1 | --(罗伊走去给罗宁夫人打电话,玛拉坐着,稍后,她突然站起身走向罗伊)--罗伊:是这样的,玛格丽特夫人将坐96趟车到达。--玛拉:我有些事要告诉你,我必须…… | --(Roy goes to make a phone call to Mrs. Cronin. Myra sits on her seat, then suddenly she gets up and goes to Roy)--ROY: The fact is, Lady Margaret Will be up on the 96.--MYRA: I must tell you something, I must… | |
2 | --(玛格丽夫人回到卧室去了。稍后,玛拉喊着冲出房内。)--玛拉:玛格丽特夫人!……玛格丽特夫人!--克罗宁夫人:什么事,玛拉?--玛拉:我必须跟你说。--克罗宁夫人:当然可以,玛拉。 | --(Lady Margaret goes back to the room. A minute or so, Myra rushes out, shouting.)--MYRA: Lady Margaret! … Lady Margaret!--Mrs. CRONIN: Yes, Myra?--MYRA: I must speak to you.--Mrs. CRONIN: Well of course, Myra. | |
3 | “家”与“伪家”:《大师与玛格丽特》中两种对立的精神世界 | "Home" and "False Home" in Master and Margaret : Two Opposite Spiritual Worlds | |
4 | 《恩格斯致玛·哈克奈斯》 | Engels to Margaret Hardness | |
5 | 53岁的姨母里莉布玛不断挥拳、踢腿,击向鳄鱼。 | His aunt, Margaret Rinybuma, 53, attacked the crocodile with her fists and feet | |
6 | 贝雷斯福德说:"千年之交的繁荣使玛格丽特·撒切尔执政时期的经济繁荣相形见绌,看起来就像爱德华·希思的1周工作3天同样不景气。 | "It has made Margaret Thatcher’s boom seem as sluggish as Edward Heath’s three-day week," said Beresford | |
7 | 超验主义一种文学和哲学运动,与拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生和玛格丽特·富勒有关,宣称存在一种理想的精神实体,超越于经验和科学之处,通过直觉得以把握 | A literary and philosophical movement,associated with Ralph Waldo Emerson and Margaret Fuller,asserting the existence of an ideal spiritual reality that transcends the empirical and scientific and is knowable through intuition. | |
8 | 传承 借鉴 再造-《大师和玛格丽特》与《浮士德》比较 | Inheritance, Reference and Reproduction-A Comparison between Master and Margaret and Faustus | |
9 | 大家强烈地要求玛格丽特再讲下去。 | margaret was eagerly pressed to say something more | |
10 | 当玛格丽特就调查结果发表意见时,她已经对弗兰克斯的报告了如指掌。 | Margaret knew the Franks’ report inside out and upside down when she gave her statement on its findings | |
11 | 狄克逊说着,对玛格丽特的烟和同情非常感激。 | Dixon said, grateful for nicotine and support of Margaret | |
12 | 第一次演讲,玛格丽特是在自己的选区芬奇莱和弗里恩巴奈特发表的,三个星期的活动十分紧张和辛苦。 | Margaret ’s first speech, in a hectic and gruelling three-week campaign, took place in her own constituency of Finchley and Friern Barnet | |
13 | 而玛格丽特真正内行的是装饰。 | Where margaret was really in her element, however, was decorating | |
14 | 该奖项始于1929年,但直到1931年才被称为奥斯卡奖。据说学院的图书馆员玛格丽特.赫里克说该雕像使她想起她的叔叔奥斯卡。 | The trophies, first awarded in 1929, were not called Oscars until1931, when, so it is said, the Academy’s librarian, Margaret Herrick, remarked that the statuettes reminded her of her uncle Oscar | |
15 | 该协会会长泰伊说:ⅸ众院支持这项法案等于认可复制一种可能被用来图利他人的人类。ⅹ | "The House of Representatives’ support to this legalization is equivalent to an acceptance to create a class of human being to be used for the benefit of others," said Margaret Tighe, President of Right to Life Association | |
