属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-贪婪的欲求 资本主义的局限性
1 | 有时由于渴望取得全面了解,还必须在一片无知的混沌之中开出一条路子来。 | Longing for full knowledge, one must chart route through the murk of unknowing | |
2 | 又一件事,更使鲁迅对她发生了很大的敬意,那就是,她不知从什么地方替鲁迅找到了一部为他日夜所渴望的绘图《山海经》。 | Another thing which inspired Lu Xun with a still greater respect for her was that she was able to produce from nobody knew where an illustrated edition of the Book of Hills and Seas, which Lu Xun had been longing for day and night | |
3 | 在联络的初期,中国表现出渴望合作的姿态,派出一个代表团访问了该公司的总部。 | At first, the Chinese party, appearing to be longing for cooperation, sent a delegation to visit the general headquarters of the company. | |
4 | 这个孤独的孩子渴望母亲的爱抚。 | The lonely child is longing for the caress of his mother. | |
5 | 自从参与这项工作以来,他第一次发觉自己是多么想念那满是尘土的图书馆,难以辨认的手稿及中世纪的拉丁文。 | For the first time since he had gotten into this business he found himself longing for dusty libraries, illegible manuscripts and medieval Latin | |
6 | 自从遇见他,这个少女春情萌动。 | The young girl’s longing for love started since she met him. | |
7 | ||1:邓巴博士尤为感兴趣的是,虽然就进化角度而言,严格的一夫一妻制及养育制并不占多大优势,但为何人类还如此热衷于“培养两个人的情侣关系”。||2:一夫一妻制并不只是人类特有。||3:不过,人类特有的是这个物种爱火燃烧的炽热。||4:邓巴博士观察到,历史上,几乎人类的每种文化都表现出了这种复杂的渴望。 | ||1:In particular, he is interested in why humans have developed such an affinity for “pairbonding”, despite the fact that strictly monogamous mating and rearing systems are not terribly advantageous in evolutionary terms.||2:Monogamy is not unique to humans.||3:What is unique, however, is the intensity with which the species falls in love.||4:Nearly every human culture in history exhibits this complex sense of longing, Dr Dunbar observes. | |
8 | ||1:书中这些人物性格特别的鲜明,其言语表达也十分尖酸辛辣。||2:马库斯和多萝,一对年老的前嬉皮士人物,来自左翼社区团结工会,他们仍然穿着写有标语的T恤衫,仍然渴望旧日里“没有资产阶级、没有私有制、没有核能、没有一夫一妻制度的社区”。||3:可当下的现实如此难熬,马库斯只得寄情写作,书写左翼运动没有休止的历史,而多萝的寄托则在照顾他们领养的患唐氏综合症的小孩,另外,她还参加保护当地土地的运动,也算圆了自己参与斗争运动的梦想。 | ||1:“Various Pets Alive and Dead” features a group of sharply drawn and sharp-tongued characters.||2:Marcus and Doro, elderly ex-hippies from Solidarity Hall, a left-wing commune, still wear their slogan T-shirts and crave the “non-bourgeois non-private non-nuclear non-monogamous community” of their past.||3:To make the present bearable, Marcus is writing a never-ending history of the left-wing movement, while Doro looks after the Down’s syndrome child they are raising.She fulfils her longing for militant action by campaigning to save local allotments. | |
9 | ||1:早在两位主角在这个反乌托邦世界里相遇之前,青豆和天吾这两条平行的故事线就开始交织在一起了。||2:他们都看见了一只黑猫和两轮月亮(一轮形状正常,散发着光芒,另一轮却形状诡异,而且是苔藓一般的颜色);他们也都知道小小人:那些小小人会不时从睡着的小孩口中爬出来,消失在床底下。||3: 两位主角是校友,而且,他们在十岁的时候还有过一次牵手。||4:想要重新拾回那个瞬间的渴望无法满足,渗入了他们两人的生活,而全书充斥着他们最终能在一起吗这个问题。 | ||1:Aomame’s and Tengo’s parallel stories begin to rub against one another long before the characters do.||2:They both see a black cat and two moons (one shiny and normal, the other misshapen and moss-coloured); and both know about the little people who emerge periodically from the mouth of a sleeping child and disappear under the child’s bed.||3:The two heroes were once at school together and even, briefly, held hands at the age of ten.||4:An unresolved longing to recapture that moment permeates both their lives, and the will-they-won’t-they question overshadows the whole book. | |
