属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-谁吃了恐龙 What Ate Dinosaurs?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-谁吃了恐龙 What Ate Dinosaurs?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-维基百科集资 Wikipedia’s Fund-r
1 | 无论从哪方面来看,这都是一本优秀的小说。 | It is an excellent novel in every way . | |
2 | 现在你的王位必不长久。耶和华已经寻着一个合他心意的人,立他作百姓的君,因为你没有遵守耶和华所吩咐你的。 | But now, your authority will not go on: the Lord, searching for a man who is pleasing to him in every way , has given him the place of ruler over his people, because you have not done what the Lord gave you orders to do. | |
3 | 要和平,就得想一切办法防止战争。 | If there e is to be peace, we must try in every way to prevent war. | |
4 | 愿明亮喜庆的圣诞烛光温暖一年中的每个日日夜夜,祝你欢欢喜喜度圣诞,高高兴兴过新年! | May the bright and festive glow of Christmas candle warm the days all the year through. Hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying Christmas Day and wishing you a New Year that is happy in every way . | |
5 | 在特别欢乐的一天,给完美无缺的伯父祝寿,真叫我喜悦满心间。 | It’s fun to send these wishes for an especially happy to an uncle who is nice in every way . | |
6 | 这个计划几乎尽善尽美。 | The plan is almost satisfactory in every way . | |
7 | 这是您和劳拉的大好消息!从各方面看,她是一个非常好的女孩子。我祝贺你们幸福。 | That’s great news about you and Laura! She’s a wonderful girl in every way , and I congratulate you on your good fortune | |
8 | 只有用挚爱绢成的祝福的话,才能献给像您那样慈爱的爸。 | Only wishes that are made with special love will do for a dad who is wonderful in every way as you. | |
9 | 作为沃尔玛的员工,我们深知仅仅是感谢顾客光临我们的商场是远远不够的----我们期望竭尽全力、以各种细致入微的服务去表达我们的谢意! | As Wal-Mart associates we know it is not good enough to simply be grateful to our customers for shopping our stores-we want to demonstrate our gratitude in every way we can! | |
10 | ||1:“谁吃恐龙”很明显,其中一个答案是:“其它恐龙”。||2:每个史前怪兽爱好者的脑海里浮现出的是像霸王龙、翼龙这样的兽脚类掠食者,电脑制作的它们与梁龙、剑龙的打斗也成为俗套。||3:而科学试图不落窠臼。今年,在拉斯维加斯召开的古脊椎生物学会会议上,一些发言人问到中生代顶级掠食者是否全是恐龙,结论是“否”。||4:直到最近还被忽视的一类爬虫,同样是重要的食肉动物,正是仍然存活于今的一个族群:鳄鱼。 | ||1: ONE answer to the question, “What ate dinosaurs?” is, obviously, “Other dinosaurs”. ||2: The ropod predators like Tyrannosaurus and Allosaurus loom large in the imagination of every lover of prehistoric monsters, and their animatronic fights with the likes of Diplodocus and Stegosaurus are the stuff of cliché. ||3: Science, though, tries to look beyond the obvious, and at this year’s meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Palaeontology, held in Las Vegas, some of the speakers asked whether the top predators of the Mesozoic era really were all dinosaurs. Their conclusion was “no”. ||4: Another group of reptiles, until recently neglected, were also important carnivores. And it is a group that is still around today: the crocodiles. | |
11 | ||1:白垩纪被称为鸟脚亚目食草恐龙其地位相当于斑马和羚羊——每部有关非洲大草原的纪录片中被捕杀的种群。||2:这些恐龙经常被兽脚亚目食肉恐龙捕食。||3:但不总是这样,当庄姆海勒与博依德对犹他州出土的白垩纪年幼的鸟脚亚目食草恐龙的化石进行检查时,他们在一副骨架上发现了看上去像是遭受现代鳄鱼撕咬的痕迹。||4:在对这些痕迹进一步检查后,他们发现一颗鳄鱼目动物牙齿嵌在其中一块骨头上。 | ||1:The Cretaceous equivalent of zebra and antelopes—the victim species in every wildlife documentary about the dramas of the African savannah—were herbivorous dinosaurs called ornithopods.||2:Frequently, these were taken by theropods.||3:But not always.When Ms Drumheller and Mr Boyd examined the bones of juvenile upper-Cretaceous ornithopods dug up in Utah they saw marks on one skeleton that looked suspiciously like those modern crocodiles inflict when biting and tearing at their prey.||4:On examining these marks more closely, they found a crocodilian tooth stuck in one of them. | |
