1 | 第三十四条 出口属于限制出口的技术,应当向国务院外经贸主管部门提出申请。 | Article 34. To export any technology restricted from export, an application shall be filed with the competent foreign trade department under the State Council. | |
2 | 第三十五条 国务院外经贸主管部门收到技术出口申请后,应当会同国务院科技管理部门对申请出口的技术进行审查,并自收到申请之日起30个工作日内作出批准或者不批准的决定。 | Article 35. The competent foreign trade department under the State Council shall, after receipt of a technology export application, examine the technology in respect of which application for export is filed in conjunction with the science and technology administrative department under the State Council, and decide on approval or disapproval within thirty working days from the date of receipt of the application. | |
3 | 限制出口的技术需经有关部门进行保密审查的,按照国家有关规定执行。 | Where a technology restricted from export requires confidential examination by the relevant department, the relevant regulations of the State shall be complied with. | |
4 | 第三十六条 技术出口申请经批准的,由国务院外经贸主管部门发给技术出口许可意向书。 | Article 36. Where an application for technology export is approved, the competent foreign trade department under the State Council shall issue a letter of intent for licensing the technology export. | |
5 | 申请人取得技术出口许可意向书后,方可对外进行实质性谈判,签订技术出口合同。 | After obtaining the letter of intent for licensing the technology export, the applicant may begin substantive negotiation, and conclude a contract for the technology export. | |
6 | 第三十七条 申请人签订技术出口合同后,应当向国务院外经贸主管部门提交下列文件,申请技术出口许可证: | Article 37. After concluding a technology export contract, the applicant shall submit to the competent foreign trade department under the State Council the following documents in applying for a license for the exporting technology: | |
7 | (一)技术出口许可意向书; | (1)a letter of intent for licensing the technology export; | |
8 | (二)技术出口合同副本; | (2)a copy of the technology export contract; | |
9 | (三)技术资料出口清单; | (3)a list of technical information relating to the export; and | |
10 | (四)签约双方法律地位的证明文件。 | (4)any regulatory document certifying the legal status of the two parties to the contract. | |
11 | 国务院外经贸主管部门对技术出口合同的真实性进行审查,并自收到前款规定的文件之日起15个工作日内,对技术出口作出许可或者不许可的决定。 | The competent foreign trade department under the State Council examines the authenticity of the technology export contract, and decides, within fifteen working days from the date of receipt of the documents provided for in the preceding provision, on approval or disapproval of the technology export. | |
12 | 第三十八条 技术出口经许可的,由国务院外经贸主管部门颁发技术出口许可证。 | Article 38. Where a technology is licensed for export, the competent foreign trade department under the State Council issues the technology export license. | |
13 | 技术出口合同自技术出口许可证颁发之日起生效。 | The contract for technology export takes effect on the date of issuance of the technology export license. | |
14 | 第三十九条 对属于自由出口的技术,实行合同登记管理。 | Article 39. Freely exportable technology shall be subject to the contract registration administration. | |
15 | 出口属于自由出口的技术,合同自依法成立时生效,不以登记为合同生效的条件。 | A contract for exporting a technology takes effect from the time when the contract is established according to law without taking the registration thereof as a condition for the contract to be effective. | |
16 | 第四十条 出口属于自由出口的技术,应当向国务院外经贸主管部门办理登记,并提交下列文件: | Article 40. When a freely exportable technology is to be imported, registration shall be made with the competent foreign trade department under the State Council, and the following documents submitted: | |
17 | (一)技术出口合同登记申请书; | (1)an application for registration of the technology export contract; | |
18 | (二)技术出口合同副本; | (2)a copy of the technology export contract; and | |
19 | (三)签约双方法律地位的证明文件。 | (3)any regulatory document certifying the legal status of the contracting parties. | |
20 | 第四十一条 国务院外经贸主管部门应当自收到本条例第四十条规定的文件之日起3个工作日内,对技术出口合同进行登记,颁发技术出口合同登记证。 | Article 41. The competent foreign trade department under the State Council shall, within three working days from the date of receipt of the documents provided for in Article 40 of these Regulations, register the technology export contract, and issue the certificate of the registration of technology export. |