1 | 充分发挥节能推动因素的作用促进首都全面持久节能 | Make the most of the energy saving bring about a great advance in the energy conservation | |
2 | 充分利用下个月出现的机遇和遇到的重要人物的机会。 | Make the most of the opportunities and important people that come your way during the next four weeks. | |
3 | 除了重建信心之外,他的另一项任务将是,尽可能利用机遇,发展与壮大保诚的业务。 | His other task, along with restoring confidence, would be to make the most of the opportunities to grow and develop the Pru’s business. | |
4 | 船舶运营商们一心想利用运费高企的机会大挣一笔,因而纷纷订造新船,不过这些船也要数年之后方能交付使用。 | Ship operators, keen to make the most of the robust freight rate environment, are ordering vessels they will receive years from now. | |
5 | 打印时,双面打印。如果你的打印机有这个选项,请选择双面打印以便限度地利用每一张纸。 | When you print, print double-sided. If your printer has the option, print double-sided to make the most of every sheet of paper. | |
6 | 大多数人都不会愉快地度过放假的休息时间。下面跟大家谈谈如何充分利用独处的时间享受愉快的休息日。 | Most people do not spend their day-off holidays happily. Here’s how to make the most of your own company and have an enjoyable day off. | |
7 | 但如果你考虑念一个MBA,就应该知道如何最大限度地利用它。 | But if you are considering doing an MBA, you should know how to make the most of it. | |
8 | 但是,为了最大限度利用“上行”潜力,必须通过计划和努力工作,尽可能地排除风险。 | But to make the most of the "upside" , it is necessary to remove as much of that risk as possible with planning and hard work. | |
9 | 但是公民政坛党没有在竞选中最大限度利用它的政绩或出色政员。 | But the party has failed to make the most of either its record or its impressive line-up. | |
10 | 但是跑完一个马拉松后,你正处于你运动水平的高峰,通过正确的训练目标你可以充分利用这一点。 | But after running a marathon, you’re at a very high fitness level, and with the right training focus you can make the most of it. | |
11 | 但他们却最善于利用送到手上的每一样东西。 | They just make the most of Everything that comes along their way. | |
12 | 迭代还能够使您最大程度的对测试用例进行复用。 | Iterations also enable you to make the most of test case reuse. | |
13 | 对美国来说,当务之急是要利用好有限的流感疫苗。 | For America, the immediate challenge is to make the most of a limited supply. | |
14 | 对于如何利用好你们公司的慢性病护理项目,这里有一些建议。 | Here is some advice on how to make the most of your company’s chronic care program. | |
15 | 对于我而言每当这种情景在一些天开始出现,我会做一件事情那就是尽情享受奔跑的乐趣……重新快开始。 | When this situation arises for me these days, I do one thing to make the most of the run. . . start over. | |
16 | 多数学校都有活跃的校友交际活动,帮助你最大限度地利用你所建立起的人脉。 | Most schools have active alumni associations to help you make the most of the contacts you establish. | |
17 | 而且不仅仅是对动物世界的赏识,这些人类已经知道如何物尽其能地利用岩石与矿物。 | And an appreciation not just of the animal world - these people know how to make the most of the rocks and minerals. | |
18 | 感谢你已经拥有的一切事物并物尽其用吧。 | So appreciate whatever material things you already have and make the most of them. | |
19 | 好好利用今天的好天气,听说明天会下雨。 | Make the most of the good weather, I hear it’s going to rain tomorrow. | |
20 | 既然已经犯了错误,就最大限度地利用它。 | The mistake has been made, so make the most of it. | |
21 | 结果,你有能力在逆境中看见机会,并充分利用它。 | As a result, you have the capacity to see opportunity in the midst of adversity and make the most of it. | |
22 | 尽管许多欧洲国家的人口已经开始减少,适龄劳动力人口的就业却仍不充分。 | Many European countries fail to make the most of their working-age population, even as that population is poised to shrink. | |
23 | 卡内基用一桩又一桩故事阐明了从人际关系中获得最大好处的方法。 | Carnegie uses anecdote after anecdote to illustrate the best way to make the most of human relations. | |
24 | 另一方面,为更好地利用Cappuccino,您需要学习Objective-J语言,这对于web开发人员来说也许不是小菜一碟。 | On the other hand, to make the most of Cappuccino, you need to learn Objective-J, which might not be a trivial matter for web developers. | |
25 | 另一个原帝国主义强国法国,同样希望能充分利用其残存的几块殖民地,但在这样做的过程中却导致了与友邦的不和。 | Another old imperial power, France, is also hoping to make the most of its residual colonies, and in doing so is antagonising friends. | |
26 | 迈克:也许我应该告诉你一些怎样拥有最佳会议经历的小窍门。 | Michael: Maybe I should give you some tips about how to make the most of your conference experience. | |
27 | 拿起你手中最好的设备,找到最佳位置构图,开始拍摄。 | make the most of the equipment you have in your hands, find the best position to compose the shot, and start shooting. | |
28 | 那么,为什么不充分利用它们,在浓汤、沙拉、三明治和保鲜膜中重获活力呢? | So why not make the most of them and get creative with soups, salads, sandwiches and wraps. | |
29 | 您可以用更短的时间来查找所需的活动和网络广播,来帮您充分利用Microsoft的产品和技术。 | Let us save you time finding the events and webcasts that will help you make the most of the Microsoft products and technologies you use. | |
30 | 乔布斯清醒地认识到自己必须最大化利用手头有限的资源。 | Jobs had few resources, and he knew he had to make the most of them. |