属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧元区 那种再次下沉的感觉
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-Tainted love 堕落的爱
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国政坛 饱受压迫的工党
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-寻找外星生物 闪烁吧小行星
1 | 否则,就会成为一盘散沙,四分五裂。 | Otherwise, the country would fall apart like a heap of loose sand. | |
2 | 今年规模最大的一次汽车比赛快要开始了。所有参加比赛的驾驶员都准备竭尽全力地争取获胜,那怕担当一切风险,把汽车开得散了架子也在所不惜。 | The biggest auto race of the year is ready to start. all the drivers are ready to go for broke and drive their cars until they fall apart . | |
3 | 老板:事实上,大多数的人都等到零件脱落了或是车子坏掉了才注意到车辆的维修。那真的很危险。 | Shop owner: Actually, most people don’t pay any attention to the maintenance of their vehicles until they fall apart and quit working. That’s really risky. | |
4 | 社会机构--象原子和众星一样--如果不增加能量使其保持秩序,就会衰退。友谊、家庭及经济也都会崩溃,除非我们不断地努力使它们运转正常、润滑良好。 | Social institutions--like atoms and stars--decay if energy is not added to keep them ordered, Friendships and families and economies all fall apart unless we constantly make an effort to keep them working and well oiled | |
5 | 随着岁月的消逝,他们失去了勇气。他们的雄心壮志也都成了泡影。 | As time goes by they get discouraged and their ambitions fall apart . | |
6 | 我看到过一句很流行的话:天下兴亡,匹夫有责。因此,社会行将衰亡时,人人都起而效力。 | I’ve read about a popular saying: The rise and fall of the country is everybody’s concern and business. So everybody lends a hand when society is about to fall apart . | |
7 | 我们敌人之间的这种古怪的联盟会不会突然解体,这一点直到我们投降之时一直难以断定。 | It was uncertain right up to our surrender whether the bizarre alliance of our foes would not fall apart | |
8 | 我总有些觉得他在颤抖,就像要垮下去似地颤抖着。 | I somehow felt him shaking, shaking as though he were going to fall apart . | |
9 | 在很短的时间内就破碎的易损材料。 | Fragile materials that simply fall apart after a while | |
10 | 整个哈莱姆区好象散落在纷纷扬扬的雪花中了。 | The whole of harlem seemed to fall apart in the swirl of snow | |
11 | ||1:就在几个月前,欧元区领导人坚信,经受住了这场风暴,他们最终能取得胜利。||2:欧洲中央银行行长马里奥?德拉吉承诺无论付出多少代价都会支持欧元,德吉拉的承诺鼓舞了欧洲人民,欧洲人民的自信又回来了。||3:经济增长似乎在恢复,尽管是以较小的步伐。||4:通过紧急财政援助和痛苦的措施来减少财政赤字,提高竞争力,遭难的周边国家经济也在复苏。||5:失业率,尤其在年轻人中还是相当高的,但是至少在大多数国家该比率都在下降。||6:随着金融市场停止认为欧元会崩溃,票面利差急剧缩小。 | ||1:JUST a few months ago the euro zone’s leaders believed that, having weathered the storm, they were set fair at last.||2:Buoyed by the promise of Mario Draghi, the president of the European Central Bank, to do “whatever it takes” to support the currency, confidence had seeped back into the continent.||3:Growth seemed to be returning, albeit at a slow pace.||4:Troubled peripheral countries were recovering, after bail-outs and painful measures to cut budget deficits and improve competitiveness.||5:Unemployment, especially among the young, was still desperately high, but at least in most countries it was falling.||6:And bond spreads had narrowed sharply, as financial markets stopped betting that the euro would fall apart . | |
12 | ||1:为了检测这一想法,他和他各国的同事建立了一个陆基的雏形。||2:这是一片20平方厘米的铜箔,它有696个环。铜箔的一部分是再生的。||3:因为它体积偏小,所以它的聚焦只有18米。||4:为了不让铜箔散开,每一个透明的环实际上都是铜箔里的一系列的曲线轮槽,而不是连续的空隙。||5:尽管如此,这并不影响整个系统的视觉特性,并且,它也确实能够看见巨大且明亮的恒星旁边那些小型且微弱的物体。 | ||1:To test the idea, he and an international consortium of his colleagues have built a ground-based prototype.||2:This is a piece of copper foil 20cm square that has 696 rings, a portion of which is reproduced above.||3:Because it is this small, its focal length is only 18 metres.||4:In order that the foil does not fall apart , each transparent ring is actually a series of curved slots in the copper rather than a continuous gap.||5:This, though, does not affect the system’s optical properties and it can, indeed, see small, faint objects that are near large, bright ones. | |
