属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 54
1 | 他们沉溺于吸毒。 | They were hung up on drugs | |
2 | 他迷恋着那个姑娘。 | He was hung up on that girl | |
3 | 他再不理睬听筒中那吱吱的声音,一手挂上了,就转脸看着丁医生微微笑着说 | Disregarding the bewildered twittering from the other end of the line, he hung up and turned a smiling face to Dr. Ting | |
4 | 他在里面被挤得要死,而且还被挂到烟囱里让烟熏,日子真难过啊! | His quarters there were rather confined, and besides that he was hung up in the chimney to be smoked, and there time did hang terribly heavy on his hands. | |
5 | 唐太斯一向厌恶海盗,海盗被擒以后就是在帆船上吊死的,他不愿意采用这种不光彩的死法。 | But the first was repugnant to him. Dants had always entertained the greatest horror of pirates, who are hung up to the yard-arm | |
6 | 天气不好耽误了挖掘工作。 | The bad weather has hung up the work of excavation. | |
7 | 威尔挂了电话,想照汤姆的去做,可他还是怒气冲冲。 | Will hung up and tried to do as Tom suggested, but his anger kept boiling up | |
8 | 我不知道本尼为什么迷恋黛比 | I wonder why benny was hung up on Debby. | |
9 | 我告诉她打错了,并冷冷地挂断了电话。 | I hung up coldly, saying it was a wrong call. | |
10 | 我挂起了剑,投身到政治里。 | I have hung up my sword, and cast myself into politics | |
11 | 我花了十分钟的工夫才说服她,让她过会儿再来电话,最后,我总算挂上了电话。 | It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I hung up the receiver. | |
12 | 我还没来得及回答,他就把电话挂断了。 | Before I could answer him, he hung up | |
13 | 我们把马拴在桩上,走进了客栈。 | I hung up my horse and walked into the inn | |
14 | 我想这迷汤灌错了耳朵,便不客气把听筒挂上了。 | I thought all that rice gruel was being poured down the wrong ear, so I very rudely hung up on her | |
15 | 夜间在明显处所垂直悬挂灯号:红灯三盏表示:本船没有染疫,请发给入境检疫证。 | The quarantine signal in the night time shall be hung up perpendicularly at a prominent place: three red lamps signified that the ship is not infected, requesting the issuance of an entry pratique | |
16 | 衣服挂起采晾干。 | The clothes were hung up to dry. | |
17 | 由于今晚出现许多蚊子,所以点了蚊香来驱逐它们,并且挂上蚊帐。蚊帐是一种令人不舒服的东西,但是,见其折层在傍晚凉爽的微风中轻轻摇曳却很愉快。 | As many mosquitoes appeared tonight, burned a mosquito coil to keep them away and hung up a mosquito net. A mosquito net is an uncomfortable thing, but it is quite pleasant to see its folds swayed softly by the cool evening breeze. | |
18 | 由于主要演员生病,排演推迟了。 | Rehearsals were hung up by the illness of the leading actor | |
19 | 油箱里溢出来一点汽油,托马斯把加油管挂好,拧上油箱盖子,擦掉溅在后挡泥板上的汽油。 | The tank overflowed a little and Thomas hung up the hose and put on the cap and wiped away the splash of gasoline on the rear fender | |
20 | 约翰把他的湿衣服挂起来,以便把它凉干。 | John hung up his wet wash in order to dry it out | |
21 | 约翰把他的湿衣服挂起来,以便把它晾干。 | John hung up his wet wash in order to dry it out | |
22 | 这火光大概是约定的暗号,一看到这火光,他们就知道可以靠岸了,因为有一盏信号灯不是挂在旗杆上而是挂在桅顶上,于是他们就向岸边靠近,驶到了大炮的射程以内。 | the position of these was no doubt a signal for landing, for a ship’s lantern was hung up at the mast-head instead of the streamer, and they came to within a gunshot of the shore | |
