属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 甲骨文状告谷歌侵权 美联储呼吁再推刺激措施
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-维基百科集资 Wikipedia’s Fund-r
1 | 我一会儿就来(和你们在一起)。 | I’ll be with you in a little while . | |
2 | 我有胃痛,我想多坐一会儿。 | I have a stomachache. I ’d like to sit here a little while longer. | |
3 | 我知道坡勾提家那个空屋子十有八九也很快就要有人住的,因此我才在旅店落脚。 | I knew that Peggotty’s spare room was likely to have occupation enough in a little while , so I betook myself to the inn | |
4 | 像我们这些人,年纪比较轻,身体比较好,在这里待一段时间,挣一点小钱,学一些东西。 | People like us, younger, better health, living here for a little while , save some money, learn a little something. | |
5 | 一会儿她就用钳子把孩子接下来了。 | In a little while she delivered the baby with forceps. | |
6 | 一会儿就看见了那两个巨人。 | In a little while he espied the two giants | |
7 | 一会儿我们就辨不清方向了。 | In a little while we lost our sense of direction. | |
8 | 在中国最好等一会儿(再喝)。 | In China it is better to wait a little while . | |
9 | ||1:“政策”似乎在解释东德全职就业人数下降方面发挥了重要作用。||2:尽管最近发生了一些变化,但统一后的德国和德国联邦政府的政策一样,仍然假设女性首先应该是妻子和母亲。||3:对已婚夫妇的联合征税、对配偶的免费共同保险、以及对“迷你工作”或低工时合同的税收减免,可能对鼓励西德妇女延长工作时间并使东德妇女放弃全职工作没有什么帮助。 | ||1:Policy seems to play a powerful role in explaining the collapse in full-time employment in the east.||2:Despite some recent changes, the policies of unified Germany, like those of the FRG, still assume that women are wives and mothers first.||3:Joint taxation of married couples, free co-insurance for spouses and tax breaks for "mini jobs", or low-hours contracts, probably did little to encourage women in the west to up their hours, and put those in the east off full-time work. | |
10 | ||1:即便如此,伊斯兰国的威胁仍旧不断左右着安全部门的工作。||2:英国国内情报机构军情五处局长肯·麦卡勒姆在10月的一次讲话中说,伊斯兰极端主义依然是英国的最大威胁,有“数万人”委身于这一意识形态。不过他补充说,越来越多的阴谋来源于右翼极端分子,比如阿维尼翁市的袭击者。||3:麦卡勒姆表示,近几年来,追踪阴谋变得愈加困难,“因为越来越多的恐怖分子选择使用基本的袭击方式,而这样的方式几乎不需要做任何准备”。 | ||1: Even so, the threat continues to dominate the work of security services. ||2: In a speech in October, Ken McCallum, director- general of MI5, Britain’s domestic-intelligence service, said that Islamist extremism remained the country’s largest threat by volume, with “tens of thousands” committed to the ideology, though he added that a growing share of plots came from right-wing extremists, like the attacker in Avignon. ||3: Mr McCallum said that tracking plots had become harder in recent years “as more terrorists have gone for basic attack methods requiring little preparation”. | |
11 | ||1:快速放电并不是超级电容器的唯一特长,它还能够快速充电,这一点使得它们在生制动系统中尤其出色,因为它们能够吸收汽车减速时产生的更多电力。||2:不过,它们能够储存的能量只有电池的一小部分,过不了多久便会气喘吁吁。||3:于是乎,工程师们一段时间以来一直在尝试将超级电容器的最佳性能和电池最有用的特性相结合,制造一种兼具速度和持久性的存储设备。他们目前取得了一些成功。||4:其实,位于法国艾克斯-普罗旺斯附近的NAWATechnologies公司声称,其类似于超级电容的电池可以使电动汽车的续航里程增加一倍以上,充电一次可行驶1000公里,另外这种新设备还可以在五分钟内充80%的电量。 | ||1: Speedy discharge is not the only advantage supercapacitors bring. They can be recharged more quickly, too. That makes them particularly useful in regenerative-braking systems, since they are able to absorb more of the electricity that is produced as a vehicle slows down. ||2: They can, though, store only a fraction of the amount of energy which a battery stuffs away. They therefore soon run out of puff. ||3: Because of this, engineers have been trying for a while to hybridise the best bits of a supercapacitor with the most useful features of a battery, to make a storage device with both speed and endurance. They are now having some success. ||4: Indeed, NAWATechnologies, near Aix-en-Provence, France, claims its supercapacitor-like battery could more than double the range of an electric car, allowing it to be driven for 1,000km on a single charge. This new device could also, NAWA says, be recharged to 80% of its capacity in as little as five minutes. | |
12 | ||1:美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)再次呼吁采取更多的财政刺激措施。||2:他直言,支持美国经济的政策干预风险是不对称的:提供太少的帮助反而比提供太多的帮助更为糟糕。||3:特朗普表示,在大选结束后,他才会实施经济刺激计划。||4:9月份,雇主们创造了66.1万个工作岗位,这一数字远低于前四个月的数字。当时随着封锁令的逐渐放开,企业开始重新招聘。 | ||1:Jerome Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, once again called for more fiscal stimulus measures.||2:He described the policy risks of supporting the American economy as asymmetric: providing too little help will be worse than providing too much.||3:Donald Trump said he would not agree to a stimulus package until after the election.||4:Employers created 661,000 jobs in September, a much smaller number than in each of the previous four months, when firms rehired as lockdowns eased. | |
13 | ||1:虽然在新市场增长前景一片大好,但是维基百科仍然面临两大障碍。||2:现在发展中国家的很多人都能通过手机进入维基百科,这是好事,但是这些手机编辑功能不强。||3:在顺从型文化背景下,在人们几乎没怎么参与过公共管理的社会,维基百科也很难向那里的人们解释其实每一个用户都有编辑权(这也是一种责任),只要他认为自己能改善百科。 | ||1:Despite rosy forecasts for emerging-market growth, Wikipedia still faces two big obstacles.||2:It is good that so many people in the developing world now access the encyclopedia from mobile phones, but such devices are ill-suited to editing.||3:In deferential cultures and those with little experience of public participation, Wikipedia has also had particular trouble explaining that every single user has the right (and indeed the duty) to edit an article if he thinks he can improve it. | |
14 | “烟只冒出了一小会,但是不久就开始燃烧。”李建说。 | "Smoke came out for a little while , but then it just started burning, " Li said. | |
15 | “这里的(投资)机会实在是太好了,让人不忍错过。而我还可以等一段时间再退休。” | "The [investment] opportunity is simply too great to pass up. My retirement can wait a little while yet. " | |
16 | Python程序员需要花一点时间来熟悉生成器的来龙去脉。 | It will take a little while for Python programmers to become familiar with the ins-and-outs of generators. | |
17 | 不久前,我开始了和另一个女人外出约会,其实那是我老婆的主意。 | A little while ago I had started to go out with another woman. It was really my wife’s idea. | |
18 | 不久前,最流行的论点激发了人们对于世界将由这个两国集团(G2)主导的预期。 | A little while ago the most fashionable thesis evoked the prospect of a world in thrall to this G2. | |
19 | 不论价值如何,目前的政策制定基本上比早些时候更加直截了当。 | For what it is worth, policymaking is essentially more straightforward than it was a little while ago. | |
20 | 不一会儿它也要沉到海底去了。 | In a little while it too would be carried to the bottom of the sea. | |
21 | 从现在开始的一段时间后。 | In a little while from now. | |
22 | 戴安娜忘记了那天早上她发现自己已经达到155磅的事实,“我经常希望有那么一会儿能变成小鸟。能自由飞翔一定很棒。” | "I often feel that I’d love to be turned into a bird for a little while . It must be wonderful to fly. " | |
23 | 但劳拉躺下了一会儿后还没睡着。她听着爸爸柔声弹奏着小提琴;听着大丛林的风声。 | But Laura lay awake a little while , listening to Pa’s fiddle softly playing and to the lonely sound of the wind in the Big Woods. | |
24 | 但是我从中获得很多乐趣。我每天只玩一小会儿,而不是像很多人那样沉迷于其中,不过这的确不失是一个消磨时光的好方法。 | I only played it a little while and didn’t get addicted like other people I know, but I have to admit it’s a fun way to pass the time. | |
25 | 而老师却继续毫不害怕地自我思考着。没多久,老虎渐渐低下它的头,走开了。 | Meanwhile the teacher continued to meditate without fear. After a little while , the tiger gradually lowered its head and tail and went away. | |
26 | 而且,当你专注于某种美味时,这极可能缓解你的一小部分压力。 | And it’s a great chance to de-stress a little while you focus on making yourself something delicious. | |
27 | 刚才,我非常荣幸地给奥巴马参议员打电话,向他表示祝贺。 | A little while ago, I had the honor of calling Sen. Barack Obama to congratulate him. | |
28 | 过了不多的时候,旁边站着的人前来,对彼得说,你真是他们一党的。你的口音把你露出来了。 | After a little while , those standing there went up to Peter and said, "Surely you are one of them, for your accent gives you away. " | |
29 | 过了不多的时候,旁边站着的人又对彼得说:“你真是他们一党的,因为你是加利利人。” | After a little while , those standing near said to Peter, "Surely you are one of them, for you are a Galilean. " | |
30 | 过了一会,他嘴里衔着球浮出水面,把球丢在草地上。 | In a little while he rose to the surface of the water with the ball in his mouth, and threw it on the grass. |