13 | ||1:这个躁动、笨重的家庭,决定去旅行,目的地是寒拉斯一旧房子。这一决定直接性地把剧情推向了高潮。||2: “是有多少回啊,他们把这个世界给整到一起去?” 伽林好奇:“为什么就不能够顺其自然,分了就分了,各过各的,为什么真相就是不能够露个脸呢?” ||3:于是,可怕的高潮来了,故事在精彩的叙述中,黑暗结局。 | ||1: This seething and unwieldy family decides to take a trip to an old cabin in the Sierras, which handily brings the drama to a boil. ||2: “How many times had they put the world back together?” wonders Galen: “Why not let it fall apart and stay apart, why not let the truth happen?” ||3: So builds the dreadful climax and dark denouement of this brilliant narrative. | |
14 | ||1:自上世纪八十年代起,苏格兰就是工党坚定不移的选民基地。||2:虽然这个党派是由苏格兰人领导,但很少关注哈德良长城以北的国土。||3:去年,苏格兰国民党在苏格兰独立的公投中败北,工党就开始期待其会分裂,将其视为已战斗疲劳的前职员。||4:可苏格兰国名党不仅没有四分五裂,反倒吸纳了周边杂乱无序的区域,同意了左翼独立运动,并且将其变为一个竞选机器。||5:六个月间,党派成员从2.6万人增长到10万人。||6:保守党人阿什克罗夫特勋爵在3月4日发布的民调显示,该党要获得工党在苏格兰41个席位中的大多数指日可待,包括一些资历深厚的据点。 | ||1:Since the 1980s Scotland has been Labour’s granite-like electoral base.||2:Though often run by Scots, the party hardly had to think about the country north of Hadrian’s Wall.||3:When the SNP failed last year to win a referendum on Scottish independence, Labour expected it to fall apart , remembers one shell-shocked former staffer.||4:Instead the opposite happened.The SNP has hoovered up the sprawling, leftish Yes (to independence) movement and turned it into a campaigning machine.||5:The party’s membership has grown from 26,000 to 100,000 in six months.||6:Polling published by Lord Ashcroft, a Tory peer, on March 4th suggests that it is on track to take most of Labour’s 41 seats in Scotland, including some of its oldest strongholds. | |
15 | 为了不让铜箔散开,每一个透明的环实际上都是铜箔里的一系列的曲线轮槽,而不是连续的空隙。 | In order that the foil does not fall apart , each transparent ring is actually a series of curved slots in the copper rather than a continuous gap. | |
16 | 1958年的处女作《崩溃》令他在国外文学界一举成名,同时还令他在国内成为了一名具有影响力的公共知识分子。 | His 1958 debut novel, Things Fall Apart , had made him a literary celebrity abroad and an influential public intellectual at home. | |
17 | 不安的另一个原因则是欧元,它面临着要不分崩离析,要不需要德国再一次出手相救的风险。 | The other cause of unease is the euro, which threatens either to fall apart or to require yet another German-backed rescue. | |
18 | 不到两个月之后它们结束建造破碎了的帐篷。 | They end up building tents that fall apart after less than two months. | |
19 | 不过工作机会在任何时候--不论大小的公司--都可能会蒸发掉。 | However, job offers can fall apart at anytime -- and at any size company. | |
20 | 此外,如果留下来,你完全有可能开心地看到这段新感情的破裂。 | And if you stay you may well have the satisfaction of seeing this new relationship fall apart . | |
21 | 从而在大选或其他任何时候不太可能分裂。 | It is unlikely to fall apart at elections or any other time. | |
22 | 戴姆勒首席执行官迪特尔·泽金(DieterZetsche)称,“我确信欧元后劲儿十足,而且不会分崩离析。” | "I am convinced that the euro has staying power and won’t fall apart , " says Daimler (DAI) CEO Dieter Zetsche. | |
23 | 但大多数欧洲议员,尤其是右派,希望这个新的集团能解体,并希望一个一个将其成员清除。 | But most MEPs, especially on the centre-right, want the new group to fall apart and are hoping to pick them off one by one. | |
24 | 但更多人敦促人们经营他们最珍视的友谊而不是让他们在一次冲突后分开或渐渐远去。 | Lots of you urged people to work at their most important friendships, rather than letting them fall apart after a fight or fade away. | |
25 | 但继续增加物种,不断使它们分裂,很惊奇地,它们最终会混合在一起不再分裂。 | But keep on adding species, keep on letting them fall apart and, surprisingly, they eventually reach a mix that will not fall apart. | |
26 | 但尽管贸易系统不会在一夜之间崩溃,但多年之后也将积重难返。 | But although the system will not fall apart overnight, with the years, the rust will set in. | |
27 | 但是,不管怎么说,在其他地方,如此高价的道路和桥梁绝不会发生断裂。 | But somehow, in other places, overpriced roads and bridges don’t seem to fall apart with such alarming regularity. | |
28 | 但是它在另一个大型交易商死后依然没有崩溃。 | It did not fall apart after the demise of Lehman, another big dealer. | |
29 | 当我们分析出所有这些恐惧的根源时,恐惧带来的微妙压力就随之离开了,就好像用纸牌搭起来的房子一样,一碰就全倒了。 | When we process out the root of all these fears, the subtle pressure they put on us is gone. It starts to fall apart like a house of cards. | |
30 | 当我们没有办法处理好未预料到的事情和人际关系时,我们的日程表开始支离破碎。 | When we do not handle unexpected events and the interpersonal elements well, our schedules fall apart . |