属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-这个世界是个烂摊子吗?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-粒腺体影响男性寿命 粒腺体阻断
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-美伊结怨早于1979年革命
属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-中非共和国流离失所者艰难糊口
1 | 沙威明明有点被马德兰先生的那种恬静、安闲、行若无事的态度窘困了。 | Javert was evidently somewhat disconcerted by the perfect naturalness and tranquillity of M. Madeleine | |
2 | 他说马德琳是个很棒的学者。 | He observed that Madeleine was a sound scholar. | |
3 | 我们已经说过,马德兰伯伯是这种活动的动力和中枢,他在这一活动中获得他的财富,但是,这仿佛不是他的主要目的,一个简单的商人能这样,是件相当奇特的事。 | As we have said, in the midst of this activity of which he was the cause and the pivot, Father Madeleine made his fortune,but a singular thing in a simple man of business, it did not seem as though that were his chief care | |
4 | 有一天早晨,马德兰先生经过滨海蒙特勒伊的一条没有铺石块的小街。 | One morning M. Madeleine was passing through an unpaved alley of M. sur M. | |
5 | 在马德兰伯伯来到这里以前,地方上的各种事业都是萧条的,现在呢,大家都靠健康的劳动生活。 | Before Father Madeleine ’s arrival, everything had languished in the country,now everything lived with a healthy life of toil | |
6 | 在那个城和那个县里,只有一个人绝对不受传染,无论马德兰伯伯做什么,他总是桀骜不驯的,仿佛有一种无可软化、无可撼动的本能使他 | One single man in the town, in the arrondissement, absolutely escaped this contagion, and, whatever Father Madeleine did, remained his opponent as though a sort of incorruptible and imperturbable instinct kept him on the alert and uneasy | |
7 | “烂摊子”这个词可以用于形容复杂的或难以处理的一些事情。一位前美国官员上个周末在谈到最近的世界大事时用到了这个词。玛德莱娜 奥尔布莱特(Madeleine Albright)说,“说得客气点,这个世界就是个烂摊子。 | The word "mess" can be used to describe something complex or very difficult to deal with. A former United States official used the word last weekend when she spoke about recent world events. "To put it mildly," Madeleine Albright said, "the world is a mess." | |
8 | ||1:她和卖花的人经常出现在公社墙边。||2:巴黎公社社员墙是个唱歌的好地方,尽管她还有其他可以唱歌的地方。||3:贝特拉姆卡吸引了大批的婚礼人群和聚集在一起的人群。||4:火车站很好,特别是如果那里有下雨时可以避雨的拱廊的话,尽管雨天通常都很糟糕。||5:她最喜欢的地方是巴贝斯-罗奇-朱厄特地铁站,地铁站的格栅处是乘客从地面换乘地铁的地方。 | ||1:She and the flower-sellers often found themselves together by the Wall.||2:The Mur des Fédérés was a fine place to sing, though she had others.||3:La Madeleine drew wedding crowds and glowing-after-mass congregations.||4:Railway stations were good, especially if they had arcades for shelter when it rained, though a rainy day was a washout, generally.||5:Her favourite pitch was the Barbès-Roche-chouart metro station, by the grilles where passengers changed from the surface to the underground line. | |
9 | ||1:玛德琳·比克曼是澳大利亚悉尼大学工作者,她跟同事一起提出一种假说。||2:他们在皇家学会哲学学报发表的一篇论文中指出,男性寿命比女性短的原因可能取决于亚细胞结构,也就是粒腺体。粒腺体通过燃烧葡萄糖为机体提供能量,利用该能量释放三磷腺苷,三磷腺苷是整个机体的燃料。 | ||1:Madeleine Beekman of the University of Sydney, Australia, and her colleagues, however, have a hypothesis.||2:As they outline in a paper in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, they think at least some of the blame lies with subcellular structures called mitochondria (pictured), which provide the body with its power by burning glucose and using the energy thus released to make ATP, a molecule that is biology’s universal fuel. | |
