1 | 此前,伊朗和委内瑞拉敦促欧佩克改变以美元为石油定价的做法,但遭到此次峰会主办国沙特阿拉伯的强烈反对。 | Iran and Venezuela had pushed for Opec to move away from the dollar in the face of strong opposition from the summit’s host, Saudi Arabia. | |
2 | 从大型文本文件转移至可视代表,并使用基于场景的需求定义(参见图5)。 | Move away from large text documents to visual representations, and use scenario-based requirements definitions (see Figure 5). | |
3 | 从点到点的集成中移去应用程序可能是ESB概念发展的第一步。 | This move away from point-to-point integration may be considered the first step in the evolution of the concept of ESB. | |
4 | 匆忙地搬运走玻璃碎片和碎砖头 | Be in a great hurry to move away the pieces of glass and bricks | |
5 | 但对许多欧佩克成员国(特别是沙特阿拉伯)而言,若放弃美元,可能伤及自身经济。 | But for many Opec members, particularly Saudi Arabia, a move away from the dollar could hurt their economies. | |
6 | 但是该国并没有很好的条件摆脱核能,其它国家只有美国和法国生产更多的核电。 | The country is not well placed to move away from it though, with only America and France producing more electricity from nuclear sources. | |
7 | 但我们发现,从现在开始,很多人把焦点放在真实世界的问题上,不再把消费者应用当成主要焦点了。 | But even so we may see more of a focus on ’real world’ problems from now on and a move away from consumer apps as the primary focus. | |
8 | 但这种转移的前提是,欧洲自己的工业基地不会受到明显的伤害。 | However, such a move away from the continent can only go on for so long before Europe’s own industrial base is harmed deeply. | |
9 | 当流体流经这些管腔时,肌肉细胞会分散开,内皮细胞则布满管腔。 | When fluid begins flowing through these channels, endothelial cells move in to line the channels while muscle cells move away . | |
10 | 当你远离图片时,它们则顺时针转动。 | As you move away from the image, they appear to rotate clockwise. | |
11 | 当您从输入数据的行移开时,整个行中的数据会自动保存到数据库中。 | When you move away from the row where you are entering data, the data for the entire row is saved to the database automatically. | |
12 | 当您将从包含ActiveX控件,WindowsSharePointServicesWeb站点之外InternetExplorer可能意外退出。 | When you move away from a Windows SharePoint Services Web site that contains an ActiveX control, Internet Explorer may quit unexpectedly. | |
13 | 当然,不希望从SQL迁移到SPARQL也有许多理由,并且这些理由可能非常充分。 | Of course, there are also reasons why you may not want to move away from SQL, and they are probably perfectly valid reasons. | |
14 | 第一,告别低收益的外包服务,转向高附加值的工作。 | The first is to move away from low-margin offshoring towards higher-value work. | |
15 | 独立生活基金的削减以及其它收益的改变似乎将本来良好的形势驱逐。 | The axing of the independent living fund and other changes to benefit appear to move away from what was a good situation. | |
16 | 对于城市住房的需要大多集中在靠近轻轨火车站的社区,加速着远离汽车文化的趋势。 | Much of the new demand for city homes is in neighbourhoods close to light railway stations, hastening the move away from a car culture. | |
17 | 俄罗斯也希望告别由美元主宰的世界。 | Russia, too, wants to move away from a world dominated by the dollar. | |
18 | 而当他列出自己放弃做一个右翼分子的十条理由时,引发了大量的论战。 | When he posted a list of ten short reasons why he had decided to move away from the political right, it attracted plenty of flames. | |
19 | 而且,生产率还可能会进一步增长,因为资本仍然很便宜,且工人正逐渐从第一产业中转移出来。 | And it could rise even further, as capital remains cheap and workers move away from the primary sector. | |
20 | 杭特先生认为基督教社区应该避免“将一切政治化”。 | Mr. Hunter argues that the Christian community should move away from the "politicization of everything. " | |
21 | 好了,我们把目光从油门区域移开,看一下中央控制台的底部。 | OK, let’s move away from the throttle quadrant to the bottom portion of the center console. | |
22 | 还有一个趋势是逐渐脱离纸质的教学材料。 | Another trend is the move away from paper-based teaching materials. | |
23 | 会议期间,HTC表示他们准备放弃物理键盘。 | During the conference, HTC noted that they are planning to move away from the physical keyboard. | |
24 | 即便如此,能达成这样一种计划也是鲜明的改变,可能表明较长期内美元地位将发生变化。 | Even so, such a plan would be a marked shift and could signal a longer-term move away from the dollar. | |
25 | 家庭性质的改变,儿女很少并且他们经常会搬走自己住,这就增加了老年孤立的可能。 | The changing nature of the family, with fewer children who themselves often move away , has increased the prospect of elderly isolation. | |
26 | 她的父母决定搬家,希望她能最终忘记所以一切,能够开心起来。 | The parents decided to move away , hoping that she could eventually forget everything & be happy. | |
27 | 警察用适当的武力阻止抗议者,而不是控制他们。他们可自由离去。 | Officers are using appropriate force to stop protesters but are not trying to contain them, all are free to move away from the perimeter. | |
28 | 可忽然有一天,他们卷起铺盖,搬家走人了,他们的爱也带走了。 | And then one day, they’ll pack up all of their stuff and move away and take their love with them. | |
29 | 那个盲人和他的导游走上狭小、死气沉沉的小城狭窄的街道。 | The blind man and his guide move away down the narrow streets of the small, dead town. | |
30 | 你想要省钱,但更重要的是你想要远离消费主义。 | You are trying to save money, but mostly you want to move away from consumerism. |