1 | 董卓引曹操出阁看马,曹操谢道:"愿借马一试。"然后快马加鞭往东南疾去。 | Delighted, Dong Zhuo told Cao Cao to have a look at the chosen horse. Outside, Cao Cao pleaded for a test ride. He then leaped onto the horse and sped away. | |
2 | 吕布对董卓说:"曹操有行刺之举。"董卓说:"我也怀疑。"于是派人去追。此时曹操已飞马奔出东门,逃得无影无踪了。 | He must have come to murder me, said Dong Zhuo to Lv Bu. I agree, the latter chorused. They sent soldiers to give chase, but by then, Cao Cao had fled out of the eastern gate. | |
3 | 东汉末年,董卓把持朝政,凶狠专横。 | Toward the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), state power fell into Dong Zhuo’s hand, a very cruel and manipulating person. | |
4 | 各诸侯,举袁绍为盟主,带各路兵马杀向洛阳,讨伐董贼。 | Yuan Shao, the leader of an opposition force, led a punitive expedition to Lüoyang, the capital. | |
5 | 董卓派华雄迎战,连杀数将。 | Dong Zhuo sent a very battlewise general named Hua Xiong to meet the expedition army. Hua killed several generals in run from Yuan Shao’s side. | |
6 | 关羽立下军令状,愿去斩华雄的首级。 | Guan Yu volunteered to meet Hua Xiong, saying if he failed to kill him he would kill himself. | |
7 | 曹操佩服关羽,敬一杯热酒,关羽说:"酒先放在这里,我去战罢再喝。"说完,拍马出阵。 | At this, Cao Cao, in admiration, poured a cup of heated wine for Guan Yu for encouragement. But Guan said, "Keep the cup here until I come back." | |
8 | 当关羽提华雄人头进帐时,那杯酒还微微烫手。 | When Guan Yu returned with Hua Xiong’s head, the wine in the cup was still warm. | |
9 | 董卓听说华雄被杀,派吕布领十五万兵驻守洛阳城外的虎牢关。 | Dong Zhuo was alarmed at the news that his brave general Hua Xiong had been killed. He dispatched Lv Bu with 150,000 troops to guard the Hulao Pass outside the capital. | |
10 | 袁绍派八路大军前去攻打。虎牢关下吕布连杀数位将领。 | Yuan Shao sent eight armies to attack. When the two sides met, no generals from Yuan Shao’s side seemed able to withstand Lv Bu; several generals had been killed by him. | |
11 | 这时,张飞冲杀上去,连战五十回合。 | Zhang Fei charged Lv Bu, but after fifty rounds of fierce combats he still did not succeed. | |
12 | 关羽见张飞胜不了吕布,便舞动青龙偃月宝刀前去助战。 | At the sight of his sworn brother Zhang Fei unable to gain an upper hand, Guan Yu lifted his crescent-moon shaped sword to join the battle. | |
13 | 吕布围在当中,走马灯般的轮流厮杀,吕布毕竟难敌三人,渐渐觉得难以招架,便朝刘备虚晃一戟,拍马冲出了包围圈逃回虎牢关。 | The three brothers closed in. This proved too much for Lv Bu, who feigned a lance attack and while one of the three dodged, ran back to Hulao Pass for his dear life. | |
14 | 东汉末年,太师董卓专权,朝野上下敢怒不敢言。 | The manipulation of state affairs by the prime minister Dong Zhuo towards the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220)aroused strong anger in people, but nobody dared to air it. | |
15 | 正直的大臣们都想除掉他,但又苦于无好计可施。 | Upright ministers wanted to but failed to think of a way to get rid of him. | |
16 | 司徒王允,深夜独自到花园,望着天空一轮明月,心想着国家大事,不觉悄然泪下 | Deep at night and alone in his garden, Wang Yun, a minister, sighed at these worries, his tearful eyes cast up at the moon. | |
17 | 他忽然听见牡丹亭处有人长叹,走过去一看,原来是家中十六岁的美丽歌女貂蝉。 | Suddenly, he heard a sigh from the pavilion nearby. He went over to see Diao Chan, the sixteen-year-old, very beautiful singsong girl in his family. | |
18 | 问她为何长叹,貂蝉跪道:"我自入府,大人待我恩重如山,我不知如何报答才好。 | Upon enquiry, the girl went down on her knees and said, "Your excellency has treated me so nice after I came. How could I repay your kindness? | |
19 | 最近见大人总是愁眉不展,一定是有难办的大事,但又不敢问,故而长叹,如果我能与大人分忧就好了。" | I have noticed your knitted eyebrows, You must have big worries that I dare not ask. I sighed, because I wish Icould help you in some way." | |
20 | 王允一听,猛然醒悟说:"没想到汉朝天下,竟在一个女子手中啊!"他把貂蝉领到亭内,跪在地上给貂蝉叩头。 | Who could believe, thought Wang that the destiny of the Han Dynasty lies in this girl’s hand. He helped the girl up, then he himself prostrated and kowtowed to her. |