1 | (c)自然灾害、罢工、运输中断或其他不可抗力影响起诉成员可供出口产品的生产、质量、数量或价格 | (c)natural disasters, strikes, transport disruptions or other force majeure substantially affecting production, qualities, quantities or prices of the product available for export from the complaining Member | |
2 | (二)损害发生在保险或者担保所指定的地区范围外,除非飞行超出该范围是由于不可抗力、援助他人所必需,或者驾驶、航行或者领航上的差错造成的。 | (2)That the damage occurred outside the territorial limits provided by the insurance or guarantee, unless flight outside of such limits was caused by force majeure , assistance justified by the circumstances or an error in piloting, operation or navigation. | |
3 | (九)由于不可抗力的原因,进出境船舶和航空器被迫在未设立海关的地点停泊、降落或者在境内抛掷、起卸货物、物品,无正当理由,不向附近海关报告的; | (9)For an inbound or outbound vessel or aircraft which by force majeure stops or lands at a place without a Customs office, or jettisons or discharges the cargo in the territory, to fail to report to the Customs nearby without a valid reason; | |
4 | (三)天灾,海上或者其他可航水域的危险或者意外事故; | (3)Force majeure and perils, dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters; | |
5 | (三)因自然灾害、战争等不楞抗力而遭受严重损失,无法继续经营; | (3)Business cannot be carried on because of heavy losses as a result of natural disasers, wars or other force majeure ; | |
6 | (五)除不可抗力外,燃气事故责任人一时无法查清的,燃气生产企业、燃气销售企业应当依法承担损害赔偿责任。 | 5. Except for force majeure , if the party that is to be held responsible for the fuel gas accident, can not be found out for the moment, the fuel gas producing and selling enterprises shall be liable to pay damages according to law. | |
7 | (五)因不可抗力导致行政许可事项无法实施的。 | 5. An administrative licensing item cannot be implemented owing to force majeure . | |
8 | (五)因不可抗力导致行政许可事项无法实施的; | (5)The matters under an administrative license are unable to be implemented due to force majeure ; | |
9 | (一)不可抗力。 | (1)Force majeure . | |
10 | (一)因不可抗力致使不能实现合同目的 | (i)force majeure frustrated the purpose of the contract | |
11 | “不可抗力”指自然现象、火灾、意外事故、水灾、地震、罢工或工厂关闭、骚乱、暴动或动乱、禁运、战争,任何将来的法律、命令、法规或其他政府行为 | The term "Force Majeure " means acts of God, fire, casualty, flood,earthquake, strikes or lockouts, riots, insurrections or civil disorders, embargoes, war, any future law, order, regulation, or other act of government | |
12 | 3、 对于不准入境的人员,必须负责用原交通工具带走,对由于不可抗拒的原因不能立即离境的人,必须负责其在中国停留期间的费用和离开时的旅费。 | (3)See to it that persons not permitted to enter China leave on the original means of transport and that the expenses during the stay in China of persons who cannot promptly leave the country through force majeure are covered along with their travel expenses for departure. | |
13 | 3. 由于不可抗力造成严重损失,以致无力继续经营; | 3)inability to continue operations due to heavy losses caused by the Force Majeure ; | |
14 | 44.由于不可抗力,致使合同无法履行,或是由于合资公司连年亏损,无力继续经营,经董事会一致通过,并报原审批机构批准,可以提前终止合同。 | In case of inability to fulfill the contract or to continue operation due to heavy losses in successive years as a result of force majeure , the duration of the joint venture and the contract shall be terminated before the time of expiration after being unanimously agreed upon by the board of directors. | |
15 | 9、 直接过境人员由于不可抗拒的原因不能在 24 小时内乘原机离境或者需改乘其他交 通工具离境的; | (9)As persons in immediate transit who, because of force majeure , are unable to leave China by original aircraft within 24 hours or have to leave China by other means of transport; | |
16 | 本法所称不可抗力,是指不能预见、不能避免并不能克服的客观情况。 | For purposes of this Law, force majeure means any objective circumstance which is unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable. | |