23 | 这些工作无论如何不能搁置起来。 | The work must not be hung up for any reason | |
24 | 这指的是把收获的烟叶或茎秆挂在干燥棚里。 | The leaves or stalks are hung up in the curing barn. | |
25 | ||1: 劳拉·普兰住在哈瓦那的中心街区Calle Neptuno 963 号,这虽是一所小小居所,但劳拉始终把它打理得整洁漂亮。 ||2:有着雪花图案的灰色地砖总是一尘不染,尽管她的长毛geng(反犬旁那个更,这里出不来,悲剧了。)经常会把它的毛发掉落一地,尽管敞开的大门正对着一条满溢尾气、嘈杂的、尘土飞扬的大街。||3:在前面的客厅里有几张藤背椅,它们的靠背是一个心形,三角形的花边装饰着座凳。||4:在屋后有一个很小的庭院,满是盆栽和爬藤植物,如同一个小小丛林,对面赭石墙上的清洁工具挂得整整齐齐。||5:一抬头就能看到伊格莱西亚卡门塔,它似静静观望着小院。 | ||1: THE house at 963 Calle Neptuno, in the centre of Havana, was small, but Laura Pollan kept it beautifully. ||2: The grey floor-tiles with their snowflake motif were always swept clean, even though her fluffy mongrel terrier shed his long hair everywhere, and though the door was kept open to get some air in from the bike-filled, rowdy, dusty street. ||3: In the front living room she had cane chairs with heart-shaped backs, and triangles of lace decorated the shelves. ||4: Outside, the tiny back yard was a jungle of pot plants and climbers, with neatly folded washing hung against the ochre walls. ||5: And the tower of the Iglesia del Carmen watched over it all. | |
26 | ||1:国会广场上悬挂着标语的帐篷前,布莱恩·霍坐在他那老旧的帆布椅子上,过往路人川流不息。||2:有带相机的游客,喝啤酒的少年,还有往返于工作路上的人群。||3:的士、货车、自行车,还有说谎的政客们乘坐的超长黑色轿车都从此经过。||4:公交车上乘客都忙着打电话或埋头于报纸。||5:司机放下车窗,但没有停车,冲他喊道:“找份工作吧!” | ||1: When Brian Haw sat in his old canvas chair in front of his banner-hung tent in Parliament Square, people kept coming by. ||2: Tourists with their cameras. Teenagers drinking beer. Commuters on their way to work. ||3: Taxis, vans, bicycles. Bloody big black cars with lying politicians in them. ||4: Buses with passengers all on their phones or buried in their papers. ||5: Drivers who wound down the car window, not stopping, and shouted “Get a job!” | |
27 | ||1:沙尔曼想从自己的智慧中总结出一些规则——和交通规则一样大众的——然而他自己都不认真(他还说“别太墨守成规”呢)。||2:可惜他的智慧规则漏洞百出。||3:他暗示,97至98年亚洲经济危机后,韩国的硬着陆实际上是因祸得福——经过重组反而使他们进入了世界经合组织。||4:但事实是,在经济危机之前,韩国就已经是经合组织的成员之一了。||5:他还说,经济大萧条前期,美国决策者们听从了哈耶克的建议,然而,在1931年之前,哈耶克这个名字在英语世界根本不为人知。||6:他还无视罗斯福新政和二战的影响,将1950年美国强大的经济实力归功于哈耶克主义。 | ||1: Mr Sharma tries to draw some general principles—“rules of the road”—from this clutch of insights, but even he does not take them too seriously (one of his rules is “Don’t get hung up on rules”). ||2: Unfortunately, his insights are also sprinkled with mistakes. ||3: He implies that South Korea’s hard landing after the Asian financial crisis in 1997-98 was a blessing in disguise—a salutary shake-up that propelled it into the OECD club of rich nations. ||4: But South Korea was already a member before that calamity. ||5: He thinks American policymakers followed Friedrich Hayek’s advice in the early years of the Depression, even though Hayek was virtually unknown in the English-speaking world until 1931. ||6: He also credits Hayekian ideas for America’s economic might in 1950, thereby ignoring the impact of both the New Deal and the second world war. | |
