1 | 接着,他向伴奏人员点点头,开始演奏英国作曲家爱德华·埃尔加爵士的一首复杂的编号作品。 | Then with a nod to his accompanist, Julian began to play a complex opus by the English composer Sir Edward Elgar | |
2 | 她的不在已经给爱德华幸福的婚姻带来危险。 | Her absence had brought about danger to Edward ’s connubial happiness | |
3 | 她对爱德华满怀同情,对露茜的同情是微乎其微的,为了保持这一点怜悯,她得忍受若干痛苦。 | For Edward she felt much compassion; for lucy very little, and it cost her some pains to procure that little | |
4 | 她嫉妒…并且以找借口发泄她的怒气为乐(爱德华G.E.L.布尔沃-利顿)。 | She was jealous.and glad of any excuse to vent her pique(Edward G.E.L.Bulwer-Lytton. | |
5 | 她看到自己使爱德华多么难堪。 | She saw how much she had pained Edward . | |
6 | 她认为,自己对爱德华的偏爱不如玛丽安所认为的那样幸运。 | She could not consider her partiality for Edward in so prosperous a state as Marianne had believed it | |
7 | 她是既镇静又紧张的,既有求知欲又似顺从的贵妇人(爱德华·克莱因) | She is both poised and uptight,both intellectually curious and submissively ladylike(Edward Klein) | |
8 | 她已在一定程度上掌握了莱伊小姐的分析方法,现在她用之于分析爱德华的性格,取得了毁灭性的效果。 | She had acquired a certain part of Miss Ley’s analytic faculty, which now she employed upon Edward ’s character with destructive effect | |
9 | 她以那样的狂热爱上平凡的爱德华,如今想来如同逢场作戏一般。 | It seemed now melodramatic to have loved the simple Edward with violence | |
10 | 她在步那些著名人物的后尘,如拉布?巴特勒,昆廷?霍格和她政治良师爱德华?博伊尔。 | She followed in the footsteps of such illustrious names as Rab Butter, Quintin Hogg, and her political mentor, Sir Edward Boyle | |
11 | 她走到老人的身旁,说道:“那么,亲爱的诺瓦蒂埃先生,您无疑的是准备把您的财产留给您的孙子爱德华·维尔福的了。” | she gradually approached the invalid, and said: "Then, doubtless, dear M. Noirtier, you intend leaving your fortune to your grandson, Edward de Villefort?" | |
12 | 今年4月,阿尔玛生命垂危,她是在带着氧气罩的情况下在医院里和35岁的爱德华·温特举行了婚礼。 | Alma Tremmel, 32, was in a critical condition, and on a respirator in hospital when she married Edward Wert in April | |
13 | 可是爱德华并没有做伟人或乘四轮马车的才能。 | Edward had no turn for great men or barouches | |
14 | 刻薄的哲学家可能在下面这个事实中找到启发德性的教材:直到伯莎开始厌恶他,爱德华才觉得婚姻是美满的。 | The ironic philosopher might find some cause for moralizing in the fact that it was not till Beatha began to dislike Edward that he found marriage quite satisfactory | |
15 | 恐怖平衡将会结束吗?它将结束于非恐怖平衡,还是失去平衡的恐怖?(爱德华·泰勒) | Will the balance of terror ever end?Will it end in a balance free from terror,or a terror lacking all balance(Edward Teller) | |
16 | 老天在上,我对自己这种僵成了石头、想打都打不烂的诚实从来没有一丝一毫的怀疑,直到今天--今天,第一次真正的大诱惑一来,我就--爱德华,我相信全镇子的诚实都变味了,就像我一样 | God knows I never had shade nor shadow of a doubt of my petrified and indestructible honesty until now--and now, under the very first big and real temptation, I--Edward , it is my belief that this town’s honesty is as rotten as mine is | |
17 | 洛史泰格也曾与无数巨星合作演出,除马龙白兰度外,还有亨佛利鲍嘉、爱德华鲁宾逊、薛尼鲍迪、到近代的影坛偶像如席维斯史特龙、杰克尼克逊与莎朗史东等。 | In addition to Marlon Brando, Rod Steiger also co-starred with numerous superstars such as Humphrey Bogart, Edward Robinson, Sidney Poitier and those modern movie idols like Sylvester Stallone, Jack Nicholson and Sharon Stone | |
18 | 迈克耳孙,阿尔贝特·亚伯拉罕1852-1931德裔美国物理学家,同莫雷·爱德华一起证明以太这一假设的电磁波媒介的不存在,因其光谱学和气象学的研究获1907年诺贝尔奖 | German-born American physicist who with Edward Morley disproved the existence of ether,the hypothetical medium of electromagnetic waves.He won a1907Nobel Prize for his spectroscopic and metrological investigations. | |
19 | 民意测验已经成了预选运动中最重要的虚构事件(爱德华M.肯尼迪) | Polls have become the quintessential pseudo-events of the preprimary campaign(Edward M.Kennedy) | |
20 | 那位叫爱德华·汉斯利克的评论家,在轻歌剧《纽约堡的民歌手》中受到讽刺,他由此对瓦格纳恨之入骨。可仅仅是由于瓦格纳在《纽约堡的民歌手》中丑化了他,这位评论家才至今仍为人知。 | Edward Hanslick, the critic whom he caricatured in Die Meistersinger and who hated him ever after, now lives only because he was caricatured in Die Meistersinger | |
21 | 你的名字是不是叫爱德华·贝斯特? | Is your name Edward Best? | |
22 | 你昨天看到爱德华了,对吗? | You saw Edward last night, didn’t you? | |
23 | 譬如说,理查三世在害死了爱德华四世的两个孩子以后,他的良心就对他起了极妙的作用。 | Thus Richard III, for instance, was marvellously served by his conscience after the putting away of the two children of Edward IV | |
24 | 乔治接任爱德华当队长。 | George has replaced Edward as captain of the team. | |
25 | 然后他走进房间,维尔福夫人正坐在一张长榻上,正在那儿不耐烦地翻阅几张报纸和一些被小爱德华他母亲还未读完以前就撕破了的小册子。 | Madame de Villefort was sitting on an ottoman and impatiently turning over the leaves of some newspapers and pamphlets which young Edward , by way of amusing himself, was tearing to pieces before his mother could finish reading them | |
26 | 人们认为这缺乏理智,太走极端,爱德华?希恩让他辞去了影子内阁的职务。 | This was considered so insensitive and radical, that Edward Heath had sacked him from his Shadow Cabinet | |
27 | 萨里郡威特莱的爱德华国王学校的校长罗德尼·福克斯,对王太后的一次到访赞誉有加,王太后是该校的董事长,每年都在圣詹姆斯宫请学生们喝茶。 | Rodney Fox, the headmaster of King Edward ’s School in Witley, surrey, is typical in his praise of a visit from the Queen Mother, who is president of the school and entertains pupils to tea at St James’s every year | |
28 | 似乎不应该说话打破坟墓的宁静。 | To call Edward he must reawaken the echo of that room which now appeared like a sepulchre | |
29 | 虽然她对姐姐的这种错觉暗自发笑,但她还是因姐姐由于盲目偏爱爱德华而产生这种错觉而尊重她。 | Yet, though smiling within herself at the mistake, she honoured her sister for that blind partiality to Edward which produced it. | |
30 | 他挤掉爱德华,赢得了玛丽。 | He cut Edward out with Mary |