1 | "试着开了几次口之后,摩西怯生生地问道:""你相信婚姻是上天注定的吗?" | "After several attempts at conversation, Moses shyly asked,"" Do you believe marriages are made in heaven ?" | |
2 | [谚] 宁在地狱为王, 不在天堂为臣。 | Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven . | |
3 | [谚] 姻缘天注定。 | Marriages are made in heaven . | |
4 | “东洋意大利”之梦―申采浩的《梦天》与但丁的《神曲》作品结构之比较 | Dreams of "An Italian in Asia"-Comparison on the Structures in Dreams in Heaven by Sin Ch’ae-ho and Divine Comedy by Dante | |
5 | “父亲,父亲!看在老天的份上,”青年惊喊道,“告诉我,您究竟拿这些武器要做什么?” | "Father, father, in heaven ’s name," exclaimed the young man, "what are these weapons for?" | |
6 | 按照《罗摩衍那圣传》上记载,恒河发源于天上,多亏卜拉马的努力,这条河才从天上流到人间。 | The Ganges, according to the legends of the Ramayana, rises in heaven , whence owing to brahma’s agency, it descends to the earth | |
7 | 并不是想要“积善”,却为的希望借此清心寡欲,减轻一些精神上的矛盾痛苦。 | This did not mean that she wished to "lay up treasure in Heaven ," but she hoped that her religious exercises would enable her to "cleanse her heart" and "subdue desire," and so help to alleviate her mental anguish | |
8 | 伯爵阁下,”管家卑下地躬身向前,又说道,“现在您一切都知道了,万能的主是我在天上的裁判官,而您就是我地上的裁判官。 | And now, your excellency," he added, bowing his head, "you know everything--you are my judge on earth, as the almighty is in heaven | |
9 | 不可为自己雕刻偶像,也不可作什么形像,仿佛上天,下地和地底下,水中的百物。 | You may not make for yourselves an image in the form of anything in heaven or on earth or in the waters under the earth: | |
10 | 不可为自己雕刻偶像,也不可作什么形像仿佛上天,下地,和地底下,水中的百物。 | You are not to make an image or picture of anything in heaven or on the earth or in the waters under the earth: | |
11 | 不是在天上,使你说,谁替我们上天取下来,使我们听见可以遵行呢? | They are not in heaven , for you to say, Who will go up to heaven for us and give us knowledge of them so that we may do them? | |
12 | 草原上的花,即使把它们直接移植到天堂上去,也一毫无愧色。 | The flowers of the grassland, even if transplanted in Heaven , would still be gorgeous | |
13 | 长寿花,乃是天宫的宝物,谁能吃到它就长生不老。 | The longevity flower is a rare kind of flower found only in heaven . Whoever from the human world eats it will remain young forever | |
14 | 除你以外,在天上我有谁呢?除你以外,在地上我也没有所爱慕的。 | Whom have I in heaven but you? and having you I have no desire for anything on earth. | |
15 | 传说神仙住在天上。 | Fairies are said to dwell in heaven | |
16 | 春秋天信仰的特点 | The Characteristic of Belief in Heaven in the Spring and Autumn Period | |
17 | 但愿她的灵魂在天国安息。 | May her soul rest in Heaven . | |
18 | 但这不是天作之合。 | But this is not a marriage made in heaven . | |
19 | 董夫子,通神明,深山窃听来妖精。 | Dong, the master, Must have been taught in heaven . Demons come from the deep pine-wood and stealthily listen | |
20 | 菲亚克和斯科特斯坐在天堂那针毡般的三脚凳上,酒从能装一品脱的大缸子里洒了出来,朗朗发出夹着拉下文的笑声。 | fiacre and Scotus on their creepystools in heaven spilt from their pintpots, loudlatinlaughing: Euge! | |
21 | 海洋之神答应了。结果大熊星座和小熊星座只能在天上绕来绕去,永远不能象其它的星星一样落到海中去。 | The powers of the ocean assented, and consequently the two constellations of the Great and Little Bear move round and round in heaven , but never sink, as the other stars do, beneath the ocean | |
22 | 婚姻由天定。 | Marriages are made in heaven . | |
23 | 她认定这剂良药曾经受到了天上一切吉星的祝福,是一笔足以使她交好运的遗产。 | She felt a strong faith that this good medicine was sanctified by all the luckiest stars in heaven to be the legacy that should advance her fortune | |
24 | 她是你的亲妹妹。不管她怎样没出息,怎样堕落,她也是一个圣徒的女儿。 | She is your sister in the fleshDworthless and castaway as she is, she is the daughter of a saint in heaven | |
25 | 她是在天上创造的,每个神祇都对她有所赋予,以使她臻于完美。 | She was made in heaven , every god contributing something to perfect her | |
26 | 她死了,但她的灵魂在天堂里。 | She is dead, but her soul is in heaven . | |
27 | 她在这个世界上照顾她孩子的时间虽短,但我至少希望,现在,当她那纯洁的灵魂在那幸福的地方飞翔的时候,她还能亲切怜悯地注视着她的孩子。 | but who, after watching over her child during the brief period allotted to her in this world, now, I fondly hope, watches from her home in heaven | |
28 | 锦城丝管日纷纷,半入江风半入云,此曲只应天上有,人间能得几回闻 | In Jincheng, music of silk and flutes mixes together all day, Half goes to the river breeze, half goes to the clouds. Music such as this should only be in heaven above, In this human world, how many times can it be heard? | |
29 | 惊悸的心声,处于那痛苦的不安中,;我嚷道:“再说一遍:我爱你!”谁嫌 | Cry, ... `Speak once more ... thou lovest!’ Who can fear;Too many stars, though each in heaven shall roll,-- | |
30 | 据周太太说,张家把他八字要去了,请算命人排过,跟他们小姐的命“天作之合,大吉大利”。 | According to Mrs. Chou, the Changs had asked for Hung-chien’s horoscope and requested a fortuneteller to match it with Miss Chang’s.The forecast for the couple was "A union made in heaven , full of great fortune and prosperity." |