17 | 并在事故发生后十四天内以特快专递将有权证明的机构出具的证明文件提交另一方证实。 | Send by registered airmail a certificate issued by competent authorities or agency confirming the event of the Force Majeure within fourteen (14)days following its occurrence. | |
18 | 不可抗力,应指超出买方或卖方合理控制的、即使受影响一方尽了合理的谨慎义务仍不可避免的情事,包括但不限于:火灾,爆炸,自然灾害,洪水,地震,战争或暴乱等。 | Force majeure shall mean any event beyond the reasonable control of the buyer, or the Seller as the case may be and which is unavoidable not withstanding the reasonable care of party affected and shall include but not restricted to: fires, explosion, natural disaster, flood, earthquake, war or riots. | |
19 | 不可抗力包括但不限于罢工、禁运、政府行为、骚乱、宣布或未宣布的战争、动员和征用、火灾、水灾。 | Force majeure includes, but is not limited to, strike in general, embargo, acts of government, riots, war, whether declared or not declared, mobilization and requisition, fires, floods | |
20 | 不可抗力事件的范围,可以在合同中约定。 | The scope of force majeure may be specified in the contract. | |
21 | 不可抗力事件是指当事人在订立合同时不能预见、对其发生和后果不能避免并不能克服的事件。 | Force majeure means an event that the parties could not have foreseen at the time of conclusion of the contract, both parties being unable to either avoid or overcome its occurrence and consequences. | |
22 | 不可抗力是指双方无法控制的、不可预见的、阻碍双方履行本合同项下任何义务的任何事件。 | Force majeure means any foreseeable events beyond the parties’ control which prevent the performance of any obligation under this contract | |
23 | 不可抗力指自然现象、火灾、意外事故、水灾、罢工或工厂关闭、骚乱、动乱、禁运、战争,任何将来的法律、命令、法规或其他政府行为,运输迟延、能源短缺、原料短缺或在卖方合理控制之外的卖方供应商延迟交货。 | The term "Force Majeure " means acts of God, fire, casualty, flood, strikes or lockouts, riots, civil disorders, embargoes, war, any future law, order, regulation, or other act of government, and other delays beyond Seller’s reasonable control. | |
24 | 除不可抗力外,如延迟交货,卖方应支付罚金,并且买方有权向卖方索赔。 | Except for Force Majeure , if late delivery occurs, the Seller must pay a penalty, and the buyer shall have the right to lodge a claim against the Seller. | |
25 | 除不可抗力外,在保管海关监管货物期间,海关监管货物损毁或者灭失的,对海关监管货物负有保管义务的人应当承担相应的纳税责任。 | With the exception of force majeure , in cases where goods that are under the supervision of safekeeping by customs incur damages or losses, persons held liable for safekeeping of the goods under supervision shall be responsible for the corresponding liability of duty payment. | |
26 | 除非在出口商和装运前检验实体双方同意的基础上重新安排日期,或装运前检验实体被出口商或不可抗力3妨碍无法实施检验。 | Unless it is rescheduled on a mutually agreed basis between the exporter and the preshipment inspection entity, or the preshipment inspection entity is prevented from doing so by the exporter or by force majeure . | |
27 | 除由于不可抗力致使经济合同的全部义务不能履行或者由于另一方在合同约定的期限内没有履行合同的情况以外,协议未达成之前,原经济合同仍然有效。 | Before an agreement is reached, the original economic contract shall continue to be effective, except that force majeure makes it impossible to perform the entire obligations of the economic contract or the other party to the economic contract fails to perform the contract within the time limit agreed upon in the contract. | |
28 | 但是,受不可抗力事件影响的一方须尽快将发生的事件通知另一方 | However, the party affected by the event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible | |
29 | 但是,应当在不可抗力情形消除后立即向税务机关报告。税务机关应当查明事实,予以核准。 | but are port must be made to the taxation authority immediately after the force majeure conditions have abated. The taxation authority shall grant approval after verifying the facts. | |
30 | 当事人迟延履行后发生不可抗力的,不能免除责任。 | Where an event of force majeure occurred after the party’s delay in performance, it is not exempted from liability. |