10 | 文艺;书评;金钱与市场;贪婪的欲求:资本主义的局限性; | Books and Arts; Book Review;Money and the markets;Insatiable longing | |
11 | 永无止境的欲望 | Insatiable longing | |
12 | B计划应是为突发事件做准备,我们不能一直都渴望有它出现。 | Plan B’s should really be for emergencies, not something we’re constantly longing for . | |
13 | 爱心接力:瘫痪男孩小超渴望有一个矫形器 | Xiao Chao, a Paralysis Boy Longing for an Orthotics | |
14 | 对于亲密感的渴望,有时候让你以为这种状况甚至不可能有终结的一天。 | Your longing for closeness may, at times, lead you to believe that your situation might never end. | |
15 | 多数人真切地想做母亲,她们渴望把宝宝抱在怀里的时光。 | Most mothers want to be mothers, longing for the day when we will hold our own baby in our arms. | |
16 | 感觉谦卑的人往往易受孤独的折磨,感到仅仅与自己相处远远不够,渴望有人做伴 | A humble person tends to suffer from solitude, feeling himself inadequate company, longing for ot | |
17 | 贵校有着称职的教职员工和浓厚的学术氛围,这是我长久以来一直向往的。 | Your school has a competent faculty and a strong academic atmosphere. This is what I have long been longing for . | |
18 | 孩童的清澈嗓音下的和声让博兹突然怀念起白雪,怀念起地球家园。 | The chorus of pure children’s voices gave him a sudden longing for snow, of all things. | |
19 | 孩子们盼望放假。 | eg2. The children are longing for the holidays. | |
20 | 孩子们热切盼望着圣诞老人的到来。 | The children are longing for Santa Claus to arrive. | |
21 | 或许用精神分析来解释的话:这是一种再统一热望,利用原始对象填塞其失落所遗留下来的基本隔阂。 | Spoken psychoanalytically: the longing for reunification with the primary object to fill the fundamental gap that its lost has left. | |
22 | 寂寞让你有一种被掏空的感觉,并且强烈渴望能有人来真正了解自己。 | Loneliness can make you feel empty and a sense of longing for someone to really know you. | |
23 | 就在美国渴望得到新的指引、美国总统支持率不断下跌之际,奥巴马出发度假去了。 | With the US longing for new direction and the president’s ratings badly on the slide, Mr Obama headed off on his summer holiday. | |
24 | 就这一点而言,有怀疑称麦凯恩当局将会让我们对布什时代的能力感到怀念。 | At this point, one has the suspicion that a McCain administration would have us longing for Bush-era competence. | |
25 | 面对城市现代化,居民们有时感到若有所失,留恋他们所熟悉的那份稳定。 | As cities modernize before their eyes, residents sometimes feel lost, longing for the stability of the familiar. | |
26 | 那段时间,我强烈渴望重返童年时期那些纯真的日子。 | During that time I was overwhelmed with longing for those innocent days of early childhood. | |
27 | 男人们总是得在让人回味悠长的性体验和对妻子、家庭和家的渴望之间作出抉择。 | The difficult bit has always been balancing the yearning for an impressive sexual CV and the longing for a wife, family, and home. | |
28 | 你是如此深切的向往着你记忆中的大地和企盼的住所; | Deep is your longing for the land of your memories and the dwelling place of your greater desires; | |
29 | 噢,我终于明白他为什么那么渴望亲近火炉了,狗儿说。 | Ah, now I understand why he had such a great longing for the stove, said the yard-dog. | |
30 | 然而,如果你等了三天还没有等到他的电话,唯一的可行解释就是他在故意掉你的胃口,让你更加着急去等候他不期而至的电话。 | However, if they don’t call you back for 3 days, it is possible that he is playing the 3 day charm on you, to get you longing for his call. |