属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国手机业者合併 功亏一篑
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-动物行为 欲壑难填
1 | 我必须鼓起勇气向他问那个问题。 | I had to muster my courage up to ask him that question. | |
2 | 我不知道自己最后是怎么考完的,也不知道我怎么有勇气去看的成绩。 | I don’t know how, in the end, I was able to complete the exam, nor do I know how I could muster up the courage to go look at my score. | |
3 | 我的手颤抖着,呆呆地望着丹,我当时的情绪是那样复杂,一句话也说不出了。 | My hands were quivering. All I could do was stare back at him, I was feeling go many emotions what I could muster not one word. | |
4 | 我对这件事鼓不起劲来 | I couldn’t muster up much enthusiasm for it | |
5 | 我们在哪儿可以召集更多的士兵? | Where can we muster up more soldiers? | |
6 | 我们在哪里可以召集到更多的士兵? | Where can we muster up more soldiers? | |
7 | 无限集合上二元关系的矩阵证明 | A Justification of Matrix of Duality Relation on Indefinite Muster | |
8 | 新的经理还过得去吗? | Does the new manager pass muster ? | |
9 | 要集合的将达三万人。 | Thirty thousand men were to muster . | |
10 | 一群业余爱好者. | a muster of amateurs | |
11 | 因此,我尽量使我的课能适合学习能力参差不齐的所有学生,尽可能地投入更多的热情,让我的讲课有趣、清晰易懂。 | Therefore, I try to make all my lessons suitable for all students regardless of whether they are strong or weak in their learning. I muster as much enthusiasm as possible to make my lectures interesting and clear. | |
12 | 这套明晃晃的盔甲,可不只是摆设,总督确曾穿着它多次在庄严的阅兵式演武场上耀武扬威,而且,更重要的,也确曾穿着它在皮廓德之战中冲锋陷阵。 | This bright panoply was not meant for mere idle show, but had been worn by the Governor on many a solemn muster and training field, and had glittered, moreover, at the head of a regiment in the Pequod war. | |
13 | 正在接受检阅的部队. | troops standing muster | |
14 | 政治组织更不惜利用宗教来招兵买马和团结人心。 | Any political entity would invoke religious solidarity to muster its strength in numbers. | |
15 | 总统未能拉到足够票数去避过弹劾。 | The President couldn’t muster the votes to fend off impeachment. | |
16 | ||1:兰德尔·斯蒂芬森已没时间犹豫了。||2: 三月份,美国第二大手机运营商AT&T总裁宣布收购美国T-Mobile。T-Mobile 以39亿美元总资产位于美国手机公司第四位。斯蒂芬森似乎对于这次的收购通过反垄断法的检阅非常有信心。 ||3:他说:"这个市场竞争相当激烈。当人们观看一场演出或是球赛时,是谁控制着无线电波?这是在为手机市场做广告。" | ||1: RANDALL STEPHENSON has no time for doubts. ||2: In March, when the boss of AT&T, America’s second-biggest mobile-phone operator, declared that his firm would buy T-Mobile USA, the number four, for a whopping $39 billion, he seemed convinced that the deal would pass antitrust muster . ||3: "This is an intensely competitive marketplace," he said. "When you watch a show or a football game, what dominates the airwaves? It’s advertising for the mobile marketplace." | |
17 | ||1:他那天看到的那一幕——即1972年6月的一天——他尽自己所能地描述了下来。||2:那是一个大约25英尺(8米)长的圆形突出物,背部呈黑灰色、粗糙、好似象皮,逆着水流翻搅了一阵子之后,就消失了。||3:假定的情形是它回到了它幽暗、满是泥沼的老巢。||4:但同时,莱恩斯的生活却有了180度的大转弯。||5:这个麻省理工学院讲授“创新”课程的明星讲师,这个应用技术学院的创始人兼院长,现在有了一个萦绕心头的谜题。||6:他决心筹集所有能够筹到的钱,集合所有能够获得的技术,来证实水怪的存在,因为说水怪不存在的说法便是荒谬的说法,要比说水怪存在更糟糕;他的心头有时会浮起伽利略的形象。 | ||1: What he saw on that day in June 1972 he described as well as he could. ||2: It was a hump about 25 feet (8 metres) long, covered with rough dark-grey hide like an elephant’s back. The creature it belonged to ploughed against the current for a while, and then disappeared. ||3: It had presumably returned to its haunts in the murky, peaty depths of the lake. ||4: But Mr Rines’s life was upside down. ||5: The star lecturer in innovation at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the founder and president of the Academy of Applied Science, now had a myth on his hands. ||6: He determined to substantiate it with all the cash he could raise and all the expertise he could muster , because the alternative was ridicule, or worse. Galileo sometimes sprang to mind. | |
