属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-暴风雪袭击芝加哥 Winter strikes C
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-食品荒漠 Good food and bad:Ju
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-不是不讲理 Uncommonly unreasonab
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-地理工程 前景广阔
1 | 在第27圈时,雷克南超过丰田车队车手亚诺?特鲁利,名次升至第四位。 | On lap 27 Kimi overtook Jarno Trulli′s Toyota to move into fourth place. | |
2 | 在二十世纪末的今天,人类社会已经开始进入后工业化的信息时代。 | As the 20th century draws to a close, human society is beginning to move into the post-industrial information age. | |
3 | 在母亲的鼓励下,欧宝兄弟下决心进军方兴未艾的汽车制造业并于1899年生产出了他们的第一辆汽车。 | With the encouragement of their mother, the Opel brothers decided to move into the fledgling automobile industry and would produce their first motorcars in 1899. | |
4 | 这个餐馆尽管现在不景气,但有望在以后两个月内转入盈利。 | The restaurant is breaking even , and expects to move into profit within the next two months . | |
5 | 这使得圆弧状的制动蹄与制动鼓相接触。制动蹄对制动鼓所产生的摩擦力迫使制动鼓和车轮减速或停车。 | This causes the curved Brake shoes to move into contact with the Brake drum.The Brake shoes apply friction to the Brake drum, forcing it and the wheel to slow or stop. | |
6 | 中国海洋石油总公司总经理卫留成说:″充分体现了中国海洋石油总公司向下游发展的战略思路” | President Wei said: ″ The establishment of the joint venture is a good demonstration of our strategy to develop downstream, and move into the petrochemicals industry with a fresh approach. ″ | |
7 | 中华煤气公布投资8亿元,进军电子商贸,成为首个香港公用股拓展有关市场。 | Hong Kong and China Gas (Towngas)has unveiled an $800 million plan to diversify into Internet-related businesses, making it the first utility stock in Hong Kong to move into the sector. | |
8 | ||1:当国家气象局的风暴警报来临时,市街道和卫生部的长官汤姆?贝恩在屏幕上看到它从邻市向芝加哥逼近,就在芝加哥的最边缘。||2:这样会使他准确掌握风暴会什么时间在什么地点降临。||3:误读意味着引起骚乱,甚至会出现事故。||4:但是不必要地或过早的派出行动小组会令这个城市每个小时浪费四万美元。 | ||1:After a storm warning comes in from the National Weather Service, Tom Byrne, the commissioner of the city’s Streets and Sanitation Department, watches it move in on cameras in nearby states and at the four outermost corners of Chicago.||2:This tells him exactly when and where the storm will hit.||3:Getting it wrong means chaos on the roads and possibly accidents.||4:But sending teams out needlessly or too early costs the city $40,000 an hour. | |
9 | ||1:尽管愤青们可能会争辩市场给顾客的食品是顾客应当得到的,但这几个月发表在《新英格兰药物杂志》上的调查研究却有不同的看法。||2:上世纪90年代,美国政府斥资帮约1800名妇女搬离公共住房。调查显示,搬入新居的妇女得肥胖症和糖尿病的概率比未搬迁的妇女低80%。||3:换句话说,改善的环境(包括更好的商店)是让她们的健康得以改善的重要原因。 | ||1:Although cynics might argue that the market gives people the food they deserve, research published this month in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests otherwise.||2:During the 1990s, when the American government paid for around 1,800 women to move out of public housing, the women who had moved showed a 20% lower rate of obesity and diabetes than those who had not.||3:In other words, their improved environment (which many assume would include better shops) led to their better health. | |
10 | ||1:他的自传简洁明了,是优点也是缺点。||2:韦尔奇和布兰森都在自己的书中都用很大的篇幅把自己渲染成英雄,而布罗德却倾向于平铺直叙地讲述事实,根本不足以将充满挑战的生活和艰难取胜的事迹作为卖点。||3:他在书中写道,电影常常把成功人士的“成功必备要素”简短截拍成“悦乐相伴的瞬间”,总引他发笑,但在他的书中,他如法炮制,只是没了配乐。 | ||1:The brevity of his autobiography is both a strength and a weakness.||2:Messrs Welch and Branson devote much of their books to selling themselves as heroes, whereas Mr Broad’s tendency to state the facts and move on often undersells how challenging a life he has led, and how hard won have been his triumphs.||3:He writes of being amused at how films about successful people often condense the “critical ingredient to their success” into “moments overlaid with catchy music”, yet his book does that without the soundtrack. | |
11 | ||1:他认为,甚至在20世纪60年代黑人得到解放时,他们开始强烈要求拥有自己的民主权利,但芝加哥的政治却被人们以不同方式操控,最终黑人得到的结果也与种族隔离制度相差无几。||2:其中,一个早期的因素是房地产市场的兴起。当时有条款详细规定购房者的种族,房产市场因此被扭曲。||3:最高法院在1926年允许这种做法,直到1948年才废除它。||4:南丁格尔先生说,之后的所谓“城区重建项目”成为把黑人社区搬迁至更糟糕地区的借口。||5:贫民区被拆除只是为了建高速公路,以便让富有的上班族可以更方便地乘车往返于办公室和乡村的住房。 | ||1:Even when black people were enfranchised and began asserting their civil rights in the 1960s, politics in Chicago was manipulated in ways whose end-result was not so different from apartheid, he argues.||2:One early factor was the emergence of a property market that was distorted by covenants which specified the race of the purchaser.||3:The Supreme Court allowed the practice in 1926, but struck it down in 1948.||4:Later, so-called urban-renewal projects were used to move black communities to less desirable locations, Mr Nightingale says.||5:Poor areas were cleared to build highways that would enable rich commuters to travel more easily between offices and their suburban homes. | |
