1 | “您提的这个问题是个市政警察问题。 | The matter to which you refer is one connected with the municipal police | |
2 | 班戈区北爱尔兰东部一自治市区,位于贝尔法斯特湖边。是一港口、休假胜地及帆船运动中心。人口67, | A municipal borough of eastern Northern Ireland on Belfast Lough.It is a seaport,resort,and yachting center.Population,67,600. | |
3 | 北大与清华之间,又有一座安居工程拔地而起,这是北京市政府为这两所名校教师所做的又一件实事 | Just in between the two prestigious universities of China, Beida and Qinghua, rises another new apartment building of the comfortable Housing Project, under which apartments are built and sold to urban residents at cost value to ease the housing crunch. This is another practical things done by Beijing Municipal Government for the teachers of the two schools | |
4 | 查尔斯当选为先生市教育委员会主任委员。 | Mr Charles was elected (the)chairman of the municipal education committee | |
5 | 查莎姆英国东南部的自治城市,位于伦敦东部。1588年伊丽莎白一世在这里修建了第一家造船厂。人口142, | A municipal borough of southeast England east of London.Elizabeth I established the first dockyard here in1588.Population,142,800. | |
6 | 产品质量市级(部级,国家级)合格证书是该产品的荣耀象征。 | The Municipal (Ministerial, State)Quality Certificate is a glorious symbol of this product. | |
7 | 城市地理要素城市道路、道路交叉口、街坊、市政工程管线编码结构规则 | Urban geographical feature--City road,road intersection,block and municipal piping system rules for coding structure | |
8 | 城市垃圾焚化 | incineration of municipal refuse | |
9 | 城市垃圾辐射处理 | irradiation treatment of municipal refuse | |
10 | 城市垃圾填埋 | landfill of municipal refuse | |
11 | 城市污水处理 | treatment of municipal sewage | |
12 | 此外,中国各省市外经贸委、大企业负责人和专家、学者,共约二百人参加了研讨会。 | Moreover, various Chinese provincial and municipal External Economy and Trade Committees, people in charge of big corporations, experts and scholars will participate in the seminar: a total of about 200 people | |
13 | 但是,市政改革的主要模式,乃是由精明能干而且常常深得人心的群众领袖领导的改革。 | The dominant pattern of municipal reform, however, was redemption through leadership of some dynamic and often colorful popular tribune | |
14 | 当前市政债券的利润是百分之十。 | The current yield on municipal bonds is 10%. | |
15 | 对您的大力协助,我谨代表北京市政府表示衷心的感谢。 | On behalf of the Beijing Municipal government, I wish to express our heartfelt thanks to you for your gracious assistance. | |
16 | 多佛尔与法国加莱市隔岸相对的英格兰东南部自治市,临多佛尔海峡。罗马灯塔遗址,自中世纪以来就是战略要地,该市白垩崖多岩洞和涵洞原为走私者所用。人口33,700 | A municipal borough of southeast England on the Strait of Dover opposite Calais, France. Site of a Roman lighthouse, it has been a strategic port since medieval times. The chalk cliffs rising above the city have caves and tunnels originally used by smugglers. Population, 33,700 | |
17 | 该报告指责上海市儿童福利院虐待残疾儿童,是没有事实根据的。 | The censure of the report on the ``maltreatment’’ of disabled children by the Shanghai Municipal Welfare Home for Children is not based on facts | |
18 | 该厂饮料制作质量高、卫生严,经常受到市食品卫生检验所的表扬。 | Drinks produced by this factory have a high standard of quality and hygiene, so that it always has been praised by the municipal sanitation examination station. | |
19 | 该类公司是指(经上海市人民政府批准的,从事开发区的开发建设和经营管理的)经济实体。 | These corporations are economic entities approved by the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government and engaged in the construction, development, operation and administration of the development zones. | |
20 | 港口企业停业的,应当报市港口主管部门备案。 | A port enterprise that intends to cease its operation shall file with the municipal port competent department for record. | |
21 | 高级市政官在市议会主持事务。 | alderman sat in municipal councils | |
22 | 戈培尔找来一位名叫瓦尔特·瓦格纳的市议员,此人当时正在不远的一支人民冲锋队的队伍里作战,这位感到惊奇的议员在地下避弹室里的一间小会议室里主持了结婚仪式。 | Goebbels rounded up a municipal councilor, one Walter Wagner, who was fighting in a unit of the Volkssturm not many blocks away, and this surprised official performed the ceremony in the small conference room of the bunker | |
23 | 戈培尔找来一位市议员在一间小会议室里主持了这一仪式。 | Goebels rounded up a municipal councilor to perform the ceremony in the small conference room | |
24 | 合营企业取得批准设立的证书后,应在一个月内向市土地局办理土地使用手续,领取土地使用证。 | Joint ventures that have obtained approval certificates for establishment shall go through the formalities for the use of land at the Municipal Land Bureau within one month and get their land use certificate. | |
25 | 会同市科学技术委员会、市经济委员会等有关部门共同审定后批复。 | Give its official written reply after examining the applications jointly with the departments concerned such as the Municipal Science and Technology Commission and the Municipal Economic Commission. | |
26 | 即使在冬天也被环绕着的树林半遮半掩着的是一所市立精神病院。 | Half hidden even in winter by its embosoming trees, lay the municipal lunatic asylum | |
27 | 几年前,上海面临人口老(龄)化问题时,市府及时修建了许多养老院 | When the graying of Shanghai loomed as a serious problem several years ago, the municipal government lost no time setting up a number of senior citizens’ homes | |
28 | 建议各省、市委同志们考虑,你们是不是也可以这样做? | I suggest that you comrades of the provincial and municipal Party committees think it over and see if you can do likewise | |
29 | 今年一月省市委书记会议的时候,我就说过有点慢。 | I said so in January this year at the conference of secretaries of provincial and municipal Party committees | |
30 | 近几年改造王府井大街,北京市政府顶住巨大的商业压力维修教堂,扩建堂前广场。 | The Beijing Municipal Government, braving tremendous pressure from developers, insisted on refurbishing the church and expanding the plaza in front of it |