18 | ||1:因为化学反应需要时间,所以用这种方法操作的话电池的功率密度会很低,而电动汽车中使用的锂离子电池每千克只能产生十分之一千瓦的电量。||2:但是化学物质可以储存很多能量,所以电池有很高的能量密度(每单位重量可以包含的能量)。||3:锂离子电池每千克可存储200-300瓦时能量,而超级电容器一般可以控制在10wh/kg以下。 | ||1: Controlled in this way, chemical reactions take time, so batteries have low power density. A lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery of the sort used in electric cars might thus muster only a tenth of a kilowatt per kilogram. ||2: But chemicals can hold a lot of energy, so batteries have high energy density (the amount of energy they can contain, again per unit weight). ||3: A Li-ion battery can store 200-300 watt-hours per kilogram (wh/kg). Supercapacitors generally manage less than 10wh/kg. | |
19 | ||1:这种方法并不是科学调查方法——几乎没有乐队成员会在书中对他们的指挥发牢骚——但同样也能获得一些极富洞察力的结果。||2:譬如,读者通过本书会了解到,有些布达佩斯节日乐团的成员就不介意他们的指挥伊万·费舍尔发号施令。但相反,皇家乐团的成员就强烈要求民主,不会接受个人号令。||3:瑟维斯先生发现伦敦交响乐团得益于瓦列里·格吉耶夫的高强度风格,坚信“晚上开场前一切都能就绪”,但柏林爱乐乐团就更加青睐西蒙·拉特尔那种略微周密的做事方法。 | ||1:This is not a method that would pass muster in scientific inquiry—few orchestral players would be rude in print about their chief conductor—but it yields some insightful results.||2:The reader learns, for example, that most players in the Budapest Festival Orchestra do not really mind when Ivan Fischer lays down the law, but that the players of the robustly democratic Concertgebouw Orchestra most certainly do.||3:Mr Service finds that the London Symphony Orchestra see the benefit of Valery Gergiev’s high-octane, “everything will be all right on the night” attitude, but that the Berlin Philharmonic rely on a slightly more thorough approach from Sir Simon Rattle. | |
20 | 乌拉圭Clemente Estable生物研究所的Anita Aisenberg对此现象潜心研究几年后得出结论,雌性蜘蛛在交配过程中能够评估雄性蜘蛛的质素,只有被雌性蜘蛛认可了的雄性蜘蛛才可能协助他封堵自己的生殖管道并优先采用其精液受孕。 | After studying this phenomenon for several years, Anita Aisenberg of the Clemente Estable Institute of Biological Research in Uruguay has concluded that females are able to assess a male’s quality during mating and that they assist plug formation only when a mate passes muster and they thus wish to give his sperm priority. | |
21 | “很抱歉,我不得不说,这项研究不会通过学院科技的检查。,”Lingham-Soliar博士在一封电邮中这样说到。 | "Regrettably, I have to say the study would not pass muster in college science, " Dr. Lingham-Soliar said in an e-mail message. | |
22 | “他们本可以召集40000人的。”她说的“他们”,就是那些反对法律改革,支持MumtazQadri的队伍。 | "They can muster 40, 000, " she said of the rallies against reform of the blasphemy law and in support of Mumtaz Qadri. | |
23 | 9月22日调整了该条提案陈述的方式以便能更好地在世贸组织中过关。 | On Sept. 22 the bill was tweaked in ways its sponsors say will better pass muster at the WTO. | |
24 | Smith正在国会推动一项法律用于废除这一权利,虽然没有人真的相信它可以通过违宪审查。 | Smith is pushing a law in Congress to scrap this right, even though literally no one believes that it would pass constitutional muster . | |
25 | Stolte问T-Bag知不知道那个运动员上的哪所大学,但T-Bag只能紧张地说出“不是很清楚,老大。” | Stolte asks T-Bag where he thinks the player went to school, but T-Bag can only muster a nervous "Not exactly sure there, boss. " | |
26 | 被视为过于受惠于某个金砖国家政府的人是过不了关的,这一点将使中国人或俄罗斯支持的候选人复杂化。 | Someone seen as too beholden to a Brics capital will not pass muster , which complicates Chinese or Russian-backed candidates. | |
27 | 除了四门四轮外,它的发动机排量为623cc产生33制动马力。 | Apart from the fourth wheel and the doors, it has a 623cc engine that will muster 33 brake horsepower. | |
28 | 此后的25分钟里,看着电视里的党派领导屡败屡战,试图争取更多的支持,整个美国都陷入到不安当中。 | For 25 more minutes, uncertainty gripped the nation as television showed party leaders trying, and failing, to muster more support. | |
29 | 此想法很快演变为ThePoint.com,一个供请愿者以种种理由收集支持的在线平台。 | The idea soon morphed into ThePoint. com, an online platform for petitioners to muster support for all sorts of causes. | |
30 | 但是,当一个共同的朋友介绍他们认识时,她能想到却是一句刻薄话。 | When a mutual friend introduced them, however, all she could muster was a snide remark. |