28 | ||1:他从来没有想到要放弃小方地毯。||2:它们的美丽和多样性一如自然界的美丽和多样性,都能让他开心不已。||3:在他拉格兰奇的办公室里,这些小方地毯就像抽象艺术一样摊开在桌子上,而多绞纱线则挂在墙上。||4: 他的公司推出了注册酷地毯(Cool Carpet?)为商标的地毯和为家庭推出了“实用而且漂亮”的多色彩的弗洛尔(FLOR)地毯。生产这种酷地毯(Cool Carpet?)的一系列的供应链上对全球气候变暖都不会起作用。 ||5:但是,他最值得骄傲的是注册了熵(Entropy)为商标的小方地毯。这种小方地毯的设计直接受到森林地面的启发。||6:没有两片小方地毯是相似的,因为没有两根枯枝或两片叶子是相似的。||7:这些小方地毯可以相当随机地铺设和替换,即使用的很少,也杜绝浪费。||8:当你躺在这些小方地毯上时,你或许就像在亚特兰大附近安德森先生的86-英亩森林的一部分,就像他一样倾听着长叶松上的麻雀叽叽喳喳,为成为生物织物的无害部分而尽情高兴。 | ||1: He never dreamed of giving up carpet tiles. ||2: Their beauty and variety delighted him, just as Nature’s did. ||3: In his office in LaGrange they were laid out like abstract art on tables, while hanks of yarn hung on the walls. ||4: His company introduced Cool Carpet?, which had made no contribution to global warming all along the supply chain, and multicoloured FLOR for the home, “practical and pretty, too”. ||5: He was proudest, though, of Entropy?, a carpet-tile design inspired directly by the forest floor. ||6: No two tiles were alike: no two sticks, no two leaves. ||7: They could be laid and replaced quite randomly, even used in bits, eliminating waste. ||8: And when you lay down on them you might almost be in Mr Anderson’s 86-acre piece of forest near Atlanta, listening to the sparrows in the long-leaf pines, rejoicing in being a non-harming part of the web of life, like him. | |
29 | ||1:有人说他全凭运气。还有一些人,看着他把球从沙坑到果岭和他流畅优雅的挥杆,叹口气然后说不可思议。||2:解说员评论他时总是说“天赋”,好像他还是那个在坎塔布里亚沙滩上用自制球棒玩卵石的七岁小孩。||3:他家境贫寒,家里人说命该如此。这种话惹恼了他。||4:自己一个人练习击球,一练就几个小时——他成功是全凭自己刻苦努力和坚强毅力。||5:当还是小孩时,他就开始用番茄酱罐在一块有两个洞的坑坑洼洼的地上练习,或者是把球打进挂在谷仓墙上的渔网里。||6:他估计那时自己每天要打1000个球。||7:因为只有一支三号铁杆,他不得不用这支球杆学会所有动作:強力的低飞球,软着陆的高球,以及从长草区难以置信的就出險球脫困。 | ||1: Luck, said some. Miraculous, said others, as they sighed at his soft blasts out of bunkers on to the green, or the fluid grace of his swing. ||2: Commentators talked of natural genius, as though he was still a seven-year-old whacking a pebble with a home-made club on a beach in Cantabria. ||3: His impoverished family put it down to destino. Such talk annoyed him. ||4: It was all hard graft and iron discipline: hitting a ball, alone, for hours. ||5: It started in boyhood, putting into tomato cans on a bumpy two-hole piece of field on his parents’ farm, or driving into a fishing net hung in the barn. ||6: He reckoned he had hit 1,000 balls a day. ||7: Because he had only one club, a 3-iron, he learned how to do everything with it: low, powerful shots, high, soft-landing shots and impossible recovery shots out of long, tangled grass. He could improvise his way out of anything. | |
30 | “很遗憾,”我对着电话喊道,“我以为我们的目标就是取得胜利呢。”说完我就挂掉了电话。 | I’m sorry, I shouted into the phone, I thought our objective was to win, and I hung up . |