1 | 这个公园是仿照《红楼梦》里的大观园设计的。 | This park is laid out in imitation of Grand View Garden in "a Dream of Red Mansions". | |
2 | 这个男孩常常读书思考并梦想着这个博大的世界以及它形形色色的各个民族。 | And the boy would read and think and dream of this broad world and its diverse peoples | |
3 | 这个妄想使我心里高兴了好几个星期。我整天整夜想着这个计划,连做梦也想,以至梦见我向那些野人开枪的情景。 | This fancy pleas’d my thoughts for some weeks, and I was so full of it, that I often dream’d of it; and sometimes that I was just going to let fly at them in my sleep. | |
4 | 这就是现代旅游都市里每个想去广为宣传的地点亲尝滋味的旅游者所需付出的代价。真实的体验常常与想象中的样子不一致。 | Such is the price of everyone wanting to try for themselves the well-publicised attractions of a modern tourist metropolis, where the real experience often clashes with the dream of how it ought to be | |
5 | 这种事我压根儿也没有想到。 | I should never dream of such a thing | |
6 | 之后,整整七年,他一口气在本校读完本科、硕士,又于99年拿下北京外国语大学英语语言文学博士学位,最终实现了他从小的读大书的夙愿。 | By 1999, he had realized his dream of getting his doctorate from Beijing Foreign Languages University | |
7 | 至今我还经常梦见那令人恐怖的一幕,看见那个被夺走丈夫的、象凯隐一样被打上记号的女人,怎样满面泪痕地看了心爱的人最后一眼,怎样爬着离开她的可怕的女王的情景。 | To this day I often dream of that awful scene, and see the weeping women, bereaved, and marked like Cain, cast a last look at her lover, and creep from the presence of her dread Queen | |
8 | 中国亦是如此值得一提的包括:<西游记)、<红楼梦)、(渴望)、(北京人在纽约)和(三国演义)等。 | It’s the same in China and noteworthy ones include Journey to the West, Dream of Red Mansion, aspiration, a Native of Beijing in New York, and The Romance of the Three Kingdoms etc. | |
9 | 资产项目可以产生大量的现金流,使人们自由地过上梦想中的生活,而不必整天为了生计忙碌工作。 | Asset columns could produce large sums of cash flow. Asset columns could free them to live the life they dream of , instead of working full time just to pay bills. | |
10 | 总有一天我成为电影明星的梦想会实现的。 | Some day my dream of becoming a film star will come true |