属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-最粗鲁的裁汰 The cruellest cut
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-科技出版业 好书来了
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-科技出版业 好书来了
1 | 他不在意地将摇柄从一只手换到另一只手,在柄快速旋转时,抓住它。音乐在他身边跳跃,似乎能急速地带着他和他的乐器飞过层层屋顶,越过巴黎圣母院,穿过爱丽舍大街。 | Casually he transfers the handle from one hand to the other, catching it as it twirls, the music leaping around him as if it would whisk him and his machine over the rooftops and away past Notre Dame Cathedral or along the Champs Elysees | |
2 | 我们跟在马蹄以及戴竞赛帽穿运动衫的骑手后边,从掷骰摊和玩杯艺摊跟前匆匆走边,还遇上一个大胖脸的女人--肉铺的老板娘。她正 | Dicers and thimbleriggers we hurried by after the hoofs, the vying caps and jackets and past the meatfaced woman, a butcher’s dame , nuzzling thirstily her clove of orange | |
3 | 沃德索克斯演出公司咨询了一位残疾人事务顾问,觉得“驼背”一词可能会对患有脊柱裂或脊柱侧凸的人有所冒犯,于是将其巡回演出的戏剧更名为《巴黎圣母院敲钟人》。 | Odd socks Productions has renamed its touring production The Bell ringer of Notre Dame after discussions with a disability adviser who raised the possibility of offending people with spinal bifid or scoliosis | |
4 | 现在她却是个七十上下年纪,肥胖的,红脸的老太婆了。她要于其位,唯恐失掉威势。 | She is now a fat, red-faced, old dame of seventy, or thereabouts, fond of her place, and jealous of her authority | |
5 | 乡村 [小镇] 女教师办的小学校 | ma’am school (=dame school) | |
6 | 小说原名《巴黎圣母院》,在被译成英文后名字有所改动,“驼背”一词从那时起就成了书名的一部分,直至今日。 | The original title of the novel was Notre Dame de Paris, but its name was changed when the book was translated into English and the hunchback has remained part of the title until now | |
7 | ’阳光说道,“他得到的不是一个而是十个吻。他有诗人的气质,他虽然挨揍可是又得到了吻。不过,他从幸运的金天鹅那里得到了幸运的环。他的思想像金蝴蝶一样飞了出去。这是不朽的象征!” | He got ten kisses for one; he was a poet, and was buffeted and kissed, alternately, all his life. But he held what no one could take from him,-the Ring of Fortune, from Dame Fortune’s golden swan. His thoughts took wings, and flew up and away, like singing butterflies,-the emblem of immortality! | |
8 | 一个疲惫而又收获不菲的晚上,在他们像平常一样对冰川做了细致考察后,帕梅拉告诉她,她的哥哥就是在一次登山中遇难的。 | One evening, after a tiring but rewarding day making their usual detailed study of the movement of the glacier, she told him the story.Her brother had been killed while they were climbing the Dame de Fer. | |
9 | 一个人可以获得的英帝国勋章又分为4个级别:英帝国成员(MBE)、英帝国士官(OBE)、英帝国司令(CBE)、英帝国(女)爵士司令。 | a person can become a Member, an Officer, a Commander, a Knight or a Dame of Order of the British Empire (MBE, OBE, CBE, KBE or DBE). | |
10 | 约翰·安德鲁博士的目光避开梅格德雷那冰川闪耀的光,向达姆德弗山望去。那座山像一堵黑色的石墙一直向上延展到怪石嶙峋的山顶。 | Dr.John Andrews looked across the Magdelena Glacier, aglitter with sparkling needies of light, to the Dame de Fer, which rose in a wall of black rock to a craggy summit | |
11 | 在那里,那诚实的老妇人曾关闭着我们的童年时代。 | There our childhood had been penned up by an honest old dame | |
12 | 这位孤苦无依的寡妇的内心中,就象排满名人墓碑的茔地似的满怀对她已故的丈夫和子女,以及早已逝去的朋友的回忆。 | A most pious and exemplary old dame ; poor, widowed, lonely, and with a heart as full of reminiscences about her dead husband and children, and her dead friends of long ago, as a burial-ground is full of storied gravestones. | |
13 | ||1:但这一现象所引发的情感与其说是对于建筑本身,不如说是因为失去这个建筑意味着什么。||2:巴黎圣母院是在集体意义上人性的表达。||3:仰望拱形穹顶,无人不惊叹于成千上万无名工匠的累积神工,一个半世纪以来,工匠们实现了一个愿景,结构如此宏伟,手工雕刻的细节如此精巧。||4:圣母院在850年的政治动荡中生存下来,经历了战争、革命和纳粹占领,将现在和历史连接起来。 | ||1:Yet the emotions the sight aroused were less about the building itself than about what losing it might mean.||2:Notre Dame is an expression of humanity at its collective best.||3:Nobody could look up into that vaulted ceiling without wondering at the cumulative genius of the thousands of anonymous craftsmen who, over a century and a half, realised a vision so grand in its structural ambition and so delicate in its hand-chiselled detail.||4:Its survival through 850 years of political turbulence—through war, revolution and Nazi occupation—binds the present to the past. | |
