1 | 把自己想成生活的赢家而不是输家。作为赢家,你一定可以打赢诱惑。 | Think of yourself as a winner, not a loser in life. As a winner you can definitely win the fight with your temptations. | |
2 | 此外,据英国《金融时报》记者看到的法庭文件,爱国者也以同样的缘由与日本东芝(Toshiba)打起了官司。 | Aigo has also started a fight with Toshiba over the same issue, according to court documents seen by the Financial Times. | |
3 | 达德利的新战略也挑起了BP与AAR财团里那些可怕的寡头们的斗争——AAR财团持有秋明BP半数的股权。 | Mr Dudley’s new strategy has also started a fight with the formidable oligarchs in the AAR consortium, which owns 50 per cent of TNK-BP. | |
4 | 但是你永远不知道到底真实情况是怎样的,正赛还很漫长,我认为我们可以有一个非常棒的节奏去与这些家伙竞争。 | But you never know, the race is long, I think we can have a very good race pace to fight with these guys. | |
5 | 当她没注意时,菜和另一个小孩子打起架来,并把他打哭了。 | When she didn’t take notice at me, I got into a fight with another child, and I defeated him and made him cry. | |
6 | 而且,挑起与北京的争端,会有种种切实的商业后果。 | And there can be genuine business consequences to picking a fight with Beijing. | |
7 | 而要寻求一个“真心诚意的联盟”与我们并肩作战将会是难上加难。 | It will be a lot harder to get any of the "coalition of the willing" to fight with us again. | |
8 | 和自己的伴侣好好地吵上一架可能就是一个成就幸福婚姻的关键。 | A good fight with your spouse could be the key to a happy marriage. | |
9 | 她怀孕好几个月了。她快要临产了。?想和我打架,告诉他们我奉陪,我随时奉陪。 | Expressing ? Be faithful and smooth. ? She is very pregnant. ? Gonna fight with me? Tell’em I’m ready for it. I’m always ready for it. | |
10 | 她认为“不知何故,手持刀剑战斗更加光荣”。 | She suggests that "it is more honourable to fight with a sword, somehow. " | |
11 | 尽管如此,Minc先生已经挑起了与BlairoMaggi(马托格罗索州州长及世界上最大的大豆农场主)的一场战斗。 | Even so, Mr Minc has already picked a fight with Blairo Maggi, the governor of Mato Grosso and one of the world’s largest soya farmers. | |
12 | 警方对伊斯兰教徒使用暴力也并不受限制。 | Police violence is not restricted to the fight with the Islamists, either. | |
13 | 就连我们和男性朋友吵架都注意了?那就是为什么当我和你们吵架的时候,会感到如此受挫。 | Ever notice how we don’t fight with our male friends? That’s why we get so frustrated when we fight with you. | |
14 | 卡勒先生向他的前任上司争取了两年时间,这本书才最终得以以现在的形式面世。 | It took a two-year fight with his former employers for Mr Carle to get the book published in its present form. | |
15 | 来自南美洲的侵略者被证实杀虫剂和传统方法很难对其起作用。 | The invasive usurpers from South America have proved difficult to fight with insecticides and other traditional measures. | |
16 | 联想集团董事局主席柳传志表示:“我们准备与iPhone背水一战。” | "We are ready for a fight with the iPhone, " said Liu Chuanzhi, Lenovo chairman. | |
17 | 梅勒妮被带入金姆被关押的那个集体拘留室。她向金姆挑衅,试图想和金姆争斗,但金姆避开与之对峙。 | Melanie is brought into Kim’s holding cell. She tries to pick a fight with her, but Kim avoids a confrontation. | |
18 | 那个13岁的女孩昨晚跟妈妈吵了一架,于是便擅自离家,上了一辆南下的火车。 | After a fight with her mother last night, the 13-year-old girl leave home without telling anyone and got on a down train. | |
19 | 你以为我愿意和你吵架。 | You think I wanna fight with you. | |
20 | 你有和爱人大吵一架,然后梦见自己在梦里被追打的经历吗? | Or gone to sleep after a big fight with your significant other and then had a dream where you were being chased? | |
21 | 您真歇斯底里!这不过是因为您一定要这样想的缘故。……不然您就会同它搏斗的! | Your real hysteria! This is just a reason because you must think of like this. . . . . . . You jointly fight with it otherwise right away! | |
22 | 哦,另外我也和电力公司大吵了一架! | Oh, and I had a big fight with the electric company. | |
23 | 去硅谷吧,在与谷歌大混战后,修补一下与高科技企业的关系? | Why not Silicon Valley, to show that China is mending relations with tech companies after its fight with Google? | |
24 | 然后看着并鼓励他们不要灰心,要全力以赴。 | Then he looked at the men and encouraged them all not to lose heart and to fight with all that they had. | |
25 | 如果你跟一个普通人较量,那么你可以很自然地做事情,他们也不会找你麻烦。 | If you are in a fight with a regular person, then you can do natural things and they won’t get you into much trouble. | |
26 | 如果你只需要简单的说句“亲爱的,你看起来很漂亮”,那么为什么你还要为一套衣服而和配偶争吵吗? | Why have a fight with your spouse over an outfit when it’s so much easier to just say "you look great, honey" ? | |
27 | 如果您试图强行使用其他文件和代码组织方式,那么您可能得付出努力去修改Rails环境。 | You will just be picking a fight with the Rails environment if you try to force other file and code organizations. | |
28 | 如果我可以跑第三圈的话,或许我就可以和他们一较高下。 | So if I had been able to do the third lap then perhaps I was able to fight with them. | |
29 | 如果在学校过得不顺心,很可能会导致他们回到家后与兄弟姐妹们争吵。 | A bad day at school may result in a fight with your brother or sister; | |
30 | 色氨酸必须打败其他的氨基酸,才能通过血管-大脑的障碍物,到达大脑。 | Tryptophan has to fight with other amino acids to cross the blood-brain barrier and get into the brain. |