1 | (大卫的诗,交与伶长。)耶和华阿,你已经鉴察我,认识我。 | <To the chief music-maker. a Psalm. Of David.> O Lord, you have knowledge of me, searching out all my secrets. | |
2 | 保险人知道或者在通常业务中应当知道的情况,保险人没有询问的,被保险人无需告知。 | The insured need not inform the insurer of the facts which the insurer has known of or the insurer ought to have knowledge of in his ordinary business practice if about which the insurer made no inquiry. | |
3 | 必有许多人使自己清净洁白,且被熬炼。但恶人仍必行恶,一切恶人都不明白,惟独智慧人能明白。 | Till a number are tested and make themselves clean; and the evil-doers will do evil; for not one of the evil-doers will have knowledge ; but all will be made clear to those who are wise. | |
4 | 大卫的长兄以利押听见大卫与他们所说的话,就向他发怒,说,你下来作什么呢?在旷野的那几只羊,你交托了谁呢?我知道你的骄傲和你心里的恶意,你下来特为要看争战。 | And Eliab, his oldest brother, hearing what David said to the men, was moved to wrath against David, and said, Why have you come here? Into whose care have you given that little flock of sheep in the waste land? I have knowledge of your pride and the evil of your heart, you have come down to see the fight. | |
5 | 地的广大你能明透吗?你若全知道,只管说吧。 | Have you taken note of the wide limits of the earth? Say, if you have knowledge of it all. | |
6 | 第二百二十二条 合同订立前,被保险人应当将其知道的或者在通常业务中应当知道的有关影响保险人据以确定保险费率或者确定是否同意承保的重要情,如实告知保险人。 | Article 222 Before the contract is concluded, the insured shall truthfully inform the insurer of the material circumstances which the insured has knowledge of or ought to have knowledge of in his ordinary business practice and which may have a bearing on the insurer in deciding the premium or whether be agrees to insure or not. | |
7 | 凡在她四围的和认识她名的,你们都要为她悲伤,说,那结实的杖和那美好的棍,何竟折断了呢? | all you who are round about him, give signs of grief for him, and all you who have knowledge of his name, say, How is the strong rod broken, even the beautiful branch! | |
8 | 风险评估人员必须具备下列知识与/或资讯:已知的危害与风险及其产生原因; 工作场所所使用的物料,设备与技术;. | Persons making risk assessments at work should have knowledge of and/or information on: hazards and risks which are already known to exist and the way they arise; | |
9 | 妇人对他说,你知道扫罗从国中剪除交鬼的和行巫术的。你为何陷害我的性命,使我死呢? | and the woman said to him, But you have knowledge of what Saul has done, how he has put away out of the land those who have control of spirits and the users of secret arts: why would you, by a trick, put me in danger of death? | |
10 | 歌革阿,你必上来攻击我的民以色列,如密云遮盖地面。末后的日子,我必带你来攻击我的地,到我在外邦人眼前,在你身上显为圣的时候,好叫他们认识我。 | And you will come up against my people Israel, like a cloud covering the land; and it will come about, in the last days, that I will make you come against my land, so that the nations may have knowledge of me when I make myself holy in you, O Gog, before their eyes. | |
11 | 各国民中,凡认识你的,都必为你惊奇。你令人惊恐,不再存留于世,直到永远。 | all who have knowledge of you among the peoples will be overcome with wonder at you: you have become a thing of fear, and you will never be seen again. | |
12 | 好叫世人知道你大能的作为,并你国度威严的荣耀。 | So that the sons of men may have knowledge of his acts of power, and of the great glory of his kingdom. | |
13 | 户筛又说,你知道,你父亲和跟随他的人都是勇士,现在他们心里恼怒,如同田野丢崽子的母熊一般,而且你父亲是个战士,必不和民一同住宿。 | Hushai said further, You have knowledge of your father and his men, that they are men of war, and that their feelings are bitter, like those of a bear in the field whose young ones have been taken from her: and your father is a man of war, and will not take his night’s rest with the people; | |