12 | ||1:转向这类真实实验模式是有它的争议点。||2:有人担心,以粗浅的方法任意操纵大气层,弊会大于利。||3:此外,地理工程即使奏效,功效也不会持久。||4:则学家--克利韦?汉密尔顿在会议中对地理工程研究背后的理念提出批评,指政治家可能借暂缓措施,推迟制定有难度的持久性对策。认为地理工程或对环境影响微不足道,但对人们的思考模式却有更深层及无法控制的影响。 | ||1: This move to a practical project has proved controversial. ||2: Some people worry that tinkering deliberately with the atmosphere may cause more harm than good. ||3: Others fear that if geoengineering is shown to work it will, by offering a palliative for the problem of global warming, let politicians put off difficult decisions that might lead to a permanent solution. ||4: As Clive Hamilton, a philosopher critical of much of the thinking behind geoengineering research, pointed out to the meeting, though the environmental effects of such experiments may be nugatory, their effects on the way people think could be more profound, and much less easily contained. | |
13 | “他们能步入中上等收入水平吗?这个要难很多。” | "Are they going to move into upper-middle-income status? That’s a much tougher thing. " | |
14 | 1917年,一战期间,妇女进入了很多重工业领域工作,如煤矿、化工及公共交通建设。 | During WWI women move into many jobs working in heavy industry in mining, chemical manufacturing, automobile and railway plants. | |
15 | 30年前,我的祖父母根本想不到他们能搬进一栋有现代设施的二层小楼里住。 | 30 years ago, my grandparents never imaged that they would be able to move into a two-store house decorated with modern facilities. | |
16 | AvianSecurities分析师MatthewThornton表示,戴尔切入智慧型手机市场并不会令人感到意外。 | Avian Securities analyst Matthew Thornton said a Dell move into smartphones would come as no surprise. | |
17 | Favaloro同时指出,仍有足够的机会可供散户投资者进入风险市场。 | Favaloro, meanwhile, noted that there was plenty of scope still left for retail investors to move into risk. | |
18 | JEM现在也许后悔进入乍得,因为达尔富尔的苏丹军队趁他们不在发动的新袭击。 | The group might now regret their move into Chad, as in their absence there was a fresh Sudanese assault on Darfur. | |
19 | Ohlsson先生也希望进入已经打开零售市场的印度。 | Mr Ohlsson hopes to move into India when the retail market opens up there. | |
20 | 奥巴马表示,随着阿富汗安全部队逐步成为主导力量,美国部队将继续撤离回国。 | And Mr. Obama says American troops will continue coming home as Afghan security forces move into the lead. | |
21 | 出入除自己家以外的任何场所时,如果你带有宠物,一定要了解有关宠物的规定。 | XII. l. If you move into any place other than your own private home, make sure you know what the rules are about pets if you have one. | |
22 | 从那里开始,你以后就可以自信地进驻职业世界。 | From there you can then move into the professional world with confidence. | |
23 | 大约有500人参加过这些研讨会,大约20%的学员决定不打算进入管理层。 | Approximately 500 people attended these seminars, and approximately 20 percent decided they did not want to move into management. | |
24 | 但即使是这样,当孙子邀请金和她的丈夫搬去城郊现代化的公寓时,金还是拒绝了。 | Nonetheless, when Jin’s grandson invited her and her husband to move into a modern apartment complex in the suburbs, she refused. | |
25 | 当一些人进入管理层,他们拒绝在“危机”时刻帮助他们的员工。 | When some people move into management, they refuse to help their staffat a ’’crunch and crisis’’ time. | |
26 | 电影以对话开始,然后形成静态图片,接着成了动态图片,最后,我们赋予其情感。 | They start with a dialog and then move into pictures. Then they become moving pictures, and finally, we attach feelings to them. | |
27 | 短期而言,安全的做法是把钱投入分红股,但是准备好,时机成熟时就要转入新兴市场。 | For the short term, look to dividends as a safe spot to park your money, but be ready to move into emerging markets when the time is right. | |
28 | 对于零售业来说,拓展小店的同时,也使得零售业进入新领域。 | This will be a way for the retailer to move into new areas while branching out into smaller stores. | |
29 | 对于无法修复型损伤的情况,宇航员将进入太空站呆2-3个月,等待其它航天飞机的救援。 | In case of irreparable damage, the astronauts could move into the space station for two to three months and await rescue by another shuttle. | |
30 | 对于衍生产品,由于这些金融工具一旦结束兑换交易将要进入公开市场,公司将会有收入损失。 | On products like derivatives, firms will lose revenue as instruments once traded off exchanges will move into open markets. |