属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-维基百科集资 Wikipedia’s Fund-r
1 | 众首领对巴录说,你和耶利米要去藏起来,不可叫人知道你们在哪里。 | Then the rulers said to Baruch, Go and put yourself in a safe place, you and Jeremiah, and let no man have knowledge of where you are. | |
2 | 众子阿,要听父亲的教训,留心得知聪明。 | Give ear, my sons, to the teaching of a father; give attention so that you may have knowledge : | |
3 | 主耶和华阿,我还有何言可以对你说呢?因为你知道你的仆人。 | What more may David say to you? for you have knowledge of your servant, O Lord God. | |
4 | 住伯特利的先知门徒出来见以利沙,对他说,耶和华今日要接你的师傅离开你,你知道不知道。他说,我知道,你们不要作声。 | and at Beth-el the sons of the prophets came out to Elisha and said, Has it been made clear to you that the Lord is going to take away your master from over you today? and he said, Yes, I have knowledge of it: say no more. | |
5 | 住耶利哥的先知门徒就近以利沙,对他说,耶和华今日要接你的师傅离开你,你知道不知道。他说,我知道,你们不要作声。 | and at Jericho the sons of the prophets came up to Elisha and said to him, Has it been made clear to you that the Lord is going to take away your master from over you today? and he said in answer, Yes, I have knowledge of it: say no more. | |
6 | 自称知道某事 | Claim knowledge(ie to have knowledge )of sth | |
7 | 自从你出埃及地以来,我就是耶和华你的神。在我以外,你不可认识别神,除我以外并没有救主。 | But I am the Lord your God, from the land of Egypt; you have knowledge of no other God and there is no saviour but me. | |
8 | 作恶违背圣约的人,他必用巧言勾引。惟独认识神的子民必刚强行事。 | and those who do evil against the agreement will be turned to sin by his fair words: but the people who have knowledge of their God will be strong and do well. | |
9 | ||1:传闻忽视了两次杰出的展览会,就是在2002年和2007年举办的文艺复兴和巴洛克挂毯艺术展览会,但是遴选委员会并没有忽略。||2:展览会令公众和批评家感到惊讶的成功,证明了卡贝尔先生相当的学术、外交和管理能力。||3:此外,指导博物馆的安东尼奥?拉提纺织品中心把他介绍给了差不多每一个部门的主任,并且提高他关于博物馆巨大的藏品的知识。博物馆的藏品数量超过两百万件。 | ||1: What the gossips overlooked—but the search committee did not—are the two exceptional exhibitions of Renaissance and Baroque tapestries that he organised in 2002 and 2007. ||2: A surprise hit with both public and critics, the shows demonstrated Mr Campbell’s considerable scholarly, diplomatic and administrative skills. ||3: In addition, supervising the museum’s Antonio Ratti Textile Centre introduced him to curators from almost every department and increased his knowledge of the museum’s immense holdings, which number more than 2m objects. | |
10 | ||1:过去不明真相的外界责难维基百科,其内部也渐生自满情绪。||2:现在看来两种情况都有好转。||3:维基百科推广的概念,即任何人都可以给在线百科提供高质量东西越来越得到人们的认可。||4:维基百科的词条几乎都不是尽善尽美的,但是它们随时欢迎人们完善修改,这就大大地给它加分了。||5:维基百科也正在逐步摆脱极富个人魅力的威尔士先生的控制和对一小波讲英语爱好者的过度依赖。||6:对那些担心互联网越来越商业化、越来越孤立的人来说,维基百科逃过一劫继续扩大也是一种积极的信号。||7:它不仅仅是在整理知识,它也在制造新闻。 | ||1:Wikipedia has suffered in the past from ill-informed criticism from outside, and complacency on the inside.||2:Signs now are that both are diminishing.||3:The idea that an online encyclopedia that anyone can edit can provide high-quality content is increasingly established.||4:Wikipedia entries are rarely perfect, but their flaws are always open to instant remedy; that is a big plus.||5:The outfit also seems to be moving away from its dependence on the charismatic Mr Wales, and from its over-reliance on a narrow caste of Anglophone enthusiasts.||6:Wikipedia’s survival and expansion are also encouraging signs for those that worry the internet is in danger of becoming too commercial and closed off.||7:Wikipedia is not just collating knowledge: it is making news too. |