1 | 他拉开爱德华房门口的门帘,向维尔福夫人的房间里望,看见她晕倒在地板上。 | He lifted up the drapery over the entrance to Edward ’s room, and his eye reaching as far as Madame de Villefort’s apartment, he beheld her extended lifeless on the floor | |
2 | 威廉·鲁弗斯当初建造西敏斯特大厅时,把它称作新厅,以区别于撒克逊王爱德华建造的旧厅。 | When William Rufus first built Westminster Hall it was called the New Hall to stop it being confused with the Old Hall built by Edward the confessor | |
3 | 维尔福夫人的尸体横躺在门口,爱德华一定在房间里面。 | The corpse of Madame de Villefort was stretched across the doorway leading to the room in which Edward must be | |
4 | 我的名字是爱德华。 | My name is Edward . | |
5 | 我的严肃的头脑再也不会被政治的烟气所陶醉了(爱德华·吉本)。 | My sober mind was no longer intoxicated by the fumes of politics(Edward Gibbon. | |
6 | 我认为你是被爱德华说是笨蛋和新手的话所伤害了。 | I thought you were hurt by Edward ’s saying you were a duffer and a beginner | |
7 | 我受教育和偏见的影响还是很深(爱德华·吉本) | I was still the slave of education and prejudice(Edward Gibbon) | |
8 | 我喜欢和爱得华一起工作,因为他性情沉着稳重。 | I like working with Edward because he’s so calm and equable | |
9 | 我想你是跟人家保证过,爱德华。 | I think you made the promise, edward | |
10 | 我以前决未料到爱德华是这样的冥顽不灵,如此无情无义。 | I never thought Edward so stubborn, so unfeeling before | |
11 | 西奥多·罗斯福那阳刚的形象在国家的发展史上留下了重重的一笔(爱德华·波克)。 | The virile figure of Theodore Roosevelt swung down the national highway(Edward Bok. | |
12 | 现在的社会预示着重大变革的发生(爱德华·贝拉米) | The present aspect of society is portentous of great change(Edward Bellamy) | |
13 | 新闻界可以抵制大多数人理解的标准--在其他任何地方出现的所有新闻都适于印刷的合理性(爱德华M.肯尼迪) | The press can resist the standard of the lowest common denominator,the rationalization that all news is fit to print that has appeared anywhere else(Edward M.Kennedy) | |
14 | 研究报告的作者,底特律的亨利·福特健康中心的精神病学和神经病学教授爱德华·科菲医生说:“这个消息似乎使人感到不愉快。” | That may seem like bad news, said study author Dr. Edward Coffey, a professor of psychiatry and of neurology at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit | |
15 | 议会大厦的确切名称是西敏斯特宫,实际上自从撤克逊王爱德华以来,这个地方一直是一个皇宫。 | The proper name for the Houses of Parliament is the Palace of Westminster and, in fact, there has been a royal palace on that site ever since the days of Edward the confessor | |
16 | 因此,他就说服他的私人秘书,一个高雅而又多才多艺的青年,每天教爱德华一二小时。 | He there fore, prevailed upon his private secretary, a young man of taste and accomplishments, to bestow an hour or two on Edward ’s education | |
17 | 因为我的朋友爱德华?雷加特先生既是一位写文章的高手,又是一位深有造诣的画家,他在一本小书里对查里斯?思特里克兰德的作品已经做了详尽的探索。 | Since my friend, Mr. Edward Leggatt, an able writer as well as an admirable painter has exhaustively discussed Charles Strickland’s work in a little book | |
18 | 英格兰王忏悔者爱德华在原址上重建了一座诺曼风格教堂(建于1065年);1245年亨利三世将爱德华所建教堂除中堂外全部拆除,采用当时的尖拱哥德式重建,是为现存的修道院教堂。 | Edward the Confessor built a Norman-style church (consecrated 1065)on the site of an older church there; this was pulled down in 1245 by Henry III (except for the nave)and replaced with the present Gothic-style abbey church. | |
19 | 英王爱德华八世于1936年放弃王位并受封位温莎公爵。 | King Edward Ⅷ abdicated from the throne in 1936 and was created Duke of Windsor | |
20 | 英王爱德华八世于1936年退位 | King Edward VIII abdicated in 1936 | |
21 | 有一种思想使她不寒而栗,爱德华现在既不爱她,以前也根本没有爱过她,她在以前的热情专注与新近的深深憎恨之间摇摆不定。 | A cold fear seized her that Edward neither loved her nor had ever loved her, and she waved uncertainly between the old passionate devotion and a new equally passionate hatred | |
22 | 语言学硕士,耶鲁大学的退学者,空间系统处的金发男孩(爱德华·克莱因) | master linguist,Yale dropout and fair-haired boy of the OSS(Edward Klein) | |
23 | 在格洛家里,每逢这种场合,两位汉考克小姐中年纪较大的那位便转向爱德华,评论他妻子的精彩弹奏。 | On such an occasion at the Glovers’, the elder Miss Hancock turned to Edward and remarked upon his wife’s admirable playing | |
24 | 在那同一年里,他初次在百老汇登台,扮演一个温文而雅的电台记者(爱德华·赫德森)。 | That same year he made his Broadway debut,playing a suave radio journalist(Edward Hudson. | |
25 | 在维多利亚女王的膝盖上播弄的人一定看起来象守旧者(爱德华·温莎公爵) | Somebody who was dandled on Queen Victoria’s knee must appear an old fogy(Edward ,Duke of Windsor) | |
26 | 在新一年的一天,她跟平常一样坐在窗子旁,爱德华骑着一匹马,高视阔步地从车道上走来。 | One day in the new year she was sitting as usual at her window when Edward came prancing up the drive on horseback | |
27 | 在一个这样的雨天,伯莎懒洋洋地躺在一张沙发上,爱德华则站在窗旁,望着嘀嘀嗒嗒的雨点。 | One such day Bertha was lounging on a sofa while Edward stood at the window, looking at the patterning rain | |
28 | 在正餐席上,爱德华准备了他知道伯莎最爱吃的菜肴,而当伯莎表示满意时,他快活地笑了。 | For dinner Edward had ordered the dishes that he knew Bertha preferred and he laughed joyously as she expressed her pleasure | |
29 | 这时,马具匠温格特站起来提议,为"全镇最清白的人、惟一没想偷盗那笔钱财的大户--爱德华·理查兹"欢呼。 | Then Wingate, the saddler, got up and proposed cheers "for the cleanest man in town, the one solitary important citizen in it who didn’t try to steal that money--Edward Richards." | |
30 | --这一袋铅马上就要名扬四海啦--")噢,爱德华,"(开始呜咽),"咱们太穷了! | --a sack which is going to be the most celebrated in the whole uni--"] "Oh, Edward " (beginning to sob), "we are so poor! |