14 | 坏人不明白公义。惟有寻求耶和华的,无不明白。 | Evil men have no knowledge of what is right; but those who go after the Lord have knowledge of all things. | |
15 | 夸口的却因他有聪明,认识我是耶和华,又知道我喜悦在世上施行慈爱,公平,和公义,以此夸口。这是耶和华说的。 | But if any man has pride, let it be in this, that he has the wisdom to have knowledge of me, that I am the Lord, working mercy, giving true decisions, and doing righteousness in the earth: for in these things I have delight, says the Lord. | |
16 | 列国的人民哪,任凭你们喧嚷,终必破坏。远方的众人哪,当侧耳而听。任凭你们束起腰来,终必破坏。你们束起腰来,终必破坏。 | Have knowledge , O peoples, and be in fear; give ear, all you far-off parts of the earth: | |
17 | 摩西从加低斯差遣使者去见以东王,说,你的弟兄以色列人这样说,我们所遭遇的一切艰难, | Then Moses sent men from Kadesh to the king of Edom to say to him, Your brother Israel says, You have knowledge of all the things we have been through; | |
18 | 摩西对耶和华说,你吩咐我说,将这百姓领上去,却没有叫我知道你要打发谁与我同去,只说,我按你的名认识你,你在我眼前也蒙了恩。 | and Moses said to the Lord, See, you say to me, Be this people’s guide on their journey, but you have not made clear to me whom you will send with me. But you have said, I have knowledge of you by name, and you have grace in my eyes. | |
19 | 那民是亚衲族的人,又大又高,是你所知道的。也曾听见有人指着他们说,谁能在亚衲族人面前站立得住呢? | a people great and tall, the sons of the anakim, of whom you have knowledge and of whom it has been said, all are forced to give way before the sons of anak. | |
20 | 那时,犹大人来到吉甲见约书亚,有基尼洗族耶孚尼的儿子迦勒对约书亚说,耶和华在加低斯巴尼亚指着我与你对神人摩西所说的话,你都知道了。 | Then the children of Judah went to Joshua in Gilgal; and Caleb, the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite, said to him, You have knowledge of what the Lord said to Moses, the man of God, about me and about you in Kadesh-barnea. | |
21 | 你的手制造我,建立我。求你赐我悟性,可以学习你的命令。 | <JOD> Your hands have made me, and given me form: give me wisdom, so that I may have knowledge of your teaching. | |
22 | 你加于仆人的尊荣,我还有何言可说呢?因为你知道你的仆人。 | What more may David say to you? for you have knowledge of your servant. | |
23 | 你们真是子民哪,你们死亡,智慧也就灭没了。 | No doubt you have knowledge , and wisdom will come to an end with you. | |
24 | 你们智慧人,要听我的话。有知识的人,要留心听我说。 | Give ear, you wise, to my words; and you who have knowledge , give attention to me; | |
25 | 你仆人我父亲对我们说,你们知道我的妻子给我生了两个儿子。 | and our father said to us, You have knowledge that my wife gave me two sons; | |
26 | 你要详细知道你羊群的景况。留心料理你的牛群。 | Take care to have knowledge about the condition of your flocks, looking well after your herds; | |
27 | 你也必明白仁义,公平,正直,一切的善道。 | Then you will have knowledge of righteousness and right acting, and upright behaviour, even of every good way. | |
28 | 你知道我父亲大卫因四围的争战,不能为耶和华他神的名建殿,直等到耶和华使仇敌都服在他脚下。 | You have knowledge that David my father was not able to make a house for the name of the Lord his God, because of the wars which were round him on every side, till the Lord put all those who were against him under his feet. | |
29 | 你知道洗鲁雅的儿子约押向我所行的,就是杀了以色列的两个元帅,尼珥的儿子押尼珥和益帖的儿子亚玛撒。他在太平之时流这二人的血,如在争战之时一样,将这血染了腰间束的带和脚上穿的鞋。 | Now you have knowledge of what Joab, the son of Zeruiah, did to me, and to the two captains of the army of Israel, Abner, the son of Ner, and Amasa, the son of Jether, whom he put to death, taking payment for the blood of war in time of peace, and making the band of my clothing and the shoes on my feet red with the blood of one put to death without cause. | |
30 | 你总知道,因为你早已生在世上,你日子的数目也多。 | No doubt you have knowledge of it, for then you had come to birth, and the number of your days is great. |