1 | 在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝 | In heaven let us be two Birds flying ever together, and on earth two trees with Branches interlocked together | |
2 | 在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。 | In heaven let us be two birds flying ever together, and on earth two trees with branches interlocked forever. | |
3 | 这剂良药曾经受到了天上一切吉星的祝福。 | This good medicine was sanctified by all the luckiest stars in heaven | |
4 | 这里有大量天宫伎乐的形象 | The images of Jiyue performers in heaven are very popular there. | |
5 | 珍妮是安琪儿下凡,她宁可为犯罪的人流泪,而不会责备他们的罪过。 | Jeanie was one, like the angels in heaven , that rather weep for sinners, than reckon their transgressions | |
6 | 颛顼把这个乐舞叫做《承云》,用来祭祀天帝。 | Zhuanxu named this music and dance "Chengyun" and offered it to the God in Heaven . | |
7 | 壮族的铜鼓,传说是老祖宗布洛陀最早依照天上星辰的样子做的。 | The bronze drum of the Zhuang ethnic group is said to have been invented by this group’s ancestor Buluotuo, who made the drum according to the stars in Heaven . | |
8 | 最后,哈里代自言自语地说:"不管怎么样,眼下哈德莱堡有十九家一步登天了。我还不清楚这件事的前因后果,我只知道上帝今天不值班。 | In the end Halliday said to himself, "Anyway it roots up that there’s nineteen Hadleyburg families temporarily in heaven : I don’t know how it happened;I only know Providence is off duty to-day." | |
9 | 作乐都和祭祀有关联,如"祭上帝"、"康帝德"。 | Composing music and dance was always related to offering sacrifices to Heaven, like "offered it to the God in Heaven ", and "to praise the God". | |
10 | 作为她因之受惩的罪孽的直接后果,上帝却赐予了她一个可爱的孩子,令其在同一个不光彩的怀抱中成长,成为母亲同人类世代繁衍的永恒联系,最后居然要让这孩子的灵魂在天国中受到祝福! | God, as a direct consequence of the sin which man thus punished, had given her a lovely child, whose place was on that same dishonoured bosom, to connect her parent for ever with the race and descent of mortals, and to be finally a blessed soul in heaven ! |