14 | ||1:最动人的艺术肖像,也许是那些更具异国情调的人:卢西亚诺 帕瓦罗蒂(他给“简单”和“过分”作出了优秀的定义),鲁道夫 纽瑞耶夫(20世纪艺术领域最具有戏剧性和最不可思议的个人历程之一),还有对巴里 汉弗莱斯和埃德娜女爵士几乎相同的描述,精辟地诠释了喜剧演员和戏剧角色之间的互相依存。||2:本书收录了很多令人好奇的人物轶事——例如哈罗德品特先生曾经在阿斯托利亚舞厅当保镖的一段经历——令览阅时意趣盎然。||3:不过它当然也提供了一些经验教训,令人开卷有益。 | ||1:Probably the most affecting profiles, however, are of more exotic figures: Luciano Pavarotti (“He gives a good name to ‘simple’ and ‘spoiled’”), Rudolph Nureyev (“one of the most dramatic and unlikely personal journeys in art in the 20th century”), and a twin depiction of Barry Humphries and Dame Edna that brilliantly draws out the co-dependency of comedian and character.||2:The book’s many biographical curiosities—such as the fact that Sir Harold Pinter once worked as a chucker-out at the Astoria ballroom—make it an entertaining volume to dip into.||3:But it also offers some cumulative lessons. | |
15 | 1992-1996年间的军情五处局长——斯蒂拉·利明顿女爵士退休后开始创作间谍小说。 | Dame Stella Rimington, head of MI5 in 1992-96, has taken to writing spy novels in retirement. | |
16 | Dame Janet Finch的报告发表之后英国政府才发出通告, | The British announcement followed the publication of a report by Dame Janet Finch, a sociologist at the University of Manchester, | |
17 | 报告发表之后英国政府才发出通告,这位曼彻斯特大学的社会学家建议鼓励一种商业模式,这个方法被一家开放出版业的先锋—公共科学图书馆所采纳。 | The British announcement followed the publication of a report by Dame Janet Finch, a sociologist at the University of Manchester, which recommends encouraging a business model adopted by one of the pioneers of open-access publishing, the Public Library of Science. | |
18 | “孩子的死让我的心如刀割。我从来都不知道亲子之爱会如此强烈地在我内心奔涌。”Stephanie爵士说道。 | "The death of a child is acutely painful. I had no idea parental love was so strong, " said Dame Stephanie. | |
19 | “就是昨天夜里你照看的那家的老太婆,她在屋角的炉灶那儿讲的,”那孩子说。 | "It was the old dame in the chimney-corner, at the house where you watched last night, " said the child. | |
20 | “它们的威力非同小可,简直是活动的导弹。”巴黎圣母院水族保护中心主管大卫.劳格这样说。 | "They are living missiles, and that’s not trivial, " says David Lodge, director of Notre Dame ’s Center for Aquatic Conservation. | |
21 | 1844年的今天-美国圣母大学在印第安纳州的获得执照。 | 1844-the University of Notre Dame received its charter from the state of Indiana. | |
22 | 64岁的海伦爵士称英国演员记台词“十分费劲”,在拍戏时,为了让大家背台词,不得不缩短排练时间。 | Dame Helen, 64, described British actors as "struggling" , saying rehearsals had to be cut short so that they could learn the script. | |
23 | 68个主教抗议圣母院大学的邀请是有意义的,但同样重要的是,数百名没有抗议。 | It is significant that sixty-eight bishops have protested Notre Dame ’s invitation, but just as significant that hundreds have not. | |
24 | StephanieShirley爵士和她3个月大的儿子Giles图:PAULGOVER | Dame Stephanie Shirley with her son Giles aged 3 months Photo: PAUL GOVER | |
25 | Stephanie爵士谈到正在开展的研究时眉飞色舞。 | Dame Stephanie speaks passionately about the research now being conducted at the centre. | |
26 | 奥巴马到达圣母院校园前数个小时,不断有示威人士闯入校园,但全部以非法侵入私人地方罪予以扣留。 | In the hours leading up to Obama’s arrival, activists repeatedly marched on to Notre Dame ’s campus, where they were detained for trespass. | |
27 | 巴黎圣母院大教堂 | Cathedral of Notre Dame Cathedral of Notre Dame | |
28 | 巴黎圣母院是世界上最著名的教堂之一 | Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the most famous churches in the world . | |
29 | 巴黎圣母院是首批有飞拱的教堂之一。 | The Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris was among the first churches to have flying buttresses. | |
30 | 包括埃菲尔铁塔和世界上最著名的教堂之一——巴黎圣母院 | including the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most famous churches in the world |