1 | “诚实乃上策”是他做生意的信条。 | That"Honesty is the best policy"is his credo for dealing | |
2 | “真相,全部真相,舍之无它的真相,这三者你选哪一个呢?”--这是一个流传久远的法庭笑话,却也是记者们用来描述同克林顿和他的手下打交道的方式。 | "The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth-which one do you want"--an old courthouse joke--is the way reporters describe dealing with this President and his people | |
3 | 1926年,他在已出版的"Mein Kampf"一书中就以一章专门论述了德国的同盟政策问题,标题为"南蒂罗尔地区及德国同盟问题"。 | In 1926 Hitler had already published the chapter in Mein Kampf dealing with alliance policy under the title "The South Tyrolean Question nd the German Alliance Problem" | |
4 | 1933年1月以后,希特勒著作甚少,除了1936年的四年工作计划备忘录以及1945年的政治遗嘱外,其他的只是关于一些特殊问题的处理的便签。 | After January 1933, Adolf Hitler wrote little: apart from a few brief memoranda dealing with specific issues, the Four Year Plan memorandum of 1936 and his political testament of 1945 were the only substantial statements | |
5 | 1991年至1999年,全国共破获制贩甲基苯丙胺案件360起,沉重打击了此类犯罪活动。 | From 1991 to 1999, China cracked 360 cases involving the production and trafficking of methamphetamines, dealing a heavy blow to such activities | |
6 | 33.中国代表表示,自1996年7月1日起,外商投资企业外汇买卖全部在银行结售汇体系进行。 | 33. The representative of China noted that since 1 July 1996, forex dealing of the FIEs was carried out through the banking exchange system | |
7 | 奥罗斯科,若斯·克雷蒙特1883-1949墨西哥画家,以其有关政治和社会的主题的壁画而著名 | Mexican painter noted for his frescoes dealing with political and social themes. | |
8 | 本店经营各类玩具,实为儿童天地。 | Dealing in an assortment of toys, this shop is really a children’s world. | |
9 | 本商场经营各种各样的国产和进口商品,有利消费者进行商品比较和购买抉择。 | Dealing in various kinds of home-made and imported commodities, this bazaar encourages consumers to make comparison and selection when they go shopping. | |
10 | 本市有好几家经营国内外名牌产品的商店。 | There are several shops dealing in famous-Brand Chinese and foreign products in this city. | |
11 | 并非完人对别人对自己都实事求是,这是对付阴影最重要的一点。 | Not Being Perfect Being realistic about others and ourselves is the most important aspect of dealing with the shadow | |
12 | 不论赛场内外,我总是努力做到最好, | I try to do the best job I can in a positive way on and off the court, but I realize that no matter what I’m dealing with, there’s somebody else out there who has it a little bit worse off, and I’ve been there | |
13 | 处理国家事务的独裁者 | A monarch dealing with state matters | |
14 | 处理申诉的机构 | Machinery for dealing with complaints | |
15 | 但是,那天晚上,一位老妇人的出现彻底瓦解了的信念:嘴巴乖巧并不意味着就能顺利与人打交道。 | But the other night an old woman shattered my belief that a glib response could smooth over the rough spots of dealing with other human beings | |
16 | 但是,我们得记住,同我们交往的每一个国家都是有私利要图的。自己一味理想主义而得不到众人的共鸣,那是很危险的。 | But it is well to remember that we are dealing with nations every one of which has a direct individual interest to serve, and there is grave danger in an unshared idealism | |
17 | 但在倾角小,地形平缓的情况下,放大垂直比例尺是有用的。 | An exaggerated vertical scale is useful, however, when dealing with low dips and subdued topography | |
18 | 但这并不是说,我们所有的同志对待人民群众都有了正确的作风,都没有了宗派主义的倾向。 | This does not mean, however, that all our comrades already have a correct sqle in dealing with the masses and are free from sectarian tendencies | |
19 | 对付敌人可以这样,对待同志,对待朋友,绝不能用这个方法。 | This kind of method is permissible in dealing with the enemy,but absolutely impermissible in dealing with comrades or friends. | |
20 | 对付敌人可以这样,对付同志,对付朋友,绝不能用这个方法。 | This kind of method is permissible in dealing with the enemy, but absolutely impermissible in dealing with comrades or friends | |
21 | 对付少年犯最好的办法是什么? | What is the best way of dealing with young criminals? | |
22 | 多年来,中国执法机关始终保持对毒品犯罪活动的高压态势,沉重打击了境内外毒品犯罪分子的嚣张气焰。 | For many years China’s law enforcement organs have consistently adopted a highhanded policy in dealing with drug-related criminal activities and struck heavy blows at the overweening arrogance of the drug-related culprits both at home and abroad | |
23 | 反革命分子怎样耍两面派手法呢? | How do counter-revolutionaries employ their double-dealing tactics? | |
24 | 跟他相处时需要一点耐心。 | A modicum of patience is necessary when dealing with him. | |
25 | 共和党参议员们立刻把问题集中在希尔教授十年以前的动机、行为和决定上,包括何以在托马斯法官对她提出她所谓的性要求以后仍愿在另一处与他共事,是否她不易与一般男人相处,当她不再受雇于托马斯法官以后为何打电话给他。 | Republican Senators immediately zeroed in on Professor Hill’s motives,conduct and decision10years ago,including why she took another job with Judge Thomas after he first made what she called sexual overtures,whether she had difficulty in general dealing with men,why she called Judge Thomas after leaving his employ. | |
26 | 关于合作处理北海石油和其他有害物质污染的协定 | Agreement for Cooperation in Dealing with Pollution of the North Sea by Oil and other Harmful Substances | |
27 | 管理大企业需要谙熟与人打交道的技巧。 | The administration of a big business requires skill in dealing with people. | |
28 | 光明磊落人人夸,身体力行有几人? | Plain dealing is praised more than practised. | |
29 | 合理作价,公平交易 | Fair pricing and square dealing | |
30 | 和平时期,武警部队主要担负固定目标执勤、处置突发事件、反恐怖任务,并支援国家经济建设。 | In peacetime, the tasks of the Armed Police Force include performing guard duties at fixed points, dealing with contingencies, combating terrorism and supporting national economic development |