1 | 阿刘哑声告诉,姓孙的那几个人打牌,声音太闹,给法国管事查到了,大吵其架,自己的饭碗也砸破了,等会儿就得卷铺盖下船。 | Ah Liu explained in a hoarse voice that Mr. Sun and the others playing mahjong had been too noisy and had been caught by the French who had raised cain.He had lost his job and in a little while would have to pack his bedding and get off the boat | |
2 | 奥勃良折磨他,快到了神经错乱的边缘,而且有一阵子几乎可以肯定要把他送了命。 | O’Brien had tortured him to the edge of lunacy, and in a little while , it was certain, he would send him to his death | |
3 | 不过,你们从懵懵懂懂、活蹦乱跳的幼年到幸好极其短暂的那个倒霉的末日,都保持着安宁而不变,而我们把握住安宁而不变,而我们把握住安宁的时间却极其短暂。 | But whereas you possess it from blind kittenhood to that last dark day so mercifully short with you, we grasp it only for a very little while | |
4 | 不过再过一段时间,她就会远走高飞了!只消几个小时,那深不可测的大海将把你们在她胸前灼烧的标记永远淹没无存! | Yet a little while , and she will be beyond your reach! A few hours longer, and the deep, mysterious ocean will quench and hide for ever the symbol which ye have caused to burn upon her bosom! | |
5 | 不久, 没一会儿 | in a little while | |
6 | 放在干净的空食品罐里,罐子的盖上要留通气孔,这样你就可以把昆虫保留一会儿,甚至一个晚上。 | Take clean, empty food jars with small air holes poked in the lids, so you can keep the bugs for a little while , perhaps overnight. | |
7 | 福尔摩斯思索了一会儿这个问题说:“我想我有必要到你那儿走访一趟,看看你住的地方。 | Holmes thought about the problem for a little while .“I think it will be necessary for me to pay you a visit and see where you live. | |
8 | 过了不大一会,他打电话过来说那是个谣言。 | A little while later he came from the telephone and said it was a lie | |
9 | 过了不久,他能够一口气走三公里,那是用牢房的宽度来计算的。他的肩膀开始挺直。 | In a little while he could walk three kilometres, measured by pacing the cell, and his bowed shoulders were growing straighter | |
10 | 过了一阵,罗柏林受到了第二次打击,这次比上次更严重。这一回他瘸了。他的余生再也无法正常工作。 | A little while later, Roebling had a second attack, more serious than the first. This time he was crippled. He was unable to work again for the rest of his life. | |
11 | 海丝特在他身后盯视了一小会儿,怀着一种有点想入非非的好奇心,想看清楚早春的嫩草会不会在他脚下枯萎,那一片欣欣向荣的葱翠会不会显出一条枯褐、弯曲的足迹。 | Hester gazed after him a little while , looking with a half fantastic curiosity to see whether the tender grass of early spring would not be blighted beneath him, and show the wavering track of his footsteps, sere and brown, across its cheerful verdure. | |
12 | 几天之后的一个早晨当我醒来时,我看见爸爸坐在我床上。他悄声说:“外婆刚刚去世。” | A few days later I woke in the morning to see my dad sitting on my bed. "Grandma died just a little while ago, " he whispered. | |
13 | 她更象是-个飘忽的精灵,在茅屋的地面上作过一阵奇思异想的游戏之后,使要面带嘲笑地飞走了。 | She seemed rather an airy sprite, which, after playing its fantastic sports for a little while upon the cottage-floor, would flit away with a mocking smile. | |
14 | 她说我们得等一会儿。 | She said we must wait a little while . | |
15 | 她在会上昏睡了一小会儿。 | She doped off for a little while at the meeting | |
16 | 恐怕我得暂时告退一会儿。 | I’m afraid I have to leave you for a little while . | |
17 | 玛拉:哦,凯。也许不让罗伊知道是我的自私。这是因为我有一种愚蠢的自尊心。我们能不能再等一等,稍稍再多等一会儿?一定会有什么发生的。如果没什么发生,那么…… | MYRA: Oh, Kitty. Perhaps it’s selfish of me not to let Roy know. But I’ve got a stupid sort of pride about it. Can we wait just a little while , just a little while longer? | |
18 | 民间习俗迎接着生命中的每一个里程碑。出生、祈祷、结婚、死亡。整个村庄分享着每个人的喜与悲。这些群体活动能够帮人们暂时忘却平日单调的生活。 | Folk traditions are closely asso1siated with milestones of human life, birth, priest, marriage and death. The whole village shares each other’s happiness and grave. And these community events help people forget the monotony of everyday life for just a little while . | |
19 | 敏妮回答了一声“是的”,但是嘉莉可以感觉到看戏这想法在这个家中是不受欢迎的。这话题就暂时撇下不谈了。直到汉生吃完晚饭,拿上报纸去前屋,她们才重新提起看戏的事。 | Minnie answered "yes," but Carrie could feel that going to the theatre was poorly advocated here. The subject was put off for a little while until Hanson, through with his meal, took his paper and went into the front room. | |
20 | 你可允许我离开一会儿? | Won’t you excuse me for a little while ? | |
21 | 您的行李过一会儿就送上来。 | Your luggage will be sent up in a little while . | |
22 | 请允许我离开一会儿好吗 | Won’t you excuse me for a little while ? | |
23 | 让我们稍许休息一会儿。 | Let’s rest a little while . | |
24 | 让我稍许休息一会儿。 | Let’s rest a little while . | |
25 | 试着再多停留一会儿吧。 | Try to stick around a little while longer. | |
26 | 同样的命运也等待着犹大,但还能躲避一时。 | The same fate hung over judah, but for a little while it was averted | |
27 | 我常常头痛,但不一会儿就止了。 | I often get headaches, but they seem to pass off in a little while | |
28 | 我们只好等了一会儿公共汽车。 | We had to wait a little while for the bus. | |
29 | 我时常头痛,但似乎一会儿就好了。 | I often get headaches, But they seem to pass off in a little while . | |
30 | 我一会儿就回来. | I’ll be back in a little while ,ie soon. |