16 | 哈佛大学教授Margaret Livingstone说,“有意思的是,不直视她时,她仿佛在微笑,但直视她时,她又好象不笑了。 | It is very interesting that when you’re not looking at her, she seems to be smiling, and then you look at her and she stops, said Professor Margaret Livingstone of Harvard University. | |
17 | 海默斯密斯学校校长玛格利特.鲁兰也认为孩子们必须与同龄人交往。 | Margaret Rudland, head teacher in Hammersmith, also thinks children must experience actual peer relations. | |
18 | 节育一词由桑格于1914~1915年所创。在医学上,当生育威胁到未来母亲的健康,或筛检出有产出重残婴儿的重大危险时,往往就要建议人工流产。 | The term was coined in 1914-15 by Margaret Sanger. Medically, birth control is often advised when childbirth might endanger the mother’s health or substantial risk exists of bearing a severely disabled child. | |
19 | 她和玛格丽脱说过许多知心话;可从来没有讲到她。 | Not in all her confidential talk with Margaret had she ever spoken of him | |
20 | 经过托特洛一番渲染,“兔子”吃惊地发现,玛格丽特完全是另一位简妮丝。 | After Tothero’s build-up Rabbit is amazed that Margaret is just another Janice | |
21 | 据说玛格丽特女士的鬼魂常在这个礼拜堂出没. | The ghost of Lady Margaret is supposed to haunt this chapel. | |
22 | --克罗宁夫人:你是莱斯特小姐吗?--玛拉:是的。--克罗宁夫人:我是玛格丽特·克罗宁,罗伊的母亲。恐怕让你久等了,真对不起。我坐的火车晚了半个小时。你知道最近的情况。 | --Mrs. CRONIN: Are you Miss Lester?--MYRA: Yes.--Mrs. CRONIN: I’m Margaret Cronin, Roy’s mother. I’m afraid I’ve kept you waiting. I’m terribly sorry. My train was half an hour late. You know how it is these days. | |
23 | --克罗宁夫人:亲爱的,为什么不告诉我什么事?我相信我能帮助你.--玛拉:没有人能帮我.--克罗宁夫人:但是亲爱的,什么事会是如此可怕?有别的男孩吗?--玛拉:哦,玛格丽特夫人,你太天真了。 | --Mrs. CRONIN: My dear, why don’t you tell me what it is. I’m sure I can help you.--MYRA: No one can help me.--Mrs. CRONIN: But my dear, what can it be that is so terrible? Has there been someone else?--MYRA: Oh, Lady Margaret . You are na?ve. | |
24 | --克罗宁夫人:我打扰你了吗?--玛拉:没有……请进,玛格丽夫人。--克罗宁夫人:我经声地敲,以防你睡着,不会弄醒你。--玛拉:请坐。 | --Mrs. CRONIN: Do I disturb you?--MYRA: No…please come in, Lady Margaret .--Mrs. CRONIN: I knocked very gently, so as in case you were asleep I shouldn’t wake you.--MYRA: Won’t you sit down? | |
25 | 拉蒙细心地观察玛格丽特进行雕刻时如何全神贯注,一丝不苟。 | Ramon studied Margaret ’s rapt attention to detail as she worked on the sculpture | |
26 | 马格丽特·白伦顿夫人听了这一段引经据典的言论,不禁大吃一惊,同时也气愤得无以复加。 | Lady Margaret Bellenden heard this exposition of Scripture with the greatest possible indignation, as well as surprise. | |
27 | 玛格丽特从不在乎穿、戴他人的衣服或首饰,也不在乎把自己的衣服借给别人。 | Margaret has never had any compunction about wearing other people’s belongings, or indeed lending her own | |
28 | 玛格丽特从未对妇女运动发生过兴趣。 | Margaret had never been very impressed by feminism | |
29 | 玛格丽特和穆里尔要在芬金大街的卫理公会教堂作礼拜。 | Margaret and Muriel attended Finkin street methodist church | |
30 | 玛格丽特很喜欢她的孩子,至今仍常表现出强烈的宠爱子女之心。 | Margaret was delighted with her offspring and has remained in many ways besotted by her children |