1 | 在一些公园和花园间,群芳吐艳--玫瑰、丁香、杜鹃、蝴蝶花竞相开放--空中弥漫着浓郁的香气。 | In public parks and gardens a multitude of flowers-roses, lilac, azaleas, irises filled the air with fragrance | |
2 | 这个价格不包括装置器和接头附件,因为它们可能包括的东西很多。 | The price excludes fixtures and fittings,which could cover a multitude of sins. | |
3 | 这件怪事成了梅朗巷附近好奇的人们的谈话资料,人们作了种种猜测,但没有一种是猜对的。 | This strange event aroused great wonder and curiosity in the neighborhood of the Alles de Meillan, and a multitude of theories were afloat, none of which was anywhere near the truth | |
4 | 这里到处都是小鸟、野鸭、山鹰和野雁,此外还有很多仙鹤,日本人把仙鹤当作神鸟看待,认为仙鹤是长命富贵的象征。 | and on every hand were crows, ducks, hawks, wild birds, and a multitude of cranes, which the Japanese consider sacred, and which to their minds symbolize long life and prosperity | |
5 | 这条线路将带你穿过许多寄生着无脊椎动物和鱼类的珊瑚头及多沙水道。 | The straight out route will take you across many coral heads and sandy channels holding a multitude of invertebrates and reef fish | |
6 | 这样一个能够洞悉内心的观察者或许可以发现,历经七年痛苦岁月,她将众目睽睽的注视作为一种必然、一种惩罚和某种宗教的严峻煎熬忍受着 | Such a spiritual seer might have conceived, that, after sustaining the gaze of the multitude through seven miserable years as a necessity, a penance, and something which it was a stern religion to endure, | |
7 | 这一直都是个不解之谜这只鸡是在邻居那里初次亮相的,而那是一群孟加拉籍的出租车司机的家。 | The chicken made its first appearance next door, at the home of a multitude of cabdrivers from bangladesh | |
8 | 这种现象的主要原因不在于有大量的小广告户。 | The main problem is not that there is a multitude of small advertisers | |
9 | 正常情况下,开关装置执行众多的例行开闭操作,例如,断开并隔离一台设备以进行维修和替换 | Under normal conditions, it is means of carrying out a multitude of routine switching operations1, e.g. disconnecting and isolating any piece of apparatus for maintenance or replacement | |
10 | 综合管理机构指从中央到地方各级政府中设立的、具有多种管理功能, | They refer to administrative organs established within governments at all levels, having a multitude of administrative functions, |