1 | 事实上,我们最后遇上一位半退休的希腊商人,他英语流畅,很健谈。 | In fact , we end up with a talkative semi-retired Greek businessman with good English | |
2 | 事实上,我认为你是对的。 | In fact , I think you’re right. | |
3 | 事实上,压力并不像人们所认为的那样是一件坏事。 | In fact , stress isn’t a Bad thing it is often supposed to Be. | |
4 | 事实上,由凋落物腐解释出的钙很可能被植物摄取利用。 | It is, in fact , quite probable that calcium released by litter decay is used by uptake by plants | |
5 | 事实上,在那张立即传遍世界各地的照片上,人们看到的是兴高采烈的身穿戍装的希特勒。 | In fact , the photograph flashed around the world of jolly uniformed Hitler | |
6 | 事实上,在运动领导人中间存在着意见分歧。 | In fact , there is a division of opinion among the leaders of the movement. | |
7 | 事实上,这一观点是一套自成体系的价值标准的顺理成章的产物 | In fact , that’s the logical outcome of a self-consistent standard of values | |
8 | 事实上那是个双人房间。 | Well, in fact it was a double room. | |
9 | 事实上深到发暗就不吸引人了。 | In fact , so deep that the color is dull and unattractive | |
10 | 是的,事实上我的确知道这事,谢谢。 | Yes, in fact , I did know about that, thanks. | |
11 | 说我偷了她的钱,其实正相反是她偷了我的钱。 | I am accused of stealing money from her but in fact it is the other way round. | |
12 | 孙小姐也不肯喝,辛楣一壁笑,一壁道歉,可是自己也不喝,顽皮地向杯子里吐一口,果然很像那浮着的白沫。 | Miss Sun also refused to drink it.Hsin-mei smiled and apologized, but he didn’t drink any either, and playfully spat into the cup.It did in fact look very much like the white froth floating there | |
13 | 他并没表现出安抚的样子,但是在逾越节前一周,他以明确的姿态向他们挑战:事实上他们是否在纪念上帝的日子里遵照上帝的旨意行事呢? | He did not behave in a placatory fashion, but during the week before passover faced the people with the clear challenge: were they in fact obeying the will of the God in whose honour the festival was being held? | |
14 | 他的确是一心一意在想什么事的样子。 | He was absorbed, in fact | |
15 | 他觉得自己走得进这个世界里;事实上他已经走了进去,还有那红木大床,还有那折叠桌,座钟,钢板蚀刻画,和那镇纸本身。 | He had the feeling that he could get inside it, and that in fact he was inside it, along with the mahogany bed and the gateleg table, and the clock and the steel engraving and the paperweight itself | |
16 | 他们的对话是转弯抹角的、处处设防的、一种智能游戏式的乒乓球赛、微小的嘲讽和狡诈以及隐藏着的感情攻击(纽约时报)Q版与A的格式给予此书一种快速拗口的节律(国家)事实上[电影]在两个基本场景之间蹦来蹦去华盛顿时报) | Their dialogue is oblique and defensive,a Ping-Pong game of intellectual ploys,tiny digs and arch,veiled emotional prods(New York Times)The Q and A format gives the book a jerky,ping-pong rhythm(Nation)In fact ,[ the movie ] pingpongs interminably between two basic situations(Washington Times) | |
17 | 他们俩表面上不来往,但实际上是藕断丝连。 | They two don’t mix much apparently, in fact , they have ties with each other. | |
18 | 他们那套遭到许多非难的设备操纵起来实际上要比别的地方许多备受赞扬的设备好得多。 | Their much reviled system in fact works far better than many highly praised ones elsewhere. | |
19 | 他们知道他已与库珀夫人外出过,也与温特太太外出过,他至少还和3个学生外出过。事实上,连他自己都说自己是个“风流男子”。 | They know that he has also been out with Mrs Cooper,and with Mrs Winter,and at lest with three students-in fact that he has what he himself calls a"roving eye" | |
20 | 他认为自己是个大人物,其实,只不过不过是爬虫罢了。 | He thinks he’s the big cheese,but in fact he’s only one of the maggots! | |
21 | 他伺候她,力劝她吃喝,他的殷勤的确从未间断。 | He waited on her and pressed her to eat, and was, in fact , unceasing in his attentions | |
22 | 喔,事实上那是一间双人房间。 | Well, in fact , it was a double room. | |
23 | 我觉得现在写普通人的东西成了一种另类,它不应该成为另类 | "It seems to me that any TV play that depicts the live of ordinary people tend to be easily labeled as the "other type", which, in fact , shouldn’t be grouped as such" | |
24 | 我们在新疆的塔里木地区发现了大量天然气 | In fact , we have discovered a very rich natural gas reserve in the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. | |
25 | 我以为他很聪明,其实他是个蠢货。 | I supposed him to be very clever but he was in fact a fool. | |
26 | 我祖母以为那个玩具汽车是魔力驱动的,可事实上它是电动的。 | My grandmother thought the toy car worked by magic, but in fact it worked by electricity. | |
27 | 新发行的一英镑硬币给人造成的麻烦是,你以为你只有一口袋零钱,但实际上,那值好几英镑。 | The trouble with the new pound coins is that you think you’ve only got a pocketful of small change but in fact it’s worth several pounds. | |
28 | 因为,清新的微风正在吹拂--自由使世界清新如同新生。因为在人们的心中,即使不在实际上,专制者的时代已经结束。 | For a new breeze is blowing, and a world refreshed by freedom seems reborn; for in man’s heart, if not in fact , the day of the dictatoris over | |
29 | 因为宗教迫害公开杀死敌人,在这些敌人还没有悔改的情况下就把他们杀死,因为他们不肯悔改而把他们杀死。 | Because the Inquisition killed its enemies in the open, and killed them while they were still unrepentant: in fact , it killed them because they were unrepentant | |
30 | 有些战略专家提出,事实上,俄国人如果看到美国的决心有所动摇,就可能对美国军事目标发动有限的核攻击,同时保持足够的后备力量来遏制美国的报复。 | In fact , some strategists argued, the Russians spotting softness in U.S. resolve might launch a limited nuclear attack at American military targets and reserve sufficient strength to deter a response |