属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 赛伦·曼纳 足球场上的圣人
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-菩提 法律的长臂
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 左派步兵如痴如梦
1 | 当对麦克风进行消音时,会在屏幕的上部出现一个图标。 | An icon appears in the upper portion of the screen to indicate when the microphone is muted . | |
2 | 发出呻吟声;作为沉默的反应 | Gave a groan;gave a muted response. | |
3 | 该交响曲结束部分各节中的弦乐全为弱化音 | The strings are muted throughout the closing bars of the symphony | |
4 | 各种柔和的绿色和蓝色 | Muted greens and blues | |
5 | 她用颤抖的手指把收音机音量放低,使圣诞音乐渐弱成柔和的背景声。斯特拉惊讶地发现送信的人已经来过。 | With shaky fingers, she lowered the volume of her radio so that the Christmas music faded to a muted background. To her surprise, she saw that the mail had arrived. | |
6 | 尽管里根政府口头上振振有词,它毕竟还是收起了那套核战争的宣传,并接二连三地提出有关军备控制的建议。 | Despite rhetorical flourishes, it has muted its nuclear rhetoric and made successive arms-control proposals | |
7 | 可那些挂在枝头的番茄频频向我招手,有的落在地上悄无声息。 | But there they hung from their vines, dropping to the ground with muted thumps, beckoning me. | |
8 | 那画家把色彩抹得柔和些。 | The artist muted the colors. | |
9 | 青春歌声里的低调 | Chanting the Balled of Youth in a Muted Voice | |
10 | 如今在弥漫的雾气里它显得黯然失色,哑然无声了。 | It seemed dimmed and muted now in the pervading fog | |
11 | 丧失的身份 缺失的话语-对济慈诗"La Belle Dame Sans Mercy"中女性形象的女性主义解读 | The Lost Identity and Muted Speech-A Feminist Approach to the Woman’s Image in Keats’s Poem: "La Belle Dame Sans Mercy" | |
12 | 他们轻声说话 | They spoke in muted voices | |
13 | 我建议你来个油爆虾好吗? | May I suggest muted whole prawns? | |
14 | 无论是否有无声的呻吟或者表示厌恶的话语,每一个人,包括斯图在内,都用面包把盘子擦得发亮。 | In spite of the muted groans and sound of disgust, everyone including Stu polished his plate clean with bread | |
15 | 用调低了的弦拉小提琴 | Play the violin with muted strings | |
16 | ||1: 当然,他后来承认光脚踢球经常疼得厉害,不过也因地而异。在加尔各答市中心广阔的麦丹(Maidan)公园的草地稀疏炙热,在那里赤脚踢球尚无大碍。曼纳的球队莫罕巴干俱乐部(Mohun Bagan AC)在那里训练,最倒霉不过是踩到山羊粪或者玻璃碴儿。 ||2:然而,有一次他们去马哈拉施特拉邦(Maharashtra)比赛,对手都是穿球鞋的而且用鞋对付赤脚的莫罕巴干队。多年后回忆起来,他仍心有余悸。||3:大英帝国日渐削弱的年代,英国队和那些英印混血儿队的球风最为下作,对准他的膝盖和脚踝踢,或者直接踩上一脚。||4:他不得不连根拔掉脚趾甲,具体是什么时候,他已经不记得了。||5:护踝套和创可贴长带在身上,有时候穿上袜子也可以缓解疼痛。||6:每当在“白人老爷”的地盘赢了球,他满心喜悦,丝毫不知道痛了。 | ||1: Yes, he acknowledged later, it often hurt. Bare feet were all very well on the thin, baked surface of the vast Maidan at the centre of Kolkata, where his club, Mohun Bagan AC, had its playing field, and where the worst hazards were straying goats and glass. ||2: But on an early away trip to Maharashtra he noted with horror that his rivals had boots, and knew how to use them. ||3: In the waning years of Empire, British and Anglo-Indian teams were the worst, aiming for his knees and ankles, or simply trampling him. ||4: He lost track of the times his toenails were uprooted. ||5: Anklets and plasters helped, or sometimes socks. ||6: Pain was muted by the joy of beating the go rasahibs at their own game. | |
17 | ||1:坚持了约三年之后,英拉·西那瓦的总理岁月也将在本周不可避免地走向终结。||2:然而最终让她认输的,既非一度动摇她职位的人民力量革命的爆发,也非在2006年曾迫使英拉的哥哥他信去职的坦克的低吼与政变。一场具有争议的选举也在民众喧嚷的要求下被推迟到了6月20日,不过英拉的去职与之也关系不大。||3:最终这个故事在法庭判令与阵阵呜咽中渐渐落幕。||4:对于泰国司法来说,这不是第一次介入解决那些由破碎的政治体制无法解决的问题。||5:而西那瓦家族吃司法介入的亏,也同样不是第一次了。 | ||1:AFTER nearly three years, Yingluck Shinawatra’s stint as prime minister of Thailand drew this week to its inevitable close.||2:The end came not with the bang of a people-power revolution that at one point seemed likely to unseat her; nor with the muted rumble of tanks in a coup like the one that toppled her brother Thaksin from the same job in 2006; still less with the raucous clamour of a contested election, though one had been called for July 20th.||3:Rather, it petered out in the whimper of a court order.||4:Not for the first time the Thai judiciary has intervened to solve a problem that a broken political system could not fix.||5:And not for the first time its intervention was to the Shinawatras’ detriment. | |
