属类:法学专业-中国法律-上海市医疗机构管理办法( 2002 年修正)
1 | 忍饥挨饿的儿童,统治者折磨下的受难者,成为儿子们眼中钉、无助的老人们,以及满世界的孤独、贫困和痛苦都是人类理想生活的反讽。 | Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be | |
2 | 上天赋予我国的资源,浪费最严重的莫过于人的生命、人的 | There is hardly any material placed by Providence in this country which is so much wasted as human life and human strength and human intellect the most precious and irreplaceable material of all | |
3 | 生物的;(尤指人的)生命的 | Of living things;of(esp human)life | |
4 | 实际上,你们决定着自己终生怀着怎样的爱;并且通过你们,将决定波兰土地上人们的生活:婚姻、家庭、社会和民族的生活,还有神职人员的、宗教的和传教的活动。 | In you, in fact, is decided that form of love which all of your life will have and, through you, human life on Polish soil: the matrimonial, family, social and national form--but also the priestly, religious and missionary one | |
5 | 市场上的这幅人生图画,虽说基调是英国移民的忧伤的灰色、褐色和黑色,也还固间有一些其它色彩而显得活跃。 | The picture of human life in the market-place, though its general tint was the sad grey, brown, or black of the English emigrants, was yet enlivened by some diversity of hue. | |
6 | 试论道家“天人合一”思想对构建和谐社会的现实意义 | Try to Talk about the Realistic Significance of Idea of "Human Life Being in a Highly Harmony with Nature" in Taoist School in the Construction of Harmonious Society | |
7 | 书评:Ezeliel J. Emanuel《临终之医疗伦理》 | Ezeliel J. Emanuel: The Ends of Human Life : Medical Ethics in a Liberal Polity | |
8 | 他被为人类生活建立新秩序而鞠躬尽瘁的激情所鼓动。 | He was inspired by a consuming passion for a new order of human life | |
9 | 他对人生和人性的看法虽离奇却不乏温情;他的幽默毫不勉强…--这一切似乎都表明了他的道德品质与智慧… | The whimsical, yet amiable views of human life and human nature; the unforced humour…all seems to bespeak his moral as well as his intellectual qualities… | |
10 | 他们如果还顾及人的生命就不会做出这样可怕的事来 | If they had any respect for human life they wouldn’t do such terrible things | |
11 | 特别是近四五十年来,医学上的突破和电脑的发明,让人类生活为之改观,寿命大为延长。 | Especially in the last forty to fifty years, breakthroughs in medical science and the invention of computers have transformed and extended human life . | |
12 | 为保护人的生命或者健康,必须禁止进口或者出口的 | Where the import or export of such goods or technologies must be prohibited in order to protect human life or health | |
13 | 为实现在防止对人类生命或健康、动物和植物的生命或健康的风险方面运用适当的卫生与植物卫生保护水平的概念的一致性 | With the objective of achieving consistency in the application of the concept of appropriate level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection against risks to human life or health, or to animal and plant life or health | |
14 | 温婉情怀 都市人生-评杨德昌的电影《一一》 | The Gentle Feelings the Human Life in the City-On the Film "A One and A Two" by Yang Dechang | |
15 | 我们赋予人类生命很高的价值 | We set a high value on human life . | |
16 | 我们怎样才能延长短促的人生? | How can we endeavor to prolong the brevity of human life ? | |
17 | 我追求的正是如此。尽鉴定对凡人而言,这世间好象是一种奢望,但这是我最终所寻觅的。 | This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life , this is what--at last--I have found. | |
18 | 西方国家的特点是爱浪费物质却珍惜人和时间,他们认为人活着,时间短暂,这非常重要 | The westerners often waste materials but treasure people and time, believing that as time is short for human life , it is of great importance | |
19 | 贤妻最可贵,恶妇是灾星 | Of earthly goods the best is a good wife A Bad the Bitterest curse of human life | |
20 | 现代人的“两难困境”-试析存在主义人生哲学 | Contemporary Human Beings’ Dilemma: An Analysis of the Existentialist Philosophy of Human Life | |
21 | 许多经济伦理教科书忽略了生命的尊严及其真正的价值,或把它当成理所当然的。 | Many business ethics textbooks overlook or take for granted the dignity and intrinsic value of a human life . | |
22 | 言情与世情:张爱玲与中国传统人情小说在精神上的内在联系 | On the Spiritual Relationship between Eileen Chang and the Traditional Chinese Fiction of Human Life | |
23 | 要到弄清了它的规律和多样性之后,我们才算懂得了人类生命的主要复杂事实。 | Until we are intelligent as to its laws and varieties, the main complicating facts of human life must remain unintelligible. | |
24 | 医疗执业活动 是指通过各种检查,使用药物、器械及手术等方法,对疾病作出判断和消除疾病、缓解病情、减轻痛苦、改善功能、延长生命、帮助病人恢复健康的活动。 | Medical practising activitiesrefers to all the activities for diagnosing and curing diseases, mitigating the illness and alleviating patients’’ sufferings, improving physical functions, prolonging human life and helping patients recover from their illness by means of different kinds of examination, medicines, medical apparatus application and surgical operation; | |
25 | 艺术形而上学:尼采对世界和人生的审美辩护 | The Metaphysics of Art: Nietzsche’s Aesthetic Defense for the World and Human Life | |
26 | 用牺牲生命的手段来服务于激进观点,除了权力欲,他们摒弃了所有价值观,他们走上了法西斯主义、纳粹主义和极权主义的道路。 | By sacrificing human life to serve their radical visions, by abandoning every value except the will to power, they follow in the path of fascism, and Nazism, and totalitarianism. | |
27 | 于是就出现了各派思想家,认为历史是一种循环过程,他们自以为能够证明不平等乃是人类生活的不可改变的法则。 | There then rose schools of thinkers who interpreted history as a cyclical process and claimed to show that inequality was the unalterable law of human life | |
28 | 岳丰科技公司有幸研发,制造这些产品,行销遍及全世界,可说是照亮宇宙,整合资讯、提供新知识的直接贡献者。 | YFC-BonEagle Electric Company Ltd is fortunate and proud of being the producer of these products selling worldwide. In addition to earning the foreign exchange through exporting these goods; enhancing competitiveness of this nation we are believed as one contributor to knowledge based economy through lighting up the world integrating the information used in everydays human life . | |
29 | 在第一次世界大战期间,为了发动巨大的攻势,我们不得不付出许多人的生命和鲜血,这种可怕的代价至今仍然铭记在我们的心中。 | The fearful price we had had to pay in human life and blood for the great offensives of the First World War was graven in my mind | |
30 | 在吴子熊的博物馆里,有一个棋盘,他说人生就像一步棋, | In Wu’s museum, there is a chessboard. He says human life is just like playing chess. |