12 | ||1:本月,那些筹款横幅广告又要回归了-这次关注的人却更多了。||2:支持诚恳的威尔士完成到年底筹得2500万美元的目标的是程序员布兰登?哈里斯(Brandon Harris),哈里斯一头长发,身着一件大T恤,一副胸有成竹的表情。||3:他称他上一份工作是做出“一些没用的东西”专门去骗不明真相的孩子的钱,辞职后他加入维基百科。||4:互联网研究公司Alexa称每个月都有4亿用户访问并成就了这个世界第五大网站,同时它也是世界上最重要的非娱乐性信息的提供者。 | ||1:This month those pleading banners will return—but with many sets of eyes.||2:Backing up the earnest Mr Wales in the attempt to raise $25m by the year-end will be Brandon Harris, a long-haired programmer wearing a full-sleeved T-shirt and a surly expression, who says he quit his job building “some crappy thing that’s designed to steal money from some kid who doesn’t know it” to work with Wikipedia.||3:400m unique users every month make it the world’s fifth-biggest website, according to Alexa, an internet research company.||4:It also has a good claim to be the world’s most important provider of non-entertainment content. | |
13 | ||1:接二连三的袭击不禁让人联想到2015年至2016年之间发生的流血事件。2015年1月,伊斯兰恐怖分子在《查理周刊》的办公室杀害12人;2015年11月,伊斯兰恐怖分子在巴黎多地杀害131人;次年7月,伊斯兰恐怖分子在尼斯杀害86人。||2:然而,从那时起,欧洲的圣战运动明显衰颓。||3:欧盟执法机构欧洲刑警组织称,2017年至2019年间,成功发动的伊斯兰袭击事件逐年递减,而被挫败的袭击事件则呈上升趋势。||4:2019年有10人丧生。 | ||1:The flurry of attacks recalls the bloodshed of 2015 to 16, when Islamist terrorists killed 12 people at Charlie Hebdo’s offices in January 2015, 131 people at multiple sites in Paris in November and 86 people in Nice the following July.||2:Since then, however, jihadism in Europe has declined markedly.||3:The number of completed Islamist attacks fell every year from 2017 to 2019, while the number of foiled ones rose, according to Europol, the EU’s law-enforcement agency.||4:Ten people were killed in 2019. | |
14 | 国际艾滋机构出现了一件怪事:12月1日被定为每年的“国际艾滋日”,这意味着联合国将会就艾滋状况发布一份报告。可是,今年的报告实际将会有两份。 | SOMETHING odd is going on in the international AIDS establishment. December 1st has been designated (as it is every year) to be “World AIDS Day”. That is a signal for the United Nations to put out a report on the state of the epidemic. This year, though, there are to be two reports. | |
15 | “他是英国最棒的人物,是这个国家一个伟大的标志。” | "He is the best of Britain in every way . He is a great icon for this country. " | |
16 | “亚伯拉罕年纪老迈,向来在一切事上耶和华都赐福给他。”创世纪第24章第1节(圣经新国际版) | "Abraham was now old and well advance in years, and the Lord had blessed him in every way . " Genesis 24: 1 (NIV) | |
17 | “印度完全信任IPCC的操作程序及其领导能力,我们将以各种可能的方式支持它。”辛格说。 | "India has full confidence in the IPCC process and its leadership and will support it in every way that we can, " Singh said. | |
18 | Laurence:你必须使它在任何方面都是有趣的,因为任何事都会过时。 | LAURENCE: You’ve got to keep it interesting in every way , because anything can become stale. | |
19 | 毕竟,一个人不可能在任何方面都与另一个人相似。 | After all, nobody is completely similar to another person in every way . | |
20 | 从各方面看,她都是一位非常出色的歌唱家。 | She is, in every way , an extraordinary singer. | |
21 | 从任何角度来看,帕蒂·史密斯都是独特的,前所未有的。 | Patti Smith is simply unique and unprecedented in every way . | |
22 | 从设计工程以至创新等各方面微软都付出了巨大的努力。 | It is in every way a major effort in design, engineering and innovation. | |
23 | 从我多年的编程经验来看,只有几本书全面地提高了我的编程技巧,这就是其中的一本。 | In many years of programming experience, only a few books have enriched my programming skills in every way , as this one has. | |
24 | 村里的人很愿合作,他们在各方面都尽力帮助我们。 | The people in the village were cooperative; they helped us in every way they could. | |
25 | 但是当我们聚焦在神时,他的能力和意愿会用任何方法去帮助我们---我们所有的借口都变得毫无意义。 | But when we focus on God and His ability and willingness to help us in every way -- all our excuses become insignificant. | |
26 | 德语发明者想尽一切办法复杂化这门语言,貌似还以此为乐。 | The inventor of the language seems to have taken pleasure in complicating it in every way he could think of. | |
27 | 多么奇妙的诗句!上帝让你在各个方面都富有,所以无论什么时候你都会慷慨,这就是你对上帝的感激。 | What an amazing verse! God makes you rich in every way so you can be generous on every occasion, which will result in thanksgiving to God. | |
28 | 国王仔细地看他的儿子,感到这个青年样样都值得称赞。 | The king looked at his son, he saw that the youth was in every way worthy of praise. | |
29 | 机械接盘是键盘控们认为最牛逼的输入设备。 | Mechanical switches are considered superior in every way by keyboard enthusiasts. | |
30 | 她对这条船的各个方面都感到满意。 | She was delighted with the boat in every way . |