10 | 1997年,穆罕默德·哈塔米(Mohammad Khatami)被选为总统,重新点燃了美国的希望。第二年,美国国务卿玛德莱娜·奥尔布莱特(Madeleine Albright)呼吁两国“进一步探讨如何建立相互间的信任并避免误解。”她称,这可能是两国关系迈向正常化的关键一步。 | In nineteen ninety-seven, Iranians elected a president who raised American hopes, Mohammad Khatami. The next year, American Secretary of State Madeleine Albright called for the two countries to "explore further ways to build mutual confidence and avoid misunderstandings." She said it could be a step toward normal relations. | |
11 | Madeleine Kim-Mboussa也在排队等待领取食物。在塞雷卡叛军袭击数周之后,她和她的六个孩子逃离了自己的村庄。她说她没法留在村里,因为塞雷卡叛军杀害了她全家。她说这就是她来布阿尔镇的原因。 | Madeleine Kim-Mboussa is among those waiting. She and her six children fled their village a few weeks ago after Seleka rebels attacked. She says that she could not stay in the village because the Seleka killed her whole family. That is why, she says, she came to Bouar. | |
12 | “就我而言,”玛德琳说,“我的父亲就是我爸。” | "In my case, " Madeleine said, "my father really is my father. " | |
13 | “那又怎么样?这太难为情了!”玛德琳说。“别说了!我觉得太难为情了。” | "So what? It’s embarrassing! " Madeleine said. "O. K. ? I find it embarrassing. " | |
14 | “你不用交给别人去洗,”玛德琳毫不退缩地说。“你楼下就有洗衣机。” | "You don’t have to drop them off, " Madeleine said, undeterred. "You’ve got a washer in the basement. " | |
15 | “我们正经历系统性变革,”美国前国务卿马德琳-奥尔布赖特(MadeleineAlbright)在一次采访中表示。 | "We are going through systemic change, " Madeleine Albright, the former US secretary of state, says in an interview. | |
16 | 2000年的时候,他曾向时任美国国务卿的马德琳•奥尔布赖特索要后者的电子邮件地址,成为一段广为人知的“佳话”。 | In 2000 he famously asked Madeleine Albright, then America’s secretary of state, for her e-mail address. | |
17 | Madeleine和我互相碰杯,盛满苹果汁的酒杯闪着波光,我们互表决心,然后睡觉。 | Madeleine and I clinked our wineglasses full of sparkling apple cider, made resolutions and went to bed. | |
18 | Madeleine向我要一些热牛奶,但就像这个倒霉的夜晚一样,你打开冰箱却发现什么东西都用光了。 | Madeleine asked me for some hot milk, but on nights like this, you open the refrigerator to find that you’ve run out. | |
19 | 被改写的他者形象--从马德琳形象看贝娄的男性霸权话语 | The Image of the Adapted Other--Bellow’s Man Hegemonic Discourse from the Image of Madeleine | |
20 | 不一会儿我们就在前往马德伦的路上。 | In a few moments we were on our way in the direction of the Madeleine . | |
21 | 但不久伦纳德就开始抱怨说,他们总是住在玛德琳那里,他都没有机会在自己的床上醒过来了。 | But soon Leonard began to complain that they always stayed at Madeleine ’s place and that he never got to wake up in his own bed. | |
22 | 当她终于和伦纳德从实验室出来后,玛德琳接着就得设法哄他到她那里去睡觉。 | After she finally got Leonard to leave the lab, Madeleine then had to cajole him into sleeping at her place. | |
23 | 当玛德琳再也受不了的时候,她发疯般地扯住他的耳朵。 | When she could bear no more, Madeleine grabbed him savagely by his ears. | |
24 | 到了三月,玛德琳和伦纳德已经养成了每天晚上都在一起的固定模式。 | By March, Madeleine and Leonard had gotten into a routine of spending every night together. | |
25 | 等她好不容易离开房间之后,玛德琳坐了起来,整理好了自己的衣服。提姆也捡起外套,回他的高中去了。 | When she finally did leave, Madeleine sat up, readjusted her clothes, and Tim picked up his blazer and went back to high school. | |
26 | 芳汀每天等待马德兰先生的出现,好象等待一种温暖和欢乐的光。 | Fantine awaited M. Madeleine ’s appearance every day as one awaits a ray of warmth and joy. | |
27 | 过了一个月左右,玛德琳把巴里甩了。 | A month or so later, Madeleine got rid of Barry instead. | |
28 | 喝完了咖啡之后,他把手伸进右脚上的雪地靴里,摸出一盒嚼烟。这让玛德琳大感意外。 | After he finished his coffee, he dug into his right snowmobile boot and, to Madeleine ’s surprise, pulled out a tin of chewing tobacco. | |
29 | 亨利-基辛格(HenryKissinger)? | Henry Kissinger? Madeleine Albright? Yeah, right. | |
30 | 杰出艺术家玛德琳&达德利的设计作品。【链接】 | Creative rug designs by incredible artists Madeleine & Dudley. [link] |