18 | ||1:空客的这步举措看起来时机刚刚好。美国拥有全球四大航空公司,一直是民用飞机最大的市场。||2:近年来需求减弱,其订单经常不到全球订单的30%,而在2003年,这个比例还是50%。||3:不过这种局面即将扭转。||4:在美国运行的飞机通常比其他地区的机龄要老几年,未来20年大概需要5000架新飞机。||5:空客将在莫比尔市生产大量型号为319,320和321的单过道喷气式飞机,虽然一开始是一年近50架,比例还较为和缓,但这大大挑战了常用的波音757的地位。 | ||1: Airbus’s move seems well-timed. With the four biggest airlines in the world, America remains the largest market for civilian jets. ||2: Demand has been muted for years, usually accounting for less than 30% of orders worldwide, down from 50% in 2003. ||3: But this is likely to change. ||4: Jets flying in America are typically several years older than elsewhere. Perhaps 5,000 new aircraft may be needed in the next 20 years. ||5: The single-aisle 319s, 320s and 321s that Airbus will put together in Mobile-albeit initially at a modest rate of up to 50 a year-will challenge Boeing’s popular 757. | |
19 | ||1:选举的风潮波及美国左派。||2:但像网根国民大会这样的组织已经躁动不安,火急火燎,它每年纵情狂欢,今年7月17日到19日更是吸引了成百上千的激进分子,组织者,部落格和竞选者至底特律。||3:然而对于包揽更广的民主党来说,真正让草根阶层精神抖擞的却是2016年的总统选举。||4:即使11月的国会中期选举在即,共和党很有可能纵览大局,其余民主党席位也岌岌可危,他们却是缄默不语。 | ||1:ELECTION fever grips the American Left.||2:A mood of scrappy, let-us-at-’em impatience unites such gatherings as Netroots Nation, an annual shindig which this year drew thousands of activists, organisers, bloggers and candidates to Detroit from July 17th-19th.||3:Unfortunately for the broader Democratic Party, the election that inspires the grassroots is the 2016 presidential race.||4:The mid-term congressional elections, which will happen much sooner (in November this year), provoke a more muted response, even though there is a good chance that Republicans will seize the Senate and cripple the rest of Barack Obama’s presidency. | |
20 | 顾客热情不高事出有因。 | There are several reasons for muted enthusiasm. | |
21 | “我们从来,”他带着一种压抑着的野蛮劲儿回答,“没听说过这类事情。” | "We have never, " he said with muted savagery, "heard of this thing. " | |
22 | “我目前看到的情况,是政策改革的紧迫性还相当低,”他表示。 | "What I see now is the urgency for policy reform is rather muted , " he says. | |
23 | 2008年地球一小时期间,布里斯班市的许多高楼和霓虹灯都变暗了,只留下了柔和的光色荡漾在河水之上。 | During Earth Hour 2008 many offices and neon signs in Brisbane went dark, leaving only muted colors reflected in the river. | |
24 | P5+1的这些新的制裁计划加之一些柔和的甜言蜜语能否改变哈梅内伊的心意呢?让我们拭目以待。 | It remains to be seen whether the new sanctions, combined with some muted sweet-talk from the P5+1 can change his mind. | |
25 | 按中国的标准衡量,中国北车首日涨幅微弱。近两个月来,其它新股上市也有疲弱表现。 | CNR’s gain was muted by Chinese standards and followed sluggish starts for other new listings in the past two months. | |
26 | 报道铺天盖地,但在死者妻子说她认可裁决后就都噤声了。 | Press coverage was extensive but muted , after the widow stated that she respected the verdict. | |
27 | 不过,零售和商业贷款等其他业务的表现,可能会降低它们对整体业绩的影响。 | However, the effects on overall results might be muted by the performance of other businesses such as retail and commercial lending. | |
28 | 不过,与其在上海首日交易中大涨83%相比,中国南车在港首日交易的表现相形见绌。 | But the Hong Kong debut was muted compared to China South Loco’s 83 per cent jump during its first day of trading in Shanghai. | |
29 | 不过,中国方面沉默的回应可能反映出这样一个事实:中国钢铁业处于一种强大的地位。 | Yet the muted response could reflect the fact the Chinese steel industry is in a strong position. | |
30 | 诚然,一些地缘政治的不利因素可能会让这效果打些折扣,但它仍然会产生作用。 | Admittedly, this effect will be somewhat muted by other geopolitical crosscurrents, but itwill be felt. |