying a high economic and political price. | |
14 | 不过,倘若如此,我们所能做到的就只有维持阿富汗当前混沌的现状,并默许那里的情况缓慢地恶化下去。 | But this would simply maintain a status quo in which we muddle through, and permit a slow deterioration of conditions there. | |
15 | 不知如何限制精炼油厂污染水源并不是一个好兆头,因为至少这种污染源点是容易确定的。 | The muddle over how to limit water pollution from a refinery, which at least is easy to identify, does not bode well. | |
16 | 从对经济活动的调查情况来看,美国经济“艰难过关”的猜想似乎比较合理。 | The "muddle through" US scenario looks plausible from surveys of economic activity. | |
17 | 大清早,教室里已沉浸了许久浓浓的书香,谁也不肯在知识上得过且过。 | Early in the morning, the classroom was long thick scholar, who also refused to muddle along in knowledge. | |
18 | 但是在经济增长这个问题上,股票投资者的头脑有点糊涂。 | But stock investors are muddle -headed about economic growth. | |
19 | 但银行虽然可能蒙混过关,其放贷能力却会削弱,进而放缓俄罗斯的复苏进程。 | But, while banks might muddle through, their lending capacity would be impaired, slowing Russia’s recovery. | |
20 | 对欧元区危机“胡乱应付”的做法,未能解决欧元区内部发展不均衡的根本问题。 | The muddle -through approach to the eurozone crisis has failed to resolve the fundamental problems of divergence within the union. | |
21 | 对于现欧盟的管家——法国,也有批评认为其稀里糊涂。 | Blame for the muddle rests partly with France, currently in charge of the EU. | |
22 | 而美国联邦储备委员会的意见更是不一。 | The Federal Reserve’s view was a muddle . | |
23 | 分阶段撤出核能,让德国能源政策一塌糊涂 | A nuclear phase-out leaves German energy policy in a muddle | |
24 | 福斯特的《印度之行》映射出人类在混乱而神秘的世界里熠熠生辉的联结理想。 | Humans’ shining ideal of connection in the mystery and muddle of the world has been mirrored in E. M. Forster’s A Passage to India. | |
25 | 工党反对派对赤字的模糊态度也帮到了这位财政大臣。 | The chancellor has been helped by the Labour opposition’s muddle over the deficit. | |
26 | 官方报道说这也是导致这个月110国道上一片混乱的主要因素。 | Authorities report that such accidents were a significant factor contributing to this month’s muddle on Highway 110. | |
27 | 即使不计他此番挑战所依赖的上述思维混乱,此举好歹也是雄心壮志。 | That would be ambitious even without the muddle that underpins his challenge. | |
28 | 教育部在2005年实施系统化研究时,发现相互矛盾的结果混杂在一起。 | When the Department of Education carried out a systematic review in 2005, it found a muddle of contradictory results. | |
29 | 结果是,马蒂斯并不是一团糟。 | It turns out that Matisse was not in a muddle . | |
30 | 尽管没人能有确切的结论,但科学家认为,人造甜味剂,可能连焦糖色(CaramelColoring),都可能会扰乱大脑的化学物质。 | Noone knows for sure, but scientists think that artificial sweeteners, perhaps even the caramel coloring, may muddle brain chemistry. |