1 | “好了,老天保佑,”这种人会这么说,“我总算尽了责任,做了我该做的事。”而实际上,他不过又一次照根深蒂固的老习惯做事而已。 | Now, bless me, says such a mind, I have done my duty, when, as a matter of fact, it has merely done its old, unbreakable trick once again. | |
2 | “龙洲湾项目实际上是一个城市城市拓展型区,是一个综合性的开发区。(它)使李家沱和渔洞地区连成一片,加速我们整个的城市化进程” | As a matter of fact, the Longzhouwan New Area is a city extension area and a comprehensive development area as well. It will serve to link up Lijiatuo and Yudong areas as one and accelerate the general urbanization process of the city. | |
3 | “你家中曾有过疯癫症病史吗!”他用一种似乎十分有把握的口气问。 | "Ever any madness in your family!" he asked, in a matter-of-fact tone | |
4 | “哦--那么,我们也是来看看的。因为李玉亭教授这几天来饭都吃不下,常常说大乱在即,我们将来死无葬身之地 | Well, as a matter of fact, we’re here for much the same reason: Professor Li here believes we’re in for an armageddon any moment now, and it’s ruined his appetite. He’s afraid we’ll all be murdered in our beds before we know where we are | |
5 | “事实是,罗”――帕格露出为难的神色――“他们花了点气力,给我在明天起飞的飞剪型客机上搞到了一个座位。” | "As a matter of fact, Rho" DPug looked uncomfortableD "they used some muscle and put me on the clippers that leaves tomorrow." | |
6 | 把这些塑料制品一道搬回家是不可能的,所以很多家具包括小东西都是一点点积累搬回家的。 | However, it is unlikely for them to take all of them back home at a time. As a matter of fact, many of these furniture pieces, including some small ones, were taken home bit by bit. | |
7 | 比警察的岗亭大不了多少的经纪人号子里,先已满满地塞着一位胖先生,在那里打电话。这正是王和甫。 | Lu Kuang-shih’s cubicle, which was not much bigger than a sentry-box, was completely occupied by a corpulent gentleman--it was, as a matter of fact, Wang Hofu--who was using the telephone | |
8 | 但他并不想到那上头,他是在那里筹划如何在他的二姊方面进言,“出奇兵”煽起杜竹斋的胆量来。 | As a matter of fact, far from suspecting the truth, he was wondering how he could approach his sister-Tu Chuchai’s wife-and get her to instil a little courage into her husband | |
9 | 董贝先生已经准备,事实上就是,放弃他所有的财产。 | Mr. Domby is ready, as a matter of fact, to give up all his possessions. | |
10 | 对这个问题,我们应当有求实精神。 | We should take a matter-of-fact attitude towards the matter | |
11 | 姑奶奶却并不惊异,只淡淡地回答道:“年青人都喜欢走动。 | Mrs. Tu did not seem in the least surprised, and said in quite a matter-of-fact tone of voice, "Oh, young people are always like that-they like to be on the move all the time | |
12 | 她把那消息平铺直叙地告诉了我们 | She told us the news in a very,matter-of-fact `way | |
13 | 她的回答切合实际。 | Her reply was matter-of-fact . | |
14 | 老实说,此番工潮竟延长到将近一星期,小半的原因也就为的他们两个狗头不一致--不一致来替我办事,不一致来对付工人!” | As a matter of fact, the main reason why this go-slow trouble has dragged on for nearly a week is that these two scoundrels have been at loggerheads: they couldn’t agree on working for me and dealing with the women!" | |
15 | 历史上,美国因对土著印第安人实行种族灭绝、贩卖黑人和对黑人实行血腥奴役而臭名昭著。 | The United States, as a matter of fact, was notorious for genocide against aboriginal Indians, trade of African blacks and black slavery | |
16 | 令人烦厌的学究--好比在明月当空之际大谈天文的枯燥鬼。 | A dry-as-dust--A matter-of-fact man who talks astronomy on a moonlit night. | |
17 | -罗伊:事实上,我错过了我的欢迎委员会,我们想给莱斯特小姐留下深刻印象。这是我未来的妻子,包恩。玛拉,这是包恩。--玛拉:你好。--包恩:你好。 | --ROY: Well, as a matter of fact, Barnes, I missed my welcoming committee. I wanted to impress Miss Lester. However this is my future wife, Barnes. Myra, this is Barnes.--MYRA: How do you do?--BARNES: How do you do? | |
18 | --玛拉:和平时期,我们也面对这种未知。--罗伊:你很现实,是不--玛拉:是的,你很浪漫,是不是?-- | --MYRA: Oh, we face the unknown in peacetime, too.--ROY: You’re rather matter of fact, aren’t you?--MYRA: Yes, you’re rather romantic, aren’t you? | |
19 | 买一送一的推销术,实际上是一种不错的广告。 | As a matter of fact, the salesmanship of "two for one" is a good way of advertising. | |
20 | 面无表情地表达以冷淡的不带感情的方式来表达自己 | To express oneself in an impassive,matter-of-fact way. | |
21 | 面无表情地冷淡地、不带感情地表达 | To express in an impassive,matter-of-fact way. | |
22 | 判死刑也是一种必不可少的教育手段。 | As a matter of fact, execution is one of the indispensable means of education. | |
23 | 其实,当人们在满足了物质需求之后,感受精神生活的美好,仍然是人们依恋和憧憬的。 | As a matter of fact, after the demands on materials have been satisfied, people always aspire for and become more and more attached to quality spiritual life. | |
24 | 其实,古人早就以鸡喻人了,《尚书·牧誓》里就有“牝鸡无晨”之句。 | As a matter of fact, our forefathers long ago already drew an analogy between the hen and a human, as witness the Chinese idiom "No hen crows at dawn" (meaning "No woman is to usurp man’s power")in The Book of History: Mu Shi | |
25 | 其实,我对绘画一窍不通,也没多少时间学画画儿. | As a matter of fact, I am ignorant about painting, and haven’t have much time to study drawing/painting. | |
26 | 其实,执政的共产党何尝不是也在“等一等、看一看”,不断提醒自己,对于社会主义社会中的宗教问题,要采取如列宁所说的“特别慎重”、“十分严谨”和“周密考虑”态度。 | As a matter of fact, the Communists also took a "wait and see" stance. It kept reminding itself of Lenin’s teaching that religion in a socialist society is a question that calls for "special care, exceptional prudence and thoughtful consideration." | |
27 | 其实即使在那个处境,也总相信问题是能够解决的。 | As a matter of fact, even though I was in difficult circumstances, I always believed that things would change. | |
28 | 其实是著名窃贼奥托吕科斯偷的,他用魔术改变了它们的外貌,把它们当成自己的卖给不加猜疑的赫拉克勒斯。 | As a matter of fact, they had been stolen by the well-known thief Autolycus, who magically changed their appearance and sold them to the unsuspecting Heracles as if they were his own | |
29 | 其实他们才是真正的侵犯人权。 | As a matter of fact, they are the ones who have violated human rights. | |
30 | 其实我们的支部书记是懂得辩证法的,当他准备在支部大会上作报告的时候,往往在小本子上写上两点,第一点是优点,第二点是缺点。 | As a matter of fact, the secretaries of our Party branches understand dialectics, for when they prepare reports to branch meetings, they usually write down two items in their notebooks, first, the achievements and, second, the shortcomings |