1 | (对失去的、遥远的事物的)思念 | Feel a deep longing for sth that is lost,far away,etc | |
2 | ‘喏,’他说,‘这就是两只又会叫又会咬的狗,谁要是想垂涎你的钻石,就得尝尝它们的味道,卡德鲁斯老爷。’ | Here,’ said he, ’are dogs who bark and bite at the same time, they are for the two first who shall have a longing for your diamond, Friend Caderousse.’ | |
3 | 3场:英娘远在他乡思念亲人。 | Act Three expresses Ying Niang’s strong longing for her father far away. | |
4 | 50多年前,在我上大学的那个年代,就有不少的中国年轻学子向往到剑桥负笈求学。 | Over fifty years ago when I was a university student, many young Chinese students were longing for an opportunity to come and study in Cambridge. | |
5 | 不像我们,他们没有冒险意识,没有寻求新体验或新视野的渴望。 | Unlike us, they have no sense of adventure, no longing for new experiences or new horizons. | |
6 | 从“怀乡”到“望乡”-20世纪美国华文文学中故国情怀的变迁 | From Longing for the Homeland to Reflecting on the Homeland-The Variances of Looking Back to the Homeland in the Chinese Language Literature in the United States of 20th Century | |
7 | 丹吉尔是我们向往已久的地方。 | tangier is the spot we have been longing for all the time | |
8 | 对爱的期望,对知识的追求以及对人类苦难难以忍受的怜悯之心--这三种质朴而不可抗拒的情感主宰着我的生活。 | Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. | |
9 | 对知识的渴求 | A longing for knowledge | |
10 | 多才多艺的人通过自己内心死亡和再生的持续过程将对不朽的渴望藏在心底(亨利S.雷斯尼克) | Protean man internalizes the longing for immortality through an ongoing process of death and rebirth within himself(Henry S.Resnik) | |
11 | 范博文又发挥他的“诗人”的景慕自然。他一面说,一面望了四小姐一眼。 | As Fan Po-wen once more gave vent to his poet’s longing for unspoiled natural beauty, he glanced at Huei-fang. | |
12 | 姑娘们则常用"揉肩"、"轻抖肩"以及"下腰"、"扬手揉臂"等优美的动作,抒发她们对草原美好未来的憧憬与遐想。 | Girls express their longing for a bright future by graceful movements as "rubbing shoulders", "slightly shrugging shoulders", "bending waists" and " putting up hands and rubbing arms". | |
13 | 孩子们渴望着假日。 | The children are longing for the holidays. | |
14 | 孩子们盼望着放暑假。 | The children are longing for the holidays. | |
15 | 恨不得歇会儿 | Longing for a moment of respite | |
16 | 贾瑞听了,喜之不尽,忙忙的告辞而去,心内以为得手. | Hardly able to contain himself for joy, the young man hurried off, convinced he would have his desire and longing for the evening. | |
17 | 她不禁为之神往。 | She can’t help having a deep longing for it. | |
18 | 她因想念不在身边的儿了而忧心如焚。 | She burned with longing for her absent son | |
19 | 近读大作,有“切望父灵能回到家园与先人同在”之语,不胜感慨系之。 | Recently I was profoundly moved when I read one of your writings in which you expressed the "longing for my father’s soul to return to the homeland and be among the forefathers" | |
20 | 可是,奥德修斯由于返回故乡信念坚定,对妻子珀涅罗珀又无限眷恋,没有同意娶卡吕普索为妻,也没有答应永远和她在一起。 | But Odysseus, faithful to his home and longing for his wife Penelop, refused to wed Calypso or vow to remain with her for ever. | |
21 | 可是如果嘉莉一开始就想着到处去玩,事情就有点不妙了。如果嘉莉不肯吃苦耐劳,埋头干活,只想着玩乐,那么她到城里来,对他们家又有什么好处呢 | But if Carrie was going to think of running around in the beginning there would be a hitch somewhere. Unless Carrie submitted to a solemn round of industry and saw the need of hard work without longing for play, how was her coming to the city to profit them? | |
22 | 渴望在一家声誉好、有发展前景的跨国公司工作 | Longing for working in multi-national companies with high reputation and good development opportunity. | |
23 | 令人奇怪的是,此时此刻她却不合时宜地渴望吃上一块奶酪三明治。 | Now, incongruously, ridiculously, she found herself longing for a cheese sandwich | |
24 | 母亲非常盼望儿子回家。 | Mother’s longing for her son to come home. | |
25 | 女儿们打来电话说血压又升了,还说她们想换这些男朋友,结交另外一类男朋友,她们现在渴望过圣诞节。 | The girls rang to say that their blood pressure was up and they thought they would exchange this lot of boyfriends for another lot and were simply longing for Christmas. | |
26 | 哦天,我原希望这里会有比较凉快的天气。 | Oh dear, I’d been longing for a cooler weather here. | |
27 | 然后她便为他弹琴唱歌。他怀着一腔饥渴注视着她,饱饮着她的美丽,心里纳闷:怎么会没有一百个追求者像他一样在那儿听她弹唱,恋爱看她呢? | Then she played and sang to him, while he gazed with hungry yearning at her, drinking in her loveliness and marvelling that there should not be a hundred suitors listening there and longing for her as he listened and longed | |
28 | 人人都使她害怕,她自愧不如人,她想念着自己刚刚离开的家庭,她不敢看人,不敢大声说话,说起话来就禁不住想哭。 | Afraid of everybody, ashamed of herself, and longing for the home she had left, she knew not how to look up, and could scarcely speak to be heard, or without crying | |
29 | 虽然当家妥当,也因未办过婚丧大事,恐人还不伏,巴不得遇见这事. | Although she ran the household competently, as she had never been entrusted with grand affairs like weddings or funerals she was afraid others were not yet fully convinced of her efficiency and she was longing for a chance like this. | |
30 | 他渴望假日是由于他的思乡病引起的。 | His longing for the holidays